I'm in general very happy with this bot, but there are a few things I'd like to point out (they may already have been mentioned, I apologise for that). Manouvering in the abyss is sometimes a little clunky. This includes sometimes attempting to click obstacles even though I'm already in the inner circle and communicating with the dark mage in general. Another thing is while in the bank, it will sometimes deposit and withdraw pouches, sometimes withdraw amulets of glory to the inventory and sometimes deposit amulets with more than one charge.
tl;dr: Pretty good bot m8
Yes, interaction can sometimes be wonky since it takes longer to recover from a misclick due to Spectre. Communicating with the dark mage has a long delay between each dialog because when I was trying to use the bot with pre-Spectre delays, the bot would often close out of the dialog and talk to the dark mage again because it wasn't able to properly detect that the dialog had opened.
I'm aware of the bot occasionally misclicking things; that happens on every bot and happened before Spectre as well. You should be aware that I've got error handling for misclicks, so that isn't too much of a problem.
its a bit hard to talk most efficient route when the bot pauses around 20 seconds when it jumps the wall or goes into the abyss these things are the same every time unlike inside the abyss
why would anyone make an account that i have to put 50 hours into before it even can runecraft let alone make a profit when its just fixing the absurdly long delays between actions to fix this problem
it takes time i get that but its been doing the same mistake for weeks and you reply with basically i dont care
The bot clicks the wall/obstacle within 1-2 seconds on my PC (assuming it doesn't misclick, otherwise it will wait about 5-7 seconds). The copy of the bot on my PC is the same as the bot store's. Any extra delay you may be experiencing may be a result of serverside code obfuscation, where in layman's terms, the code is made unreadable to humans so my code cannot be stolen. The bot also takes 1-2 seconds to generate a path, so it's always going to pause momentarily after jumping over the wall.
It took less than 20 hours to make my RC bots when I was goldfarming with this bot last year. As stated above, "fixing the absurdly long delays" isn't as simple as an end user like you may think.
I do care because I personally use this bot to make money and because I want to make the best bots possible. To suggest otherwise is incredibly insulting to Team Alpha and myself.
and to say that you will never get pked i ran this on a level 100 with black dhide and would usually get pked within 2 hours every time which led me to wear nothing and think ive been killed once
Use a lower level account to avoid pkers like I am. For example, even though the QBD can technically be accessed at combat level 100, would you try killing her on such a weak character? Likewise, when the majority of RS3's playerbase consists of high level accounts, why would you use a high level account that can't defend itself to goldfarm? I'm not responsible for what people attempt to do with my bot because they didn't follow the instructions on the first page that say to use this bot on a low level character to avoid pkers.