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Prime Hunter FREE [Deleted]

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Mar 24, 2017
Works great on OSRS. Except that it counts chinchompas wrong. Therefore returning the profit wrong. It's usually half of what it estimates.

Also, it gets stuck if the interface Blocks the view of all the traps. Like if you're zoomed in a bit, and the inventory UI Blocks view of a trap, it won't do anything, at all. Fixed by zooming out though.
Mar 24, 2017
its actually exactly double if u start if none in ur inevetory....but @Defeat3d why has it been so long without an update?

Exactly.. It needs some love! It also has this weird dance it does where it rightclicks on the traps, over and over, 5 times maybe, before actually doing something.

I don't trust using this bot any more right now. It gets stuck weirdly often, and acts very unnatural.

Feb 14, 2017
@ red chins

Dec 5, 2016
Not sure whats up, i always bring a whole inventory of traps in case it misses one or two and I leave a spot for chins to get collected within ~115 chins i was out of traps, he wasn't interacting with them the status of the bot just kept saying something along the lines of re-setting up the trap. Had multiple accounts running and all had the same issue.
Mar 24, 2017
Not sure whats up, i always bring a whole inventory of traps in case it misses one or two and I leave a spot for chins to get collected within ~115 chins i was out of traps, he wasn't interacting with them the status of the bot just kept saying something along the lines of re-setting up the trap. Had multiple accounts running and all had the same issue.

The bot isn't well lately. Hoping for an update soon. But your problem can be fixed by zooming our or alligning the view so you can see all traps perfectly (without the inventory or other GUI blocking the view)
Apr 3, 2017
Great bot, thanks for your time and work. Some feedback: ,

- Sometimes the bot gets stuck because the inventory gets full @salamanders. Shift releasing would fix a part of the problem.
- It keeps on setting up traps when you're out of ropes and nets, because the bot lost them during hunting
- When other people come over and mess up the traps the bot keeps on setting up traps
Jan 9, 2017
Great bot, thanks for your time and work. Some feedback: ,

- Sometimes the bot gets stuck because the inventory gets full @salamanders. Shift releasing would fix a part of the problem.
- It keeps on setting up traps when you're out of ropes and nets, because the bot lost them during hunting
- When other people come over and mess up the traps the bot keeps on setting up traps

Same issues as above, works well enough if you have a few extra rope/nets in your inventory.

any chance of black chin support aswell if this we're to be updated?
Jan 13, 2017
@Zyzz Did the bot author update this bot or it still has all the problems aforementioned , looking to do red chin farm on several accounts?
Mar 24, 2017
@Zyzz Did the bot author update this bot or it still has all the problems aforementioned , looking to do red chin farm on several accounts?

You can make up to 350k an hour at chins at 63+ hunt. It's relatively stable, but I would babysit it if I were you. I only use it in 1 hour increments because it isn't 100% stable. Some of the client fixes over the past month has helped it become more stable than when I first posted about it ^^
Jan 13, 2017
You can make up to 350k an hour at chins at 63+ hunt. It's relatively stable, but I would babysit it if I were you. I only use it in 1 hour increments because it isn't 100% stable. Some of the client fixes over the past month has helped it become more stable than when I first posted about it ^^

Thanks for the feedback. I know red chins are a hot spot for sweeps and ban waves. From experience they dont last more than a week. I am thinking of just going stealthier at grey chins in Lands End (zeah). It will halve my profit most definitely but could there be longevity in this method (bot lasting more than a bond)? Do mods keep a tab on that area as well? I just want a better understanding of the detection process.

Side note no disrespect to defeat3d, would dawg hunter from awesomeman123 be the better of the two bots for what I am doing?
Aug 11, 2016
works really goood, can u make it shift drop instead of regular dropping?
amazing bot, but almost always misclicks on first try (like if its trying to check the birds snare/box trap, it walks just right next to it and then clicks on it). Other than that, its solid!!
Sad to say that breaking does not work at all! I'm using the default generated breaks and it just sits there. Doesn't do an anything after the first break!

Account is probably gonna get banned cuz if it just sitting afk for like 5 hrs :\ oh well... Just a heads up for other people.

Definitely did not expect this from a prime bot.. Missclicks happening like 9/10 times, break handler not working, profit tracking being doubled; this shouldn't be a prime bot.
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May 2, 2017
Great bot, only problem I've encountered is that it likes to click cancel when dropping raw bird meat. It'll click cancel 4 times then drop 2 then cancel 4 times then drop 2. 5/5 regardless
Just started doing salamanders seems to be doing them flawlessly perfect trap setup and perfect release click
Jan 13, 2017
Bird meat highlighted will cause the bot to stop. What i mean is literally left click on bird meat. The bot tends to do this often. Will have to babysit birds
Mar 24, 2017
works really goood, can u make it shift drop instead of regular dropping?
amazing bot, but almost always misclicks on first try (like if its trying to check the birds snare/box trap, it walks just right next to it and then clicks on it). Other than that, its solid!!
Sad to say that breaking does not work at all! I'm using the default generated breaks and it just sits there. Doesn't do an anything after the first break!

Account is probably gonna get banned cuz if it just sitting afk for like 5 hrs :\ oh well... Just a heads up for other people.

Definitely did not expect this from a prime bot.. Missclicks happening like 9/10 times, break handler not working, profit tracking being doubled; this shouldn't be a prime bot.

You're completely right. No idea why it isn't updated.
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