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RuneMate Client Temporarily Disabled

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Oct 2, 2015
Okay this was weird!

Havent botted on my pure account for over a week now (havent even been online AT ALL). Logged into it today on OSBUDDY and got perm banned instantly.
Oct 21, 2015
Tried botting for the first time last night, script wouldn't work so I didn't even get to do anything closed the client and continued to play as normal. Woke up today with ban. Rip maxed main with 3.7b LOL.

Perm ban for logging into a client for 2 minutes, Jagex ruthless. Bought VIP every year it's available and spent over $1000 on MTX, they don't give a shit who you are.

look for mod on twitter and say that you only used client and did not bot and they will look at the log and may unban (ive seen this happen)
May 22, 2015
Up and running doesn't mean jackshit. People are still getting banned whilst using RSBot. Of course, you won't see a lot of people reporting bans on a single thread (official="Ban Discussions - Page 6 - Client Support"). Go through different ones and you'll get to know that a lot of their users have been banned. Talking from my powerbot experience, I know that there's got to be a couple people posting on the RuneScape(tm) section.

No ETA is set, but naturally, Arbiter and Cloud aren't lazy ass developers. They'll get shit done quickly.
No bot ever will be undetectable. for as long as bots existed people have been getting banned lol. I've never been banned yet. runemate pussies out because people get banned.
Oct 21, 2015
There will be a limited trial run available to a select few at some point today. Once we confirm with them that things are safe again the client will be re-enabled to the masses.
i would like to help test if the bot works again, im willing to put my acc at risk.
Jan 27, 2015
No bot ever will be undetectable. for as long as bots existed people have been getting banned lol. I've never been banned yet. runemate pussies out because people get banned.
The first thing is pretty evident. The second thing about RuneMate "pussies" out... I know that you're a troll or the average powerbot user, but please apply some common sense. Would you rather go with increased chances of getting banned, or the opposite with decreased chances?
Oct 6, 2015
it's unsafe to allow anyone without signing up to look at forms dont you think runescape mods can look at what everything we say

your forms are open to the public eye its unsafe and needs to be addressed

put a barrier on the forms so the only way to look at the forms is to sign up
Mar 2, 2015
it's unsafe to allow anyone without signing up to look at forms dont you think runescape mods can look at what everything we say

your forms are open to the public eye its unsafe and needs to be addressed

put a barrier on the forms so the only way to look at the forms is to sign up
That's just being paranoid imo, the fact that people were banned is a higher priority than the potential of Jagex seeing this thread, not that it would do them any good.
They really have nothing to gain from this thread, aside from knowing that they hit Runemate, which to my understanding they already knew.
Oct 30, 2015
it's unsafe to allow anyone without signing up to look at forms dont you think runescape mods can look at what everything we say

your forms are open to the public eye its unsafe and needs to be addressed

put a barrier on the forms so the only way to look at the forms is to sign up
It doesn't really make a difference as it's free and easy to make an account. I don't think that would stop Jagex.
Feb 27, 2015
it's unsafe to allow anyone without signing up to look at forms dont you think runescape mods can look at what everything we say

your forms are open to the public eye its unsafe and needs to be addressed

put a barrier on the forms so the only way to look at the forms is to sign up

LOL. That doesn't stop anything. Especially if anyone can sign up.
Nov 11, 2015
Any update on when it will be back? :) I know the Dev's are working at it

RS gods know I can powerfish/chop myself xD
Nov 6, 2015
it will force people to sign up if they wanna look at the forms

the hypocrite bug is going about
His point being that it doesn't help anybody.

Doesn't matter if Jamflex views the forums, we can assume they analized the bot client itself, to discover this vuln in the first place.
Oct 6, 2015
His point being that it doesn't help anybody.

Doesn't matter if Jamflex views the forums, we can assume they analized the bot client itself, to discover this vuln in the first place.

Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings
Hi everyone,

As most of you know, Bot Nuke Day has been a resounding success, with 98% of bots removed from the game, and we’ve struck a crippling blow to gold farmers. The overwhelmingly positive feedback and noticeable improvement to RuneScape has been truly tremendous. In addition to the various technological measures Jagex recently implemented, many of you will be aware that Jagex has for some time been engaged in a number of legal procedures aimed at stopping bot developers and the most serious bot users. These legal procedures have been the subject of a significant amount of speculation, which we will attempt to address in this post.

