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Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

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Jun 3, 2016
Using this script at teak trees at ape atoll. The antiban screws it up. Whenever the antiban uses arrow keys and gets the deposit box out of the screen the bot starts to walk random places. Works good for the duration the box is on the screen tho.
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Bertrand updated Pi Chopper with a new update entry:

Pi Chopper v3.9.30 Released!

Pi Chopper updated to v3.9.30.

Read the rest of this update entry...

Fixed Tarddiad crystals and crystal tree shards. Also fixed sometimes crashing on start hopefully.

Using this script at teak trees at ape atoll. The antiban screws it up. Whenever the antiban uses arrow keys and gets the deposit box out of the screen the bot starts to walk random places. Works good for the duration the box is on the screen tho.
I'll add it to my todo-list!
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Maybe a option to add antiban like that? Just a idea

Anti-ban isn't really needed. As long as you bot smart you won't get banned. The Clouse takes care for most randomization. Some is done by different patterns per location of my bot.

Nonetheless will I fix the issue.
Feb 28, 2016
Bot messes up cutting Yews in Edgeville (OSRS). Frequently clicks on the wall, causing it to go outside of the area of the ruins. Also requires babysitting every time I get a full inventory, as it walks into the bank, right clicks, and then doesn't deposit or do anything else, causing it to log out. Worked fine prior to today. Other than that, everything else works flawless. Keep it up, mate.
May 30, 2016
Not sure if this problem has been stated before, but I'm cutting yews in Falador, it runs to the bank with full inventory, but then just never banks. Just stands there in front of a bank booth with a full inventory. Great bot anyways!
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Bot messes up cutting Yews in Edgeville (OSRS). Frequently clicks on the wall, causing it to go outside of the area of the ruins. Also requires babysitting every time I get a full inventory, as it walks into the bank, right clicks, and then doesn't deposit or do anything else, causing it to log out. Worked fine prior to today. Other than that, everything else works flawless. Keep it up, mate.

Catherby Yews bot cant bank after getting a full inventory.

Not sure if this problem has been stated before, but I'm cutting yews in Falador, it runs to the bank with full inventory, but then just never banks. Just stands there in front of a bank booth with a full inventory. Great bot anyways!

Seems like something changed with banking. Clever Jagex... expect a hot fix in 3 hours.
Mar 1, 2016
I'm not sure if this is on RuneMate's end with the program or if it's the script, but I've been having trouble with banking at GE yews / Edgevile yews since Runescape's game update on the 22th or 23rd (few nights ago)

It will cut the yews until my inventory is full, then it will stand at the bank unless I manually deposit the logs

Edit : just saw the two posts above me after i posted, but other than the banking changes i've been running this script on f2p suicide bot for a week with no ban (1-80), works great thanks for your hard work
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
Due to unexpected IRL problems, I have to delay the hotfix.
May 7, 2016
Yeah. Most of the bots now won't bank after the update on Thursday. If your account is sitting at a bank waiting for an IRL input, Jagex will catch on rather fast and ban you.

Good bot before the update. Take your time man. We appreciate it for sure.
Dec 14, 2014
Bot loops rs3 doing chop and shift. Gets full inventory then loops clicking in logs to shaft. Didn't watch it fully, came back an hour later to find this, so sad probably ban hammed lol oh well my fault.
Mar 10, 2015
Bot loops rs3 doing chop and shift. Gets full inventory then loops clicking in logs to shaft. Didn't watch it fully, came back an hour later to find this, so sad probably ban hammed lol oh well my fault.
The bot author has been away for a few days. I'm sure you can expect a fix soon. Hope you weren't banned :/
12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
The fix has to come from Cloud himself, so its out of my control. Please be patient.
May 28, 2016
When there are no trees spawned in Yew G.E. spot it keeps clicking a tile instead of just waiting for a yew to spawn? After a yew spawns it goes to it though, but the spam clicks look unlegit, might get banned due it, could you fix that please?
May 2, 2016
EDIT: I didn't see the user above me posted about this issue as well. Apologies.

Game Mode:
Bot settings: Edgeville & Grand Exchange yews (Haven't tested any other yew locations.)
Bot run duration: 1 minute - 6 hours.

Bug description: The bot will continuously click around the stumps of the yew trees when no trees are available to cut. Once one appears, it continues normal operation. I have noticed that a previous bug report has been made about this issue, but after a few updates I figured I should let you know that it is still an issue on my end.

Steps to reproduce: Run the bot with Grand Exchange yews, or Edgeville yews selected as a location, and wait for all the trees to be cut down.

Have you found a work-around (manual): No work around, unless you manually pause the bot until a tree is back up.

Please attach log files & screenshots: No logs/errors.
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