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Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

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Feb 11, 2015
Hey @SlashnHax - While attacking elves in the elf city the bot with continuously click on the elves after they are dead(as the body stays on the ground) would there be any way to prevent this?
Dec 10, 2014
Hey @SlashnHax - While attacking elves in the elf city the bot with continuously click on the elves after they are dead(as the body stays on the ground) would there be any way to prevent this?
Do the elves eventually get back up or do they despawn after a certain amount of time?
Oct 10, 2015
Hi Slash,

Just wondering. If the player dies, does the bot go to the bank and loadout to reequip his gear?
Oct 10, 2015
On Darkscape this thing absolutely refuses to bank properly. It will not. It will go to the bank and withdraw x amount of y item but it will not go back to the combat spot. Or it will sit at bank and spam click preset 1 or 2. Or it will not go bank at all and just stand there and take it in the ass til it dies. Does anybody have any clues how to make it bank?
Nov 26, 2014
Pretty sure posting problems related to the bot is a good thing. It lets the author know of problems that could be fixed so that it can be improved.

It shows that people care.
You missed the point. Of course you should post if there is a problem. But you should also post if the bot is working well and compliment the author's hard work and dedication. A few nice words make people like me and Slash feel like we're on the right track.
Aug 10, 2015
The bot likes to equip the thing im alching and then gets stuck.
@SlashnHax - working a lot lot better than yesterday. My average is 13 kills higher than the previous revision.
Oct 25, 2015
The script works great for me my only issue is it walks to the bank but won't take any food out.

Still a great script either way :p.
Oct 10, 2015
I'm not hating on it. It's a great script. Frankly I'm not going to entertain you with an argument kind sir. I was just stating some facts. Long live botting.
Oct 17, 2015
hey, I've tried all the combat scripts here, and none of them can attack the zombies in the mage's guild basement. this would be a great botting location for darkscape since it isn't frequently used. I think the problem is that you cant enter the cage, and the bot probably checks pathing before attacking. If you could add in a safe spot option in the gui where the bot wont leave the starting tile, and it bypasses the need for pathing (with a warning ofc) it could be used in a lot more spots. Like the lesser demon in the wiz tower, and the ogers in the combat training camp. Otherwise, awesome work. you've gotten me most of my 66 mage so far lol as well as a few mill from running air/fire runes XD. Keep it up!

*edit* it will fight them extremely slowly, as in i 1 shot them, there are several there, and the bot will attack one maybe every 4 - 5 minutes
Also, the bot doesn't re-equip staves on death
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