Some third party bot websites have been making various statements alleging that Jagex is doing a number of things that are unlawful or dishonest in some way or the other. We cannot comment on everything that is said in real time despite our deep desire to keep you abreast of matters as we need to be careful not to compromise our strong legal position.
Feb 27, 2015
it will force people to sign up if they wanna look at the forms

the hypocrite bug is going about

I'm a hypocrite? You can't be serious lol.
Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings
Hi everyone,

As most of you know, Bot Nuke Day has been a resounding success, with 98% of bots removed from the game, and we’ve struck a crippling blow to gold farmers. The overwhelmingly positive feedback and noticeable improvement to RuneScape has been truly tremendous. In addition to the various technological measures Jagex recently implemented, many of you will be aware that Jagex has for some time been engaged in a number of legal procedures aimed at stopping bot developers and the most serious bot users. These legal procedures have been the subject of a significant amount of speculation, which we will attempt to address in this post.

Some third party bot websites have been making various statements alleging that Jagex is doing a number of things that are unlawful or dishonest in some way or the other. We cannot comment on everything that is said in real time despite our deep desire to keep you abreast of matters as we need to be careful not to compromise our strong legal position.

Source? Also tbh, I don't, nor will I ever believe anything you say regarding your sources. You always say you have all this info, and an inside source, but you never show any proof and honestly, it's really fucking annoying.
Oct 6, 2015
I'm a hypocrite? You can't be serious lol.

Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings

Hi everyone,

As most of you know, Bot Nuke Day has been a resounding success, with 98% of bots removed from the game, and we’ve struck a crippling blow to gold farmers. The overwhelmingly positive feedback and noticeable improvement to RuneScape has been truly tremendous. In addition to the various technological measures Jagex recently implemented, many of you will be aware that Jagex has for some time been engaged in a number of legal procedures aimed at stopping bot developers and the most serious bot users. These legal procedures have been the subject of a significant amount of speculation, which we will attempt to address in this post.

Some third party bot websites have been making various statements alleging that Jagex is doing a number of things that are unlawful or dishonest in some way or the other. We cannot comment on everything that is said in real time despite our deep desire to keep you abreast of matters as we need to be careful not to compromise our strong legal position.

To be very clear - a lot of things that have been said, and that will continue to be said about Jagex in relation to legal matters, are untrue. Third parties making these statements are, quite simply, trying to portray themselves in a positive light or desperately instil some sort of confidence into their rapidly dwindling supporter base by trying to suggest that Jagex is somehow acting dishonestly or unlawfully. This isn’t the case at all. In fact, the Court found that Jagex had not engaged in any unlawful actions in ruling in Jagex’s favour in the most recent series of such allegations raised by these parties. Jagex takes its lawful and ethical obligations extremely seriously and would never knowingly do something dishonest or unlawful. Remember, that some of these statements are coming from people that offer a “No Ban Guarantee” with their bots, a guarantee which we all know is untrue.
I'm a hypocrite? You can't be serious lol.

Source? Also tbh, I don't, nor will I ever believe anything you say regarding your sources. You always say you have all this info, and an inside source, but you never show any proof and honestly, it's really fucking annoying.
Has Jagex unlawfully or dishonestly taken or misused player information?

Jagex always takes its legal obligations very seriously. It has acted consistently (and is continuing to act) in accordance with both US law and with European Data Protection Laws (including our terms and conditions and privacy policy). Jagex has always upheld the highest standards of personal information security and privacy and at all times, and has acted fairly, lawfully and in a justifiable manner.

Some third party bot websites have been making various statements and posting documents that have re-posted, linked to and commented alleging that Jagex is doing a number of things that are unlawful or dishonest in some way or the other. The opposite is in fact true. The developers of IBOT appear particularly upset with Jagex’s recent actions, including the fact that their bot and their business have been worthless since Bot Nuke Day. In ruling in favour of Jagex on a motion filed by the IBOT developers in the United States regarding such allegations from the IBOT developers, the court found that Jagex had not engaged in any such improprieties and that while “[t]he dire consequences predicted by defendants may transpire, but there are no legitimate grounds upon which this Court is authorized to forestall them.”

