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VisualRM [DEV]

Jun 2, 2017
Yeah I've tried varbits too but the problem is with banking. The visualrm preset doesnt recognize the RC pouches so every time it banks it will deposit the RC pouches thinking theyre not suppose to be there. I think varbits involving RC pouches only tell if they are full or not, not wether they are in your inventory. Thanks for the advice though if I'm misinterpreting let me know.
If you are using VRM preset that won't work. But manually depositing it and withdrawing it will do the trick. What I mean by manually is that not using the VRM preset but instead withdrawing it by item.
Feb 7, 2017
This is my third or fourth post regarding this so apologies if it is dragged out but i'm still having the same issue. If anyone could shed light on this it would be greatly appreciated. I seem for one reason or another to not have the ability to access the drop down menus within visualrm. I have tried turning toggles on and off, switching between almost every setting within visualrm, going full screen vs minimized, nothing seems to work. My question is could it be device related? I've used visualrm since 2018 and never had this issue but I always used a pc. Now i mainly play on a surface, could that have any impact? Again, sorry for the continuous questions it has just really hindered my ability to make bots like i'm use to.
Sep 29, 2020
Hello, i have a big problem i can't eat anything from inventory anyone have the same problem, any discord or chat to contact? Thnks!!!!
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
I've been doing some work on VRM this weekend. In the next update you can expect.
- Complete overhaul of the caching system. Nothing noticable for you guys, but you can now run multiple instances of VRM in 1 Client and it should have less memory leaking. I still recommend launching 1 RM client for 1 VRM client due to java memory restrictions.
- World hop supports message for dangerous worlds. (A tad slow because it tries to use runemates world hopping first, which always fails, but I'm not going to write a worldhopper.
- Pouch Action and Pouch condition. Always use the 2 together for them to work. It internally keeps track of the pouches not only by varbit. It also supports filling and emptying in the bank window.
- NEW: Loading Custom web '*.nav' files in the inspector tab. Create your own web using Custom Web Maker on the botstore which you can load in VRM. In the traversal nodes you can then select CUSTOM_WEB to use this mesh. (It does not support obstacles, but it is very usefull now that runemate web is completely borked).
Feb 14, 2020
I've been doing some work on VRM this weekend. In the next update you can expect.
- Complete overhaul of the caching system. Nothing noticable for you guys, but you can now run multiple instances of VRM in 1 Client and it should have less memory leaking. I still recommend launching 1 RM client for 1 VRM client due to java memory restrictions.
- World hop supports message for dangerous worlds. (A tad slow because it tries to use runemates world hopping first, which always fails, but I'm not going to write a worldhopper.
- Pouch Action and Pouch condition. Always use the 2 together for them to work. It internally keeps track of the pouches not only by varbit. It also supports filling and emptying in the bank window.
- NEW: Loading Custom web '*.nav' files in the inspector tab. Create your own web using Custom Web Maker on the botstore which you can load in VRM. In the traversal nodes you can then select CUSTOM_WEB to use this mesh. (It does not support obstacles, but it is very usefull now that runemate web is completely borked).

This looks like its gonna be amazing! Cant wait for pouches and custom web loading is awesome!! Keep up the great work Tyb! :)
Banned at user request.
Aug 7, 2020
I've been doing some work on VRM this weekend. In the next update you can expect.
- Complete overhaul of the caching system. Nothing noticable for you guys, but you can now run multiple instances of VRM in 1 Client and it should have less memory leaking. I still recommend launching 1 RM client for 1 VRM client due to java memory restrictions.
- World hop supports message for dangerous worlds. (A tad slow because it tries to use runemates world hopping first, which always fails, but I'm not going to write a worldhopper.
- Pouch Action and Pouch condition. Always use the 2 together for them to work. It internally keeps track of the pouches not only by varbit. It also supports filling and emptying in the bank window.
- NEW: Loading Custom web '*.nav' files in the inspector tab. Create your own web using Custom Web Maker on the botstore which you can load in VRM. In the traversal nodes you can then select CUSTOM_WEB to use this mesh. (It does not support obstacles, but it is very usefull now that runemate web is completely borked).

Excellent! Would the pouch nodes work on a Coal bag by any chance??? :D
Oct 4, 2020
Failed to load resource: "com/atlasbots/bots/atlasbotmaker/UI/resources/fxml/controls/rootlayout.fxml"
this is how it looks: https://i.imgur.com/ueDQUxW.png
Complete Logs:
00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\USERNAME\RuneMate\logs\VisualRM [DEV] 10-05 6-54-42.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 DEBUG Created the following directory: C:\Users\USERNAME\RuneMate\bots\storage\VisualRMDEV\Cache
00:00:00 DEBUG [JSON] Loaded up json
00:00:00 DEBUG TRIAL: {"Date":41,"Time":0}
00:00:00 DEBUG Found object: {"Date":41,"Time":0}, current week: 41, current time 41
00:00:00 DEBUG Illuminated 0 seconds of freetime
00:00:00 DEBUG Submiting 0 seconds of trial for user, {"Date":41,"Time":0}

Can someone help me resolve this issue? I tried reinstalling Runemate, VisualRM and OSRS - twice. I made sure to clean up the cache and everything Runemate related. Also ive tried deactivating anti-virus software and the firewall.

Just checked the update page
VisualRM [DEV] updated to v1.2.6. tyb51, Today at 5:20 AM
Started Runemate before it got updated, restarted Client after Update - doesn't work since then. Something's bugging in this update.
Last edited:
Feb 14, 2020
Hey Tyb just letting you know the bot wont load up for me at all right now, I keep getting this error. Screenshot (36).png
When I load it up on a fresh runemate client it crashes instantly then when I try again this error pops and it comes up with a blank canvas, where none of the buttons are interactable.Screenshot (38).png
No worries I'm sure its an unintended consequence of the update. Hope you can fix this as soon as possible I really wanted to try out the update. :)
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
I'l at work now. I will check and fix it tonight if possible
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
Cause of error found. I changed the icon of ground item action a long time ago and forgot to upload it with the bot -.-
Feb 14, 2020
Cause of error found. I changed the icon of ground item action a long time ago and forgot to upload it with the bot -.-

It seems like we forget the most obvious things just like when I make my bots hahah. Just messing, thanks for all your hard work Tyb cant wait to try the update.
Niche bots at your disposal
Dec 23, 2015
As compensation for downtime I also included support for Coal bag. I have not tested this at all., so consider it beta (actually both pouches. As I don't have Runecrafting pouches at this point) :p
Banned at user request.
Aug 7, 2020
As compensation for downtime I also included support for Coal bag. I have not tested this at all., so consider it beta (actually both pouches. As I don't have Runecrafting pouches at this point) :p

LOL. Appreciate ya!