I'm sorry, alkimista, but you're being disrespectful and immature here. No one is saying this script is perfect. No one's saying that you're not allowed to use it. But I don't think you appreciate the toil and intense effort that goes into a piece of code. My first script on this client was a wealth evaluator - a supposedly simple script - that took ten odd hours of coding and testing and frustration and coding again. A frost dragon script is decidedly more complex. Frazboyz has had to deal with client oddities, things that should work, but don't work for infuriatingly inexplicable reasons, and other coding frustrations to craft this. It's quite understandable that he doesn't want to deal with someone who has called him lazy, insulted his hard work, and has not contributed substantial constructive criticism. In the future, please be more respectful.
I'm not using legacy mode. I'm using the EOC Revolution mode with the more modern HUD graphics, such as you have shown in your proggy. Opacity is set to 100%. I'm not sure what the issue might be or what other details you might need.