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MassFighter [Deleted]

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Jun 27, 2015
the update didn't fix the arrows, for my character never picked up one lol. idk if this update was for the re-equip though lol
Nov 5, 2014
the update didn't fix the arrows, for my character never picked up one lol. idk if this update was for the re-equip though lol

I tested it and it works fine for me, have you added your arrow type correctly to the loot list? "Iron Arrow" not "Iron Arrows" for example
Jun 27, 2015
If you use one of the prayer options (Quickpray/Soulsplit) the bot will use prayer flasks/pots to keep your points up for you automatically.

I'll need to rework the boost system as I'm really not happy with it atm, but once I get that done this will come.

Awesome, let me know how it goes :)
I only did it for about an hour because I was botting fletching for good bit this morning, but I averaged 10k range xp (no hp) on monks and it worked flawlessly. Only thing I could suggest otherwise is just for the purpose of speeding up the xp/hr is make an option of when to re-equip. Like when you have x arrows in your inventory, or when you run out of arrows. Because I would re-equip 3 arrows after picking them up and lose a monk due to crowdedness when I could have attacked and not worried about stacking my 3 arrows on top of my 8.3k.
Jul 1, 2015
If you use one of the prayer options (Quickpray/Soulsplit) the bot will use prayer flasks/pots to keep your points up for you automatically.

i tried the quick prayer option and i forgot to tell you all the bot does is continuously click the quick prayer off and on. also this is for osrs.
Nov 5, 2014
I only did it for about an hour because I was botting fletching for good bit this morning, but I averaged 10k range xp (no hp) on monks and it worked flawlessly. Only thing I could suggest otherwise is just for the purpose of speeding up the xp/hr is make an option of when to re-equip. Like when you have x arrows in your inventory, or when you run out of arrows. Because I would re-equip 3 arrows after picking them up and lose a monk due to crowdedness when I could have attacked and not worried about stacking my 3 arrows on top of my 8.3k.

I did think that could be a problem but it's kinda hard to avoid because picking up arrows is handled by looting and looting is always prioritised because most people want it to be that way. I could move looting arrows to a separate task and make it only happen ever so often which wouldn't be too much of a problem and then add an option so arrows are only looted when there are a certain amount on the floor, would that be better?

i tried the quick prayer option and i forgot to tell you all the bot does is continuously click the quick prayer off and on. also this is for osrs.

Ah yeah I completely forgot about that, they changed a bunch of stuff on old school and I need to get that fixed thanks for reminding me.

okay, its working now :) you saved me a lot of money lol!

No problem, happy to hear it's working now :)
Jun 27, 2015
If it's that much of a hassle to fix I wouldn't worry about it tbh. I don't think anyone botting uses arrows they're not willing to run out of, or on anything to strong. Like I said, I use about 3 arrows per monk, so if it had a setting to not loot until 10 or so they might disappear before I loot. It works extremely well, and I'm crrently doing quests to get to experiments so I'll have some proggies from there soon.


Jun 28, 2015
The Bot is awesome :D
i would like to suggest something and that is an option to bury bones only when the inventory is full
Nov 5, 2014
If it's that much of a hassle to fix I wouldn't worry about it tbh. I don't think anyone botting uses arrows they're not willing to run out of, or on anything to strong. Like I said, I use about 3 arrows per monk, so if it had a setting to not loot until 10 or so they might disappear before I loot. It works extremely well, and I'm crrently doing quests to get to experiments so I'll have some proggies from there soon.

Okay thanks for the help, I'll add more options related to arrows as soon as I get these boosts reworked.

The Bot is awesome :D
i would like to suggest something and that is an option to bury bones only when the inventory is full

Thanks, I'll get that added as soon as I get around to it, quite a few things on my list atm.

no problem, any ETA on when it could be done?

