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Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

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Jan 23, 2017
The camera movement on this so crazy ,like really crazy just noticed it. Please fix it for next update =)
Oct 30, 2014
The camera movement on this so crazy ,like really crazy just noticed it. Please fix it for next update =)
When you give someone feedback you should make it as clear as possible. If you tell me something is crazy I have no idea what makes a camera movement crazy, I have no idea how something being crazy makes it bad. I have no idea how I can turn something crazy into something good. Please keep this in mind when giving someone feedback.
Jan 23, 2017
When you give someone feedback you should make it as clear as possible. If you tell me something is crazy I have no idea what makes a camera movement crazy, I have no idea how something being crazy makes it bad. I have no idea how I can turn something crazy into something good. Please keep this in mind when giving someone feedback.
Will do, Crazy as in the camera moves around really fast for no reason.
Will do, Crazy as in the camera moves around really fast for no reason.
I don't know if this helps =/
Oct 30, 2014
Will do, Crazy as in the camera moves around really fast for no reason.

I don't know if this helps =/
I think you're talking about our antipattern simulating a player using the scroll wheel to play with the camera a little bit. I've noticed this often ends up lowering the camera pitch too much making it harder to handle traps. I will be implementing a solution for this. Other than that, there's no camera movements except from when walking isn't sufficient to get something on screen, which I don't think is crazy.

So if you're talking about the scroll wheel movements, this is an antipattern. It will occur less or more depending on a random generated PlayerSense key (so it could be happening more to you than to others using this bot), but should not be a bad thing.
Nov 3, 2013
Je moet ervoor zorgen dat je bot, als je levelt, event controleert of je niet extra vallen kunt zetten. Ik zette hem aan op level 19 en met level 40 zette hij nog steeds maar één val per keer.
Oct 30, 2014
Je moet ervoor zorgen dat je bot, als je levelt, event controleert of je niet extra vallen kunt zetten. Ik zette hem aan op level 19 en met level 40 zette hij nog steeds maar één val per keer.
Welke versie gebruikte je toen dit gebeurde? Ik dacht dat ik dit al gerepareerd had.
Oct 30, 2014
Forgot to push my manifest apparently, but an update has just been pushed that includes improved prediction and hovering. Should be a significant increase in rates doing chinchompas.
Sep 28, 2016
the bot puts down a trap in the wrong spot far too often, and when it does it just sits there trying to lay the trap again in the right spot without taking that one down, so it sits there trying to lay a trap till the one in the wrong spot falls. is there a way you can make it so it takes the ones in the wrong spot down or atleast use that one? and another thing, if someone trys to "crash" you..can u just make it so you lay a trap in a different spot then the one theyre trying to take from you?
Oct 30, 2014
the bot puts down a trap in the wrong spot far too often, and when it does it just sits there trying to lay the trap again in the right spot without taking that one down, so it sits there trying to lay a trap till the one in the wrong spot falls. is there a way you can make it so it takes the ones in the wrong spot down or atleast use that one? and another thing, if someone trys to "crash" you..can u just make it so you lay a trap in a different spot then the one theyre trying to take from you?
Scheduled for a future update.
Jan 29, 2017
Salamanders work great now, really good work on the changes there. Would it be possible to have the number of traps set an option in the UI? 3 traps was without doubt superior at red salamanders for me but at black salamanders would like to be able to use 4-5 traps.
Oct 30, 2014
Salamanders work great now, really good work on the changes there. Would it be possible to have the number of traps set an option in the UI? 3 traps was without doubt superior at red salamanders for me but at black salamanders would like to be able to use 4-5 traps.
I will make that an option yes. Friendly reminder that black salamanders are not officially supported and the bot will not evade pkers in any way.
Oct 30, 2014
Lekker pik. Wel wil ik zeggen dat het veel logischer is wanneer je 0 gebruikt voor "baseer aantal traps op level" in plaats van 6. Lijkt me trouwens sterk dat iemand minder dan het maximum aantal traps wil gebruiken.
Dan heb je deze draad nog niet gelezen.
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