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Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

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Jan 12, 2019
I'm really enjoying the bot so far, but I was hoping you could add a few features -
sorry if they've already been discussed, I don't seem to see a search thread tool
the tick eating is great, but sometimes it isn't enough and I die as a result, or I'll just die to snakelings
could you add karambwan combo eating support? Sometimes I'm stuck scarfing down sharks and lose dps as a result
an option to stop bot if pet is received? :) kinda wishful thinking, but you never know :p
Jun 7, 2020
Hello. This would be perfect if it supported pool in house and fairy in house. Easily detectable for people who have those things and the bot decide not to use it.
Oct 30, 2014
Hello. This would be perfect if it supported pool in house and fairy in house. Easily detectable for people who have those things and the bot decide not to use it.
What evidence do you have for this being detectable?
May 19, 2020

Is this your first time here, browsing the comments to see if it works? Short answer; it does. And it works very well.

Now, you won't be getting the best kill times, but you will be getting efficient & reliable kills. I have ran this for over 1,000 Zulrah kills. Completely flawless. Here are some tips to get you started.

First; make sure to read the guide that Defeat3d already has posted by clicking here, it will get you started on some knowledge. I will go over some things that aren't mentioned in the guide.

  1. I recommend at least 75 ranged & 75 magic minimum. This will give you long kill sessions without dying, because if you die twice within 30 minutes IT WILL get stuck getting back when you land in falador. This is a RuneMate pathing problem, not the script. So make sure you can last at least 30 minutes before deaths.
  2. Here's a little trick I learned as well, login to your RuneLite and click on worlds, and use the LOWEST ping world available. That will give you the most optimal timing between clicks & actual responses.
  3. I recommend restarting your internet before starting the bot, it's not necessary but it will give it a fresh connection and should run smooth.
  4. Use Ctrl+Alt+Del and run task manager. Right click your Jagex Launcher, click "Go to details" it will already be selected on launcher, then right click it and click "Set Priority" and put it on high, then a little pop-up will show and click "change priority". Now when you're on Netflix, Hulu, browsing other stuff, your client will have the priority on the CPU so it will not be interfered with, as this bot requires it to be basically lag free as one mis-click and Zulrah has you.
I will not be going over gear, and food, etc, as that's all account base things. There's YouTube videos and guides showing what the optimal things are to wear and bring.

Now enjoy your long killing sessions, and bot on!

Aug 31, 2017
I've been using this for the past few days. I'm not sure what the exact problem is, but every now and then the bot will just decide not to eat at all and die. I've also noticed it won't pray correctly occasionally as well.

Is this likely to just be a connection problem? It seems to be okay sometimes, but i've found i've had to babysit it as it dies and doesn't restart until i run it to a bank by hand.
Jun 13, 2020
Having issues tracking profit. The bot tracks all the items fine but doesn’t seem to register them with a price. Any fix i can do for this or something i might have missed in set up? Otherwise the bot runs great.
Oct 30, 2014
Having issues tracking profit. The bot tracks all the items fine but doesn’t seem to register them with a price. Any fix i can do for this or something i might have missed in set up? Otherwise the bot runs great.
Your firewall/antivirus might be blocking connections to the OSBuddy grand exchange API.
Apr 8, 2019
Used to bot this before, Always got hit by the melee attacks, Just started back up and i find it has significantly improved, nice job!
Jun 7, 2020
What evidence do you have for this being detectable?

Ofcourse I cannot proove this but when I have done a shit ton of kills using my pool and fairy ring in my PoH and suddenly I reset in clanwars and only use teleports, then it may look very suspicious if someone looks into my account.

I really love how it kills zulrah and its flawless imo in that part, and if you could add support for PoH pool and fairy ring then this would be 100% perfect in my eyes.
Jan 12, 2019
Got temp ban. Not sure the cause. but nothing unusual about playing pattern.
Make sure you don't ever bot on that acc again. You're on a list now and they will detect the next time you bot much more quickly and you will be permabanned. Speaking from experience.
Jun 10, 2020
Brilliand bot! The only thing i can complain about is that when i get Zulrah teletabs as drop it brings 1 less food. And on RuneMate it calculates random skills to be leveled which i think is overheating Runemate?? Any suggestions?


EDIT: It doesnt calculate loot and profit either..


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