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[OutDated]Exia Miner AIO [Deleted]

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Jun 28, 2015
First I'd like to say that I love this bot! The only issue is when I try to standard mine gold in alkharid it stands still in front of the gold rocks /:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mar 14, 2014
First I'd like to say that I love this bot! The only issue is when I try to standard mine gold in alkharid it stands still in front of the gold rocks /:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is Tapatalk?
Jun 28, 2015
It's a forum viewing app for iphone/android. Not sure what kinds of forums it works on but i know its specific. Anyways it works a lot better than the site generally, but it tags tapatalk in all my posts. Its kind of annoying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Feb 27, 2015
It's a forum viewing app for iphone/android. Not sure what kinds of forums it works on but i know its specific. Anyways it works a lot better than the site generally, but it tags tapatalk in all my posts. Its kind of annoying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You can change that in the settings of Tapatalk
Oct 17, 2015
Got me from 15-55 mining overnight, then banned. Your script is good, but my IP is flagged so that's the reason why.
Wow sorry to hear friend. You just have to be pretty smart about botting to be honest. You can't powerbot like that. What I personally do is bot for a few hours.When I am asleep, I completely turn off my computer. When I am at work I bot. When I come home I stop the bot.
Oct 15, 2015
ExiaMiner AIO
People use the term AIO loosely these days, but I intend to use it to the exact definition, I have a planned massive library of locations and options.

List of supported RS3 Locations (Green are available):
Shilo Village
- Gems

Dwarven Mine
- Copper
- Tin
- Coal
- Iron
- Mithril
- Adamant
- Clay
- Gold

East Lumbridge

- Copper
- Tin

West Lumbridge (Possibly buggy)

- Coal
- Mithril
- Adamantite

- Tin
- Copper
- Iron
- Clay

- Gold

Shilo Village
- Gems

Dwarven Resource Dungeon
- Silver
- Coal
- Mithril

West Varrock
- Tin
- Iron
- Silver
- Clay

East Varrock
- Rune Essence
- Iron
- Tin
- Copper

Al Kharid
- Tin
- Gold
- Mithril
- Adamant
- Coal
- Copper
- Silver
- Iron

List of supported OSRS Locations (Green are available):
West Varrock
- Tin
- Iron
- Silver
- Clay

East Varrock
- Rune Essence
- Iron
- Tin
- Copper

Al Kharid
- Tin
- Gold
- Mithril
- Adamant
- Coal
- Copper
- Silver
- Iron

Known Bugs:
  1. West Lumbridge may experience glitches due to an anti-bot feature applied by jagex in that location.
  2. Seren power mining is untested. (DO NOT MARK "mine one drop one" if you wish to keep the ores)
  3. LRC is untested, use it at your own risk

Back Log (Green: Ready for release, Yellow: Actively being worked on, Red: Future Release)

--Next Release (Lot's of locations update)--
  1. Fix Mining guild banking (OSRS)
  2. Juju potions (RS3)
  3. Add dropping gems to power mining (RS3/OSRS)
  4. Pirates Hideout (RS3/OSRS)
  5. Coal Trucks (RS3/OSRS)
  6. Lumbridge East (OSRS)
  7. Lumbridge West (OSRS)
  8. Monastary (OSRS/RS3)
  9. Rimminton (OSRS)
--Release after that--
  1. Bank using deposit boxes
  2. Multi ore mining
  3. Multi ore power mining
  4. Mobile player banking in conjunction with a sister script
  5. Living rock remains in LRC
  6. Motherload mine (OSRS)
--Future Plans--
  1. Lava flow mine
  2. Fix LRC safezone waiting time
  3. Fix LRC remains mining while idle
  4. Fix up any LRC logic
  5. Reflex Recovery System
  6. High Alchemy or Super Heat at the mine
  7. Coal bags, gem bags, magic notepaper and essence pouches
  8. Gem cutting
  9. Smelt on the way to the bank (available in select locations)
  10. Wetting clay
  11. Runite world hopping

Change Log:
Bat Miner AIO updated to v1.0.0.
1. Initial Mining logic

New Locations:
1. Dwarven mine iron

Bat Miner AIO updated to v1.0.1.
1. Basic GUI
2. Code changes for additional locations

New Locations:
1. Dwarven mine coal
2. Dwarven Resource Dungeon Coal

Bat Miner AIO updated to v1.0.5.
New Locations:
1. East Varrock
2. West Varrock

Bat Miner AIO updated to v1.1.6.
1. GUI now themes properly
2. New location and ore selector
3. Larger mining site are now properly handled when part of the mine is out of the currently loaded region
4. Ores per hour
5. Total ore count
6. Profit per hour
7. Walking to and from the bank is now less CPU intensive
8. Hovering of the next rock is not quite as spastic
9. Code has been pushed up the class hierarchy to make the download size smaller
10. Fix for the occasional nullpointer that was the result of certain paths failing to load
11. Large numbers on the paint are now formatted for easier reading
12. When banking, the script bot should no longer wait until the player is no longer moving in order to click the banker

New Locations:
1. Al Kharid - Everything except iron since it requires a bit of custom work.