I've just uploaded a fix and it will be available as soon as Cloud approves it, the update won't trigger an update alert here but it should be available soon.
Jun 27, 2015
Sooo Idk what happened but I went to range monks today, set up like normal, and the mouse just acts retarded and wont click on anything. I manually attacked the first because it wouldn't, but once I killed it it said looting but the mouse just moved between two different squares that didn't have arrows on them. I tried reloading the client twice, no luck. =\
Nov 5, 2014
Beautiful script bro! Extremely beautiful! One suggestion, banking support? :)

Thanks, banking is a big one but I'd like to see it too.

Sooo Idk what happened but I went to range monks today, set up like normal, and the mouse just acts retarded and wont click on anything. I manually attacked the first because it wouldn't, but once I killed it it said looting but the mouse just moved between two different squares that didn't have arrows on them. I tried reloading the client twice, no luck. =\

I believe there's a client issue at the moment which is breaking most bots, Cloud is working on it, sorry in the meantime :/
Jun 28, 2015
Just started getting this popup error after the bot runs for 10 minutes or so it says "unhandled error has occurred in MassFighter". Here is the code it is spitting out, I'm stumped as to what the issue could be.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a numerical value for Client.destinationX but instead we received null (OSRS: 49d60d44)
at app.Mq.char(vob:92)
at app.Mq.char(vob:255)
at app.Mq.char(vob:149)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Traversal.getDestination(obc:41)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Path.char(nic:235)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Path.char(nic:202)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.cognizant.RegionPath.step(qzb:121)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Path.step(nic:30)
at helpers.Movement.pathToLocatable(Movement.java:39)
at helpers.Movement.moveToInteractable(Movement.java:22)
at scripts.MassFighter.Tasks.Attack.execute(Attack.java:113)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.task.TaskScript.onLoop(cvb:212)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingScript.run(fob:131)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(dub:120)
at app.kl.run(dtb:273)
Nov 5, 2014
Just started getting this popup error after the bot runs for 10 minutes or so it says "unhandled error has occurred in MassFighter". Here is the code it is spitting out, I'm stumped as to what the issue could be.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a numerical value for Client.destinationX but instead we received null (OSRS: 49d60d44)
at app.Mq.char(vob:92)
at app.Mq.char(vob:255)
at app.Mq.char(vob:149)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Traversal.getDestination(obc:41)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Path.char(nic:235)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Path.char(nic:202)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.cognizant.RegionPath.step(qzb:121)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.Path.step(nic:30)
at helpers.Movement.pathToLocatable(Movement.java:39)
at helpers.Movement.moveToInteractable(Movement.java:22)
at scripts.MassFighter.Tasks.Attack.execute(Attack.java:113)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.task.TaskScript.onLoop(cvb:212)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingScript.run(fob:131)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(dub:120)
at app.kl.run(dtb:273)

There is a client issue causing most OSRS bots to break at the moment, it should hopefully be resolved soon.
Jun 6, 2015
This scr1pt has some issues on osrs. I keep dying over and over again with food still left in inventory.
Jul 1, 2015
troro1 do u add the foods name in the food option? and do you check the option to stop script when out of food? you must add the name of your food to the list on the food option.
May 1, 2015
I'm looking strongly forward to notepaper working! Until then I'm leaving 1.2m drops behind per hour.. haha
Nov 5, 2014
This scr1pt has some issues on osrs. I keep dying over and over again with food still left in inventory.

It sounds like you have either entered the name of your food incorrectly or you have not provided the bot with a valid hitpoints value to eat at, double check your settings and let me know if the issue persists, however I've not had any issues with food.

I'm looking strongly forward to notepaper working! Until then I'm leaving 1.2m drops behind per hour.. haha

I don't currently have an account on RS3 with access to notepaper but I've just checked the code for magic notepaper usage and made a few changes which I'm hoping will fix the problem, everything looks okay now. There will be a silent update to the bot over the next 24 hours which will bring the changes (I keep forgetting to make the updates trigger an alert here lol), I'm just waiting on approval.

edit: Update is out, try notepaper and report back please
Last edited:
Jun 27, 2015
This was last night, didn't want to run overnight. I'll run it for an extended time today.


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