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Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

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Oct 30, 2014

I started using your script yesterday, and I would just like to say it is absolutely fantastic. It runs flawlessly for the most part. Two quick questions. For some reason, I seem to be unable to tick eat. I select the option to allow tick eating, but the script doesn't grab any karambwans from my bank. I have manta ray's selected as my food, but I thought it was just grab the karambwans at the same time. Do you know what I need to do to fix that? My other question is probably a bit dumb and has been answered before, but is there a "safest" amount of time to use this bot a day? I know not to run it for hours on end, but was wondering if there has been a "tested" so to speak amount of time that seems to be best.

Thank you,

An appreciative player
Tick eating doesn't mean combo eating, it just tries to eat while Zulrah's projectile is coming at you so that it reduces the max damage.

As for the other question, nobody really knows.
Please be aware that death mechanics have changed for Zulrah and Prime Zulrah requires an update. I'll be working on it ASAP.
Jun 24, 2020

Are there going to be changes made to the bot due to the new death update? We now have to buy our equipment back if we have over 50k
Oct 30, 2014
Updated to work with the new death mechanics. See the update log for more information.
Jun 29, 2019
it is not detecting my ring of suffering (i) and wont let me change into that gear because of it

nvm im dumb
May 14, 2020
should the bot tele after every kill? or have i set up wrong? i thought i had the supplies for another couple of kills,

nvm sorted it
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May 16, 2020
Been pretty good for almost 500 kc, but it lasted 10 mins today died twice (not switching prayer and standing in poison clouds) and crashed on starting the third run, a refund would be nice, here are the logs

edit : tried it again, same thing it's like it doesn't know which phase its in, I haven't changed anything in the setup, is it not functioning atm?


  • Prime Zulrah 6-28 13-31-00.log
    239.7 KB · Views: 1
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Jul 13, 2015
Bot works but seems a bit less stable than before. Few things i noticed that are sketchy/weird/not working properly:

  • When respawning in Falador, when it spawns too close to the wall, the bot doesn't move anymore, it just stands near the wall not doing anything. This might have to do with minigame teleport being on cooldown, why not just walk to falador bank which is already really close?
  • When it wants to recharge the staff it first teleports to clan wars with dueling ring only to then instantly use minigame teleport to teleport to fishing trawler to use the bank there, why?
  • When charging staff it withdraws- ALL for each rune and gold needed, messing up bank setup in the process. Why not withdraw- All but one?
  • Seems to occasionally just get lost while fighting Zulrah which always leads to a death, i haven't seen any specific patterns leading up to this point so i cannot say what causes it.
  • When getting food it seems to fill up the leftover inventory spaces for the first few trips and afterwards gets 14 pieces even if this leaves inventory spots open, just making it use the withdraw - all option would be perfect.
  • Deposits 2 dose potions even if you consistently use 2 doses per trip.
  • The bot occasionally pussies out when there is food left and Zulrah is almost gone (like 20-40hp left) usually happens when only having 1-2 pieces of food left and getting hit by a relatively big hit. (~30-41).
As others have suggested it would also be great if house teleports + rejuv pools > jewelry box tele would be added whether with teletabs or a runepouch.

These are all the issues that i've found so far, hope they will be of use to you.
Jun 9, 2015
When respawning in Falador, when it spawns too close to the wall, the bot doesn't move anymore, it just stands near the wall not doing anything. This might have to do with minigame teleport being on cooldown, why not just walk to falador bank which is already really close?
Because the web cannot handle a simple task like that. It is supposed to be maintained by the client-developer, but as you can see there haven't been any significant updates in a few months.
Seems to occasionally just get lost while fighting Zulrah which always leads to a death, i haven't seen any specific patterns leading up to this point so i cannot say what causes it.
This is also a client issue. Restarting RuneMate could fix the issue.
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May 14, 2020
no idea how but I've accidently let this run for 13 hours without my account even logged in, id really appreciate a refund on that? thanks either way. love the bot once I got it running properly, didn't have any problems with it at all!
Jun 9, 2015
no idea how but I've accidently let this run for 13 hours without my account even logged in, id really appreciate a refund on that? thanks either way. love the bot once I got it running properly, didn't have any problems with it at all!
Client issue. Ask @RuneMate if you want a refund.
Jun 19, 2016
Well... I just had the bot sit on the island for 5 hours, locked in the Ring of Dueling teleport menu. It managed all of 1 kill beforehand.
I'm truthfully a bit ticked about it, but trying to keep my patience. Shame to see such a great script fall from grace like this.
Jun 10, 2018
Not often, but sometimes I find the bot afk after coming out of zulrah kill. The acc gets logged out and relogging doesn't resume the bot. Basically have to restart the bot for it to work and it goes back to get another kill and works fine after that. Also, sometimes the bought doesn't eat when before 41 hp on mage phase and gest one-shotted.


I work, i fight, i win. Jk i just bot.
Feb 20, 2019
You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
[Running] Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 1 hour

2 minutes ago
You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
[Running] Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 1 hour

2 minutes ago
You sent $0.40 to RuneMate
Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 2 hours

37 minutes ago

You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 1 hour

Sunday at 4:10 PM
You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 1 hour

Sunday at 3:28 PM

You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 1 hour

Saturday at 6:15 PM
You sent $0.20 to RuneMate
Prime Zulrah - $0.20 x 1 hour

Saturday at 6:10 PM

Can these please be refunded?
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