No problem. Not to be a complete nit-picking bastard, but some other things I noticed from my session so far, that could be of some use at some point in time:
-- Starting off, I had stackable items to loot set to 0, but it was, as you might expect, picking up every arrow that the accumulator didn't gather. So I tried to set the price to just above the arrows, but I could only choose 0 or 1000. The slider will show the values between those points, but once you release the mouse, it goes back to either of those values.
-- And for ease of set-up, you might consider in the future adding an option to "clear-all" on the page where you assign which equipment set-up goes for each task. Right now, after you've used the "set all that are empty to:" option, you're left to manually make changes. The ability to "clear all," then re-use the existing "set all that are empty" function would be nice.