This bot is getting so much better everyday Qosmiof

Some updates would be great if you've got the time and feeling.
- Option to cancel task if the bot doesn't support it, and get a new one straight after (to keep te bot going on for a longer period)
- Option to eat for food OVER an X amount of coins. (It now eats food for every loot over the X amount): I want my bot to pick up 2,5k+ items, but only if I have space. I want my bot to eat for 25k+ loot.
- Panic teleport under a certain amount of HP?
- Bot acts weird trying to bank at varrock west.
- I died at trolls again after the update, than picked my stuff up and started the bot again and did well.
Good to see you made the bot premium, because it's a good slayer bot. I can imagine writing a slayer bot isn't easy.