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MaxiWoodcutter TRIAL [Deleted]

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Dec 18, 2014
There's a large cluster north of the East entrance to varrock that I see people cut all the time, just plain old normal trees. There's also 2 or 3 oak trees just outside the same entrance. Both would be great, if possible. Thank you for all you do
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
There's a large cluster north of the East entrance to varrock that I see people cut all the time, just plain old normal trees. There's also 2 or 3 oak trees just outside the same entrance. Both would be great, if possible. Thank you for all you do
Sounds like a great idea, i'll make sure to add it when i get a chance.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
There's a large cluster north of the East entrance to varrock that I see people cut all the time, just plain old normal trees. There's also 2 or 3 oak trees just outside the same entrance. Both would be great, if possible. Thank you for all you do
This will be out shortly :)

Edit: Ran into web walking problems with the east gates and unfortunately im out of time to finish it so i'll try and get it done tomorrow. Also if you could show me which normal trees you want added i'll add that too
Last edited:
Dec 18, 2014
This will be out shortly :)

Edit: Ran into web walking problems with the east gates and unfortunately im out of time to finish it so i'll try and get it done tomorrow. Also if you could show me which normal trees you want added i'll add that too

Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Thanks ill fix it up in a few hours. They decided to change some tree naming ever so slightly which threw off my script
That's odd, i've already got it set to that. Are you in osrs or rs3?
Dec 17, 2014
Tested on the draynor , sadly it does not bank oaks :|
Script runs fine too
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I was hoping you'd say osrs cause that would have been the clients fault lol. Good new is that if it's rs3 it's probably my side and an easy fix at that.
But first lets check out your setup. Hadwood grove isn't predefined in the script so i need to make sure you're making our area correctly. So if you could tell me or show me a screenshot of the Area Settings tab in the gui that would be great.
Tested on the draynor , sadly it does not bank oaks :|
Script runs fine too
Does it bank other logs though? I'll look into it, should be nothing more than a capitalization problem or something similar.
maple not working at all
also problems with bonfire modality
Please be more specific about what's not working, which settings do you have, what's the status etc.
Also what problems are you experiencing with the bonfire option?

Proggy :D

Idk how to post just the image...
Glad it's working for you :)

Rest assured, all problems will be sorted out asap.
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
At draynor , it banks willows. Was hoping to bank oaks for the $$
Ah i thought you meant it literally couldn't bank them, not that it wasn't supported lol. I actually did add draynor oks but forgot to add it to the enum that populates the gui list. Pushing an update now for you :)
Dec 17, 2014
Ah i thought you meant it literally couldn't bank them, not that it wasn't supported lol. I actually did add draynor oks but forgot to add it to the enum that populates the gui list. Pushing an update now for you :)

Yup , i know it wasn't supported. It was not in the gui list.
Will test it when im home later. Thanks

Probably post a proggy too.
Dec 17, 2014
I was hoping you'd say osrs cause that would have been the clients fault lol. Good new is that if it's rs3 it's probably my side and an easy fix at that.
But first lets check out your setup. Hadwood grove isn't predefined in the script so i need to make sure you're making our area correctly. So if you could tell me or show me a screenshot of the Area Settings tab in the gui that would be great.
It's working now, I had the radius set to "10" and once I changed to "50" it seemed to work :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
It's working now, I had the radius set to "10" and once I changed to "50" it seemed to work :)
Radius is the amount of tiles from player tat you want it to check for. This center tile is only set when you click start so you need to be at the correct location when starting it. If you didn't click start when you were near the trees it wouldn't have set the area around the trees correctly. I recommend using a rectangular area and setting your own corner tiles that way you can ensure the entire lot of trees is selected.
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