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loot style is ridiculous. loots EVERYTHING. if its not written in the ignore list. ie; if it dies it will run around picking up arrows and runes.
Bot cant deathwalk. cant get to dks. cant do anything other than the fight itself and loot.
every time it loots it eats a food. (to make space obvs)
bot uses a lot of food just getting them to offtick though.
honestly feels like this bot should be a beta or light version.
not much point in running it if it gets 10 kills then dies or is out of food.

the bot honestly isnt bad... but for the price i want to click start and walk away. and i cant with this bot
bot worked great before, now just gets stuck in poh calling the butler on repeat, when nothing in inventory
what do you mean 'nothing in inventory'? you need coins and runes for a tele minimum or bot will be confused. make sure your butler is taking ALL of the logs in your inventory.
Absolutely amazing, taken two accounts beyond 80 smithing.. perfect for ironmen gp, smooth movements, clean UI, very consistent
For Zulrah Mate in Bots
Works as intented but is not human-like, used the script reasonably but still detected by jagex g
For Based NMZ in Bots
This bot is insane. Can run all day long without issues. I really appreciate you for this bot. Perfect 10/10
Constantly bugs out during navigation. Dropping the destination and just freezing in place. Anti-pk isn't active in wildy unless you're near the chaos altar. Bot is riddled with bugs and I will just be avoiding from here on out.
Absolutely useless script that should be removed. It cant even get past gearing up in the bank. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS TRASH
solid bot, sometimes makes mistakes getting caught but still respectable xp rates. thanks again mr cuphead

any time mr great
Took 22 hours straight suiciding this CG Bot for my main account to be banned. Hope this information helps someone out there. Overall cool bot!
Works really nicely at 75 getting about 100k xp per hour, will be using it again. Keep up the great work.
Updating my review from a 3 to a 5.
Now running this on my pc and getting no issues for over a week now.

Not to mention author was prompt in providing support.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
bot dose great for getting the tokens but as soon as u set it to get defenders it just pulls the itoms out of the bank and then sits there if it gets fixed 5 star for shure
You've set it up wrong. The bot requires an armour set for all modes, so withdraw all your armour pieces and your usual potions, special attack weapons, food, etc.
Highly reliable, I've used it a ton with no problems across various accounts. Mike always has the good stuff.
Simply excellent, have used this upwards of 20 hours per week across 3 different accounts, no problems at all. Another solid one by Mike
Could you add option to use teleport tablet for lunar isle? I really love this bot, I used it on another account of mine that had a portal, but on the new account I haven't made the portal yet
Smooth bot so far, does everything it say's it does. Just hit my first 1 hour run, I'll come back to this review if anything goes wrong.
Hey thanks man :D
Theres a few little issues with worldhopping, but I'm working on making it extremely stable as we speak
I'm redoing the review, swych is very attentive and helpful, thanks for the update, making this bot even more fantastic <3
everything seems good so far im mining iron at west varrock its running up to the bank when full and coming back,its done 2 trips already
Old habits die hard, once a cheater, always a cheater - after receiving my temporary ban, I played legitimately for about a week and then went straight back to it.. I've toggled prayer flicking off as suggested by bot author and so far, so good. Bot works well on all tasks I have it set to complete
For Zulrah Mate in Bots
was working fine, now it just keeps toggling on middle mouse button in the settings. wasted 50c trynna get it to work.
restart your runelite and runemate. this tends to happen when either one is out of date.