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MaxiWoodcutter TRIAL [Deleted]

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Dec 11, 2014
This is some bananas shit. Now it went to lobby and came back without giving me the fothermucking message. Fuck it, I can just check if the script stopped everytime I hear the lobby music, yeah, I can live with that.
Dec 11, 2014
I left the bot cutting willows at draynor and it worked for 6 hours straight. Seems like the issue only appears when I cut down yew trees

Edit: Wait, what? Nah m8. At lvl 80 wc it doesn't take 6 hours to cut 500 willow logs.
This night I ran the the script again at willlows and it stopped 1 hour after. The script didn't stop because of the message, actually I don't get those messages when I cut willows at draynor, the bot just literally stopped doing things... That's how I just realized it didn't work for 6 hour straight. Damn son.
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Jan 28, 2015
92-96 so far on OSRS 24/7 at catherby yews.. great so far only complaint is ive lost atleast 3m in profit because it does not loot nests.. there is a button for it but it does not pick them up :l besides that great script. MAKE A OSRS FLETCHER IMMA NEED IT IN 70hours lol :) ty for amazing scripts should be a paid script not free imho
Jan 25, 2015
Great script so far, gone from level 65 - 85 in no time, and aiming for 99. Only things that are an issue is the amount of errors which close the script, makes running it without babysitting it impossible. 9/10
Jan 25, 2015
Ah sorry, that's my bad. I didn't realise you'd responsed my apologies. Well so far it's not worked for any kind of log, but personally I cut Ivy more than anything. The current exact name of the nests are "Bird's Nest".

Also, I'm kinda showcasing this bot for you haha, done 65-92 in a couple of weeks, and will be using this bot all the way to 99, and will let everyone know once I achieve it. :)
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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Ah sorry, that's my bad. I didn't realise you'd responsed my apologies. Well so far it's not worked for any kind of log, but personally I cut Ivy more than anything. The current exact name of the nests are "Bird's Nest".

Also, I'm kinda showcasing this bot for you haha, done 65-92 in a couple of weeks, and will be using this bot all the way to 99, and will let everyone know once I achieve it. :)
So it's capital n? Haha nice, glad it's working well for you :p

Edit: Try it now
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Feb 7, 2015
Hey I just have a suggestion to add some randomness when hitting the "deposit all" tab in the bank. It just seems to click the same spot every time.
edit: never mind it seems to change every so often.
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Dec 18, 2014
If I level up, it doesn't re-click the tree or click "Continue" on the level up screen... So it ends up sitting there, basically AFK.

EDIT - Also, cutting maples in seers doesn't work. It'll walk to the area, but not cut any maples.
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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
If I level up, it doesn't re-click the tree or click "Continue" on the level up screen... So it ends up sitting there, basically AFK.

EDIT - Also, cutting maples in seers doesn't work. It'll walk to the area, but not cut any maples.
How the fuck are some of you having trouble with maples. Every time it's reported, i test it and it works fine :/ I'll look into the continue thing soon, got a big headache at the moment.
Feb 13, 2015
Biggest problem is that when you level op it stops cutting, basicly you have to be there everytime it levels up.

Also one time in Draynor Bank osrs it misclicked bank so it just stood and talked to the bank guy.

Thx for this tho, its really great :)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Biggest problem is that when you level op it stops cutting, basicly you have to be there everytime it levels up.

Also one time in Draynor Bank osrs it misclicked bank so it just stood and talked to the bank guy.

Thx for this tho, its really great :)
If you click the continue button in the level up message, doe the script continue?


Jan 22, 2015
Not sure what happened but got banned using this script to. 3 accounts in the last 24 hours using different scripts. I was cutting normal logs and after 4 hours got banned. I think it was from when it's banking at varrock west it kinda runs around when going into the bank and it always seems to take the same path when going back. That's just what i noticed. It can't be my ip still been running divination for longer. And i switch out my ip after the first 2.
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