1. Status displayed in the paint at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes)
cutting tree
2. Area selected
3. Tree(s) selected
4. RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS
5. If powerchopping, what were your settings in the area tab
3. Details of what happened.
oak tree would be infront of the normal tree, mouse would mouse over oak tree and stay idle forever
4. Any other info to help me reproduce the issue.
put oak tree infront of tree without 15 woodcut
1. Status displayed in the paint at the time of the incident (Can also be found in your error logs if the bot crashes)
cutting tree
2. Area selected
3. Tree(s) selected
4. RS3 (EoC or Legacy) or OSRS
5. If powerchopping, what were your settings in the area tab
3. Details of what happened.
opened report screen idled forever, also deposits all equipment even what you have equipped which is annoying, and attacks the wizard sometimes.
4. Any other info to help me reproduce the issue.
run the bot for a while