Bat Miner AIO updated to v1.2.6.
1. Switched around the profit per hour counter
2. Fixed a few cases that may have occasionally resulted in a nullpointer
3. Added total profit to the paint instead of total ores
4. Code restructure in preparation for LRC support
5. Better handling for larger mining sites

New Locations:
1. Shilo Village Gem mining.

Bat Miner AIO updated to v1.3.6.
1. Major improvement on CPU usage
2. Added some more camera movement
3. New dynamic reflex system
4. Some additional anti-pattern randomization including:
  • Occasionally will mine an ore even if the inventory is full
  • Occasionally will time out early while waiting causing double clicking of rocks
  • Occasionally will right click instead of hovering the next rock
5. Better usage of the player sense system, your player will now close the bank in different ways

No new locations added.

Exia Miner AIO updated to v1.4.0.
1. Power mining
  • Mine one drop one style
  • Action bar support
  • It will setup the action bar if you have not done so already
  • Power dropping, which allows you to disable anti-ban for faster dropping
  • Optional radius based of the location of the player when the script is started
2. OSRS support
3. Back end changes for code clarity
4. Filled out the current locations with all of their ores.
5. Changed the name
6. Just about every ore is supported for power mining in both RS3 and OSRS.
7. Seren mining should now be possible.
8. Fixed a rare null pointer that was a show stopper.

New Locations:
1. West Lumbridge
2. East Limbridge
3. Rimmington
4. East Varrock (OSRS)
5. West Varrock (OSRS)
6. Al Kharid (OSRS)

Exia Miner AIO updated to v1.4.1.
1. A couple of bug fixes for power mining.
2. Streamlined dropping methods (the power drop feature may be removed later since it is no longer that much faster).
3. Fixed a concurrent modification error.

New Locations:
No new locations

Exia Miner AIO updated to v1.4.2.
1. Added a pretty cursor

New Locations:
1. LRC

Exia Miner AIO updated to v1.4.3.
1. Minor Tweaks and bug fixes
2. Allow pickaxes to be in the inventory [OSRS]
3. Porter support [RS3]
4. Urn support [RS3]
5. Walk to bank option (Save energy by walking while the inventory is full) [OSRS/RS3]
6. Fix ores/hr being calculated off exp [OSRS/RS3]
7. Fixed a bug that made coal unminable [OSRS]
9. Fixed up some sleeps in Powermining [OSRS/RS3]
10. Added death walk to LRC [RS3]

New Locations:
1. Mining Guild [OSRS/RS3]
2. Banking a Duel Arena in Al Kharid [OSRS/RS3]

Exia Miner AIO updated to v1.4.4.
1. Tons of fixes for Null Pointers
2. Fixed Power mining's use of the action bar
3. Fixed Seren stones being ignored

New Locations:
No new locations
Progress reports:





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When I get all the f2p locations added and have enough for a bond I will :)

can you add barbarian village and bank at edgeville?
for mining coal
Oct 16, 2015

I love this bot. I am power mining Iron at East Varrock. However, the first inventory it power mines proper, fills the inventory and power drops them all together. After that, the next inventory, it automatically starts to drop ores one by one after mining one, it drops one. I dont even have this option selected. Possible fix?

my settings are, power mining, select Iron, select option power mine and start. It asks me to disable the anti-ban however I dont know how to do that?

If anyone can help with this it will be appreciated.
Can someone help me with the above issue? ^
May 23, 2015
Hey I get this error every time I start the bot on osrs.

at rm.Com6.byte(gb:52)
at scripts.ExiaMinerAIo_OnStart(qb:327)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractScript.start(bpb:80)
at app.jl.run(npb:45)

My settings are:
Standard Mining
Varrock East

Any idea why?
Nov 6, 2015
Hey man, great script! I LOVE the reaction time changing over time!

Only thing, mouse speed seems a little high, is this just me?
Oct 19, 2015
Hey man, great script! I LOVE the reaction time changing over time!

Only thing, mouse speed seems a little high, is this just me?
You can adjust that in your runemate client settings. This is handled by the client not the bot. :)


Nov 4, 2015
It's good but trying to mine gold but when I'm in the mine it'll just stand around saying waiting for respawn even though the veins are ready to be used, if you have a full inventory of gold it'll bank it no prob though.
Nov 6, 2015
It's good but trying to mine gold but when I'm in the mine it'll just stand around saying waiting for respawn even though the veins are ready to be used, if you have a full inventory of gold it'll bank it no prob though.
Listing the location your trying would likely help with solving this.
While the bot was dropping, it clicked Use on an ore, and it frooze after that, trying to right click ores to drop them, which it couldnt, because it still had an ore selected.


Just happened to me again two more times.
Last edited:
Nov 7, 2015
Every time I mine coal at the mining guild my guy gets stuck on the side of the bank and won't correct itself to move inside. It just keeps clicking bank and the response is "you can't reach that"
Nov 6, 2015
Just to let you know, the bot got stuck dropping again twice today, within a 2 hour period. I'm using standard dropping, not m1d1 or power dropping.
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