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Alpha Slayer [Deleted]

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Sep 26, 2015
I'm going to try starting/training some accounts with this bot. Considered doing Chaeldar but I'd have to bot Agility for an entire day, Vannaka maybe, but a ton of his tasks are unsupported, and I may not get 400 slayer points by the time I hit my slayer level goal. I've considered doing 100 combat (like level 90 skills I think?) and then starting slayer at Duradel, does anyone have any experience starting accounts with this? Would Vannaka get 400 points in under 80 hours?
Oct 19, 2015
Bot withraws super magic (4) potion, then it shuts down with the error Not enough super magic (4)'s, even though i have 300 in bank?
Discord: https://discord.gg/VPzHwCm
Oct 28, 2015
Having issues changing inv/equipment setups. After editing and "save settings" settings are not changed. Am unable to effectively change default loadouts (e.g change amount of runes) and when I click save and run it runs...without saving the settings.

Tips/tricks/fix appreciated.

I am able to add a new preset and it saves the settings for that, as well as saving the "default loadout" selection change.
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Sep 26, 2015
what's a good interface to use with this? it doesn't seem to like using the oldschool (this is what i usually use for runemate, have i been doing it wrong?) Also can't find the option to camp a task, does anyone know how to enable this? (this is actually super important)
For Chaeldar: Loops teleports to Lumbridge, then teleports to Falador to get dramen staff, gets it, teleports to lumbridge, then back to falador even though we have dramen staff

EDIT: If you put one dramen in your inventory loadout and one in your equipped loadout and put it as your setup for No Task it teleports to lumbridge and spam equips dramen staff, stuck

EDIT 2: If you remove dramen staff from your No Task inventory loadout but keep the equipped one it still teleports to Lumbridge to spam equip

EDIT 3: Seems the bandaid fix is to have your default equipment setup and Dramen Staff in your no task inventory, this way it doesn't auto withdraw another and when you get to lumbridge it equips and proceeds to get task. Is the "check" for dramen staff referencing the no task preload rather than the setup?

EDIT 4: Still loops sometimes but ends up working eventually, eats a lot of Falador tabs, not sure how to troubleshoot this sorry =( Most likely just needs an inventory check update for Dramen Staff (as well as Lunar Staff or whatever) before lodestone teleport to lumbridge
Even after spending points to clear task, still goes to Turael for 1 task before returning to regular master (Chaeldar)

EDIT: Got stuck in dialogue menu when getting new task, I think RuneMate misclicked talk instead of get task, possibly a failsafe needed?

Hope these are helpful lol, will add more as I find them

UPDATE: Dramen staff bug hasn't occurred recently, not sure why.

EDIT: Suddenly infinitely stuck trying to get special contract. Never had problems with contracts before, nothing changed, just stuck, got contract manually then proceeded to monster area, bot proceeded after restart

Been running the past 20+ hours and I only have to intervene minimally, very nice
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Sep 27, 2015
it continuously tries to home tele and doesnt give it time to do the animation, any settings to fix this?
Sep 27, 2015
I haven't experienced this, what is the context?
it gets a task and teled to fally bank and then started withdrawing and depositing fally tabs over and over
and with the home tele it opens the home tele screen clicks where it needs to go for task starts to tele and then does it again (which interrupts the tele) over and over
Sep 26, 2015
it gets a task and teled to fally bank and then started withdrawing and depositing fally tabs over and over
and with the home tele it opens the home tele screen clicks where it needs to go for task starts to tele and then does it again (which interrupts the tele) over and over

Hmm which master and task?
Apr 19, 2015
it gets a task and teled to fally bank and then started withdrawing and depositing fally tabs over and over
and with the home tele it opens the home tele screen clicks where it needs to go for task starts to tele and then does it again (which interrupts the tele) over and over
I can confirm this is a bug.
This occurred on all my slayer tasks.
Sep 26, 2015

Chaeldar, took an early SS because I'm probably getting 6 houred soon

Bot is friggin amazing! Still can't figure out how to camp task, really a big issue!

When this goes premium please do a monthly/lifetime per auth, hourly rate is dumb as hell cause it eats like 40% of your profit just to run
Feb 15, 2015

Chaeldar, took an early SS because I'm probably getting 6 houred soon

Bot is friggin amazing! Still can't figure out how to camp task, really a big issue!

When this goes premium please do a monthly/lifetime per auth, hourly rate is dumb as hell cause it eats like 40% of your profit just to run
Mind sharing your settings with me? I am currently using Chaeldar and i can't even complete 2 tasks in a row before something fucks up. For example right now it wont do anything on cave crawler task.
Sep 26, 2015
Mind sharing your settings with me? I am currently using Chaeldar and i can't even complete 2 tasks in a row before something fucks up. For example right now it wont do anything on cave crawler task.

My settings for cave crawlers are blank so it just uses default
Sep 26, 2015
settings plz
also they updated it to 24 hour before you have to reload clients

thanks in advance

There's nothing special about my settings just make sure you have your default inventory and gear set up as well as have falador teletabs and all the requirements listed on info page (plus 10 woodcutting) and no degradeable gear (bot wont recognize). Also make sure to have a no task setting which is basically your default + a falador teletab and a dramen staff

Don't forget to set up for earmuffs, nose peg, all that shit, and dragon tasks
Feb 15, 2015
Just got this when turoth task was done.

at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.getThrowableException(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.reportException(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.FindOps$FindOp.evaluateParallel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.findFirst(Unknown Source)
at rm.lpt1.onLoop(cg:158)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingScript.run(evb:37)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(bpb:228)
at app.jl.run(npb:45)
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at rm.uA.case(bd:213)
at rm.com2.case(t:153)
at rm.com2.accepts(t:266)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.util.Filter$$Lambda$509/2119071452.test(Unknown Source)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.accepts(icc:174)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.InteractableQueryBuilder.accepts(thc:130)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.LocatableEntityQueryBuilder.accepts(nyb:68)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.GroundItemQueryBuilder.accepts(cic:269)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.GroundItemQueryBuilder.accepts(cic:197)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.results(icc:208)
at rm.ib.case(t:178)
at rm.lpt1$$Lambda$516/1013025234.test(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$2$1.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Spliterators$ArraySpliterator.tryAdvance(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.forEachWithCancel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyIntoWithCancel(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.FindOps$FindTask.doLeaf(Unknown Source)
at java.util.stream.AbstractShortCircuitTask.compute(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter.exec(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.execLocalTasks(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(Unknown Source)
Sep 26, 2015
20 hours off of 75 slayer on first trained account then can maybe test Kuradal, Chaeldar and Sumona working amazingly! 26k xp/hr atm. No proggies because I keep getting logged out because of stupid ass treasure hunter tokens
May 4, 2015
Can we have the option if using multiple attack styles to choose what mage spell we should autocast? When you switch melee styles it cancels out and then the bot will stop when you have to use mage for a task again. Thank you!
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