I have suggested this:
atlasbots / VisualRM / issues / #19 - Ability to make Super States. — Bitbucket
Please take a look.
@tyb51 , the walking system is bugged heavily. It is 100% botish. The bot, when told to go to an area does that but it tries to go to a specific tile and then keeps spam clicking the tile in the minimap in a VERY botish manner. As a result, the next step cannot be completed, because the bot never actually reaches the tile its aiming for.
Targetting Me option for NPC is not accurate. I have put the logic of going to ammonite crabs and letting them attack me. If they do not attack and are present, then attack them as failsafe. The bot still keeps attacking the crabs even when they attack me. Will take away the whole AFKness from the bot if i leave it for longer periods.
How can i use the bank chest on fossil island? I have made an object of the chest and even made a new variable with chest id. Still the bot does not interact with the chest.