Quite simply, Jagex has always acted lawfully and honestly and the allegations levelled by the bot developers against Jagex, have been found to be without support.

What happens now?

Jagex is continuing to focus its efforts on restoring RuneScape back to its very best following a successful Bot Nuke Day. Jagex may continue to do other technical and/or legal things in the meantime, but won’t always be able to tell you all the details or specifics of any ongoing lawsuit such as the current suits in the District of Massachusetts and the Central District of California.

What happened to RSBuddy?

Some of you may also have noticed recently that a significant former bot developer RSBuddy has both acknowledged the harm caused to RuneScape by bots but also completely renounced the further development of any bot software, taking the decision to reform into a RS fansite instead. I warmly welcome this well considered and smart development, I hope that all other bot developers will quickly see the wisdom in RS Buddy’s actions and likewise summarily shut down their own harmful operations before it’s too late. In recognition of recent events and as gesture of goodwill Jagex will draw a line under RSBuddy’s previous activity and that of their former customers provided they remain true to their pledge.

Is Jagex permanently anti-bot?

Jagex always has maintained a consistent position on botting: botting is cheating and ruins the game for legitimate players. We will continue to do whatever we legally can, in both technological and legal avenues, in order to continue removing botting and gold farming from the game. This all comes at considerable cost to Jagex including: considerable development time; high legal fees; and the significant time our dedicated staff have to spend on this.

Don’t believe everything you read on botters’ forums – or take things at face value. Both the technical and legal side of things are fiendishly complicated and subject to all sorts of confidentiality obligations and opinions, that often are seriously misunderstood even by those directly involved. Also, they all claim to be “totally undetectable”, “just like a human” and offer “no ban guarantees.” All are completely false claims; we are carefully monitoring the activities of the remaining screen scraping bots in game.

Bot Nuke Day is the culmination of a series of different measures, all designed to work together, to dramatically stamp out botting in RuneScape. The measures are all working so far; as before, we are only just getting started with a number of updates due over the next few weeks and we will continue to work hard on every front to wipe botting and gold farming out of RuneScape for good.

Again, thank you for your part in helping us wipe out the bots and gold farming from RuneScape.

oh oh oh oh oh
Feb 27, 2015
Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings

Hi everyone,

As most of you know, Bot Nuke Day has been a resounding success, with 98% of bots removed from the game, and we’ve struck a crippling blow to gold farmers. The overwhelmingly positive feedback and noticeable improvement to RuneScape has been truly tremendous. In addition to the various technological measures Jagex recently implemented, many of you will be aware that Jagex has for some time been engaged in a number of legal procedures aimed at stopping bot developers and the most serious bot users. These legal procedures have been the subject of a significant amount of speculation, which we will attempt to address in this post.

Some third party bot websites have been making various statements alleging that Jagex is doing a number of things that are unlawful or dishonest in some way or the other. We cannot comment on everything that is said in real time despite our deep desire to keep you abreast of matters as we need to be careful not to compromise our strong legal position.

To be very clear - a lot of things that have been said, and that will continue to be said about Jagex in relation to legal matters, are untrue. Third parties making these statements are, quite simply, trying to portray themselves in a positive light or desperately instil some sort of confidence into their rapidly dwindling supporter base by trying to suggest that Jagex is somehow acting dishonestly or unlawfully. This isn’t the case at all. In fact, the Court found that Jagex had not engaged in any unlawful actions in ruling in Jagex’s favour in the most recent series of such allegations raised by these parties. Jagex takes its lawful and ethical obligations extremely seriously and would never knowingly do something dishonest or unlawful. Remember, that some of these statements are coming from people that offer a “No Ban Guarantee” with their bots, a guarantee which we all know is untrue.

This is full of BS just saying. "This isn’t the case at all. In fact, the Court found that Jagex had not engaged in any unlawful actions in ruling in Jagex’s favour in the most recent series of such allegations raised by these parties." the Court? The court of what? Also I'm sure you know this, but Jagex being an EU company, an EU Court could have ruled one thing, but a US Court could rule the complete opposite.
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