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RuneMate 2.0 Spectre


Apr 21, 2015
you say soon i say it takes like again 2-6 months because somone sayd me it will be released in the end of janauary now its the end of february so don say anything about time say nothing just be quiet
is tis lgit post or john bon jovi trollin and sk8's hatin' if u rly thnk dat y cn lich 'n cmplain just be quiet
Jan 27, 2015
you say soon i say it takes like again 2-6 months because somone sayd me it will be released in the end of janauary now its the end of february so don say anything about time say nothing just be quiet
Who said anything about Spectre being released in January?
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
you say soon i say it takes like again 2-6 months because somone sayd me it will be released in the end of janauary now its the end of february so don say anything about time say nothing just be quiet
End of january was an assumption and scale to how far spectre was at this point, not a deadline or ETA. And that wasn't even that wrong, shortly after the alpha launched and spectre is functional as of now, just not ready for public use.
Jan 12, 2016
End of january was an assumption and scale to how far spectre was at this point, not a deadline or ETA. And that wasn't even that wrong, shortly after the alpha launched and spectre is functional as of now, just not ready for public use.

It's nearly a month over due.......... Nobody cares about the excuses "we are trying to make it perfect". We want Spectre, not Soon™.
Oct 3, 2015
It's nearly a month over due.......... Nobody cares about the excuses "we are trying to make it perfect". We want Spectre, not Soon™.
Dude, our RuneMate client is at verison and Spectre is supposed to be 2.0. Do you realize the amount of effort and time of testing/checking you have to do in order to make sure that when you release to the public, (us) that there are no screw ups. Otherwise, the public use of Spectre (600 people running Spectre carelessly botting like we do on Runemate) will definitely fuck up the progress because now Jagex has finally caught onto the latest pattern of detection (Let's call the hypothetical release, Spectre 1.0) because we couldn't wait for Spectre to get a running-head-start.
Jul 28, 2013
It's nearly a month over due.......... Nobody cares about the excuses "we are trying to make it perfect". We want Spectre, not Soon™.
I want it to be released to. I spent ten hours today tweaking the performance of a single aspect of the API so that you guys will be able to run Spectre on lower spec hardware. I spent another dozen hours getting linux compatibility on all major distros the other day. And I'm not being paid for any of this. I'll be just as happy as you once we can show it off to the public.
Jan 13, 2016
Don't care about how long spectre takes
But Why not tell the public the release date
U can just tell them the month
Y keep it a secrecy
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Don't care about how long spectre takes
But Why not tell the public the release date
U can just tell them the month
Y keep it a secrecy
There is no release date... Why would it be kept secret. It'll be out when it's ready. We can't just know the day or month that it will be ready. As cloud just said, he's not getting paid to do this. It isn't his job. He has uni and stuff to deal with as well. And if a difficult problem arises,that's gonna make it take even longer. That's why ETA s are bad. It's just an estimate based on how things are currently going. And you guys crack the shits when they're not met.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Don't care about how long spectre takes
But Why not tell the public the release date
U can just tell them the month
Y keep it a secrecy
Why wont people get this ffs.
There is not a single reason to keep the release date secret other than the fact that there is none?
May 12, 2015
I want it to be released to. I spent ten hours today tweaking the performance of a single aspect of the API so that you guys will be able to run Spectre on lower spec hardware. I spent another dozen hours getting linux compatibility on all major distros the other day. And I'm not being paid for any of this. I'll be just as happy as you once we can show it off to the public.
You sir are a gentleman, the majority of people appreciate all the efforts of everyone involved in making runemate the best bot (which it is by far), i'd happily wait a year or more for 2.0 as it's guaranteed to be awesome since you guys are involved.
Jan 12, 2016
There is no release date... Why would it be kept secret. It'll be out when it's ready. We can't just know the day or month that it will be ready. As cloud just said, he's not getting paid to do this. It isn't his job. He has uni and stuff to deal with as well. And if a difficult problem arises,that's gonna make it take even longer. That's why ETA s are bad. It's just an estimate based on how things are currently going. And you guys crack the shits when they're not met.

You get donations, how is that not being paid?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
You get donations, how is that not being paid?
Rofl, are you serious? You think they get a significant amount in donations? You clearly don't understand how the web works. As far as i know every single cent donated goes towards paying for the servers that run runemate. The servers that keep this site alive. So no, that doesn't count as getting paid. If i see another filthy leeching post about spectre i'll be banning the poster. Sick of seeing this shit. If arbiter doesn't feel that's the right action, he can tell me otherwise. But i've had enough of this whining shit.
Feb 21, 2016
Rofl, are you serious? You think they get a significant amount in donations? You clearly don't understand how the web works. As far as i know every single cent donated goes towards paying for the servers that run runemate. The servers that keep this site alive. So no, that doesn't count as getting paid. If i see another filthy leeching post about spectre i'll be banning the poster. Sick of seeing this shit. If arbiter doesn't feel that's the right action, he can tell me otherwise. But i've had enough of this whining shit.

I was just about to write that :p probably going to servers / site
ppl should just wait patiently... and be grateful because it is free.
Jan 15, 2016
I would like to just say that I am very impressed by all that you guys have done with this site and Runemate. I personally have been learning the very basics of what you do and I would not even begin to imagine where to start. Thanks for making your hard work free and I will wait until you feel it is ready. I would much prefer a complete program than a broken one. No I do not spend much time posting and I am fairly new however what I say is genuine.
Jan 10, 2016
You get donations, how is that not being paid?
This is one of the stupidest things I have read in a long time, so I have to give my two cents. Donations are not payments. If it was, you would have to pay to access Runemate. When you donate to a charity, do you expect anything in return?

The API of Runemate is huge which helps the developers release free bots for shitstains like you. Have you released any bots or contributed to the community? You have no right to criticize any of the developers because you haven't done jack shit except bitch about the release date.