Had to set my slayer master to Nieve because frankly, the bot makes it to Chaeldar about 1/15 times.
Spammed all 5 of my lumby teleports after entering the shed(i had to guide it there, otherwise it gets stuck in lumby castle)
After it spammed the teletabs it proceeded to open every single door that was closed around lumbridge inlcuding the coffin for "The restless ghost".
Very buggy with Chaeldar set as master/any zanaris task like "zygomites", need to look into that.
Kalphite task worked as intended at Nieve, although it used an extra space in my inv for ardougne tabs, just speculating but it's probably to get over to Nieve if i'm not able to use the spirit trees (which i am). It should bank those in that case.
Spammed all 5 of my lumby teleports after entering the shed(i had to guide it there, otherwise it gets stuck in lumby castle)
After it spammed the teletabs it proceeded to open every single door that was closed around lumbridge inlcuding the coffin for "The restless ghost".
Very buggy with Chaeldar set as master/any zanaris task like "zygomites", need to look into that.
Kalphite task worked as intended at Nieve, although it used an extra space in my inv for ardougne tabs, just speculating but it's probably to get over to Nieve if i'm not able to use the spirit trees (which i am). It should bank those in that case.