It was the popup toggle, brutal. I couldn't figure it out. Thanks for feedback.
I thought I figured the issue out but it ended up not changing anything. I have a full bot written out except for if I have a game object condition or a interaction node there are no further options to edit anything within the input boxes. In the actual interaction itself all it allows me to do is select game object for entity type, Rocks for entity name, and Mine for action. I have tried with query popups within the inspector tab both on and off, tried it with PopUp UI on and off, I really just can't figure out what has changed because I made mining bots in the past.
Apologies for the continued post, I realize it's getting a bit long but I think the issue is if i hover over any dropdown menu nothing extra pops up even with the change in settings the only time I have ever recently see something extra pop up is the notification to separate by comma which I have attached a picture of below.
Hover over the action to get the popup.
Hover over the action.