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MaxiFletcher TRIAL [Deleted]

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Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
right still isnt fixed
Maybe because there hasn't been an update released. You get a notification when a bot you follow is updated, a quote of the changelog is posted when an update occurs, the version on the store is updated and the version history changes. There is no reason for you to post saying still not fixed when there clearly hasn't been an update yet. I'll fix it when i get around to it. If you want to help you can send me your account details so i can actually test it.
maxi fletcher wont take any items out of the bank, just says depositing

Still just counting deposits, nuttin else.
The banking has been fixed and is awaiting release. It was due to changes in the way that some runemate api (Inventory.containsOnly) works. Cloud never mentioned it in the changelog so i wasn't aware -.-
Nov 1, 2016
Hey man, when i start it, it just sits there. Doesnt move or anything. It was working yesterday before the update. Great bot keep it up, im running on OSRS.

The command im trying to run : magic longbow , string

This is the latest log i Have

Creating a new rmi registry.
Registering event queue.
Registered event queue.
Last edited:
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hey man, when i start it, it just sits there. Doesnt move or anything. It was working yesterday before the update. Great bot keep it up

The command im trying to run : magic longbow , string

This is the latest log i Have

Creating a new rmi registry.
Registering event queue.
Registered event queue.
So you're stringing magic longbows? RS3 or OSRS? Are you standing at a bank? Have you changed any of your game settings?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Yes trying to string magic longs, on osrs, and standing at bank. it doesnt log into the account either
Then the clients login handler is broken which is unrelated to my bot. PM me your account details so i can test it. I don't have any members accounts.
Nov 1, 2016
I dont feel comfortable giving you my account so I hope someone else uses this bot and will hopefully let you borrow the account to fix it. It works great when its running, thank you for making it
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
I have deployed a temporary fix for my oldschool bots. Make sure to start them logged in as the login handler isn't fixed yet.
May 28, 2016
Cant string yew longbows on OSRS, it selects the bow string but doesn't select the yew longbow. Also gets stuck on "Make all" option.
Worked perfectly before, otherwise a great bot.
Oct 31, 2016
Hi guys, goes really well till once i was disconnected because i didnt have logs anymore, but now when i start it, it disconnected me automaticly...? We can read in status "out of ressources, logging out" even if i have like 5000 logs and my knife on me like usual. Can you help me? (sorry for my english, its not my primary langage)
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hi guys, goes really well till once i was disconnected because i didnt have logs anymore, but now when i start it, it disconnected me automaticly...? We can read in status "out of ressources, logging out" even if i have like 5000 logs and my knife on me like usual. Can you help me? (sorry for my english, its not my primary langage)
Not sure why it would be doing that. Could have been a game update that changed something? Check your log files. Don't worry, i'm rewriting this bot anyway so if it's not fixed automatically it will be in the next release.
Aug 11, 2016
Not sure why it would be doing that. Could have been a game update that changed something? Check your log files. Don't worry, i'm rewriting this bot anyway so if it's not fixed automatically it will be in the next release.
Add portable fletcher too pls?
Oct 31, 2016
Not sure why it would be doing that. Could have been a game update that changed something? Check your log files. Don't worry, i'm rewriting this bot anyway so if it's not fixed automatically it will be in the next release.
thanx a lot :)
Nov 22, 2016

I'm having an unhanded error after an update from Runemate today like 2 hours ago while using this bot on RS3, please fix it :D

Thank you!
Nov 30, 2016
Hi everytime i start the bot it just logs me out due to having no rescources. I have maple logs that i want to make into arrow shafts. Is there something specific i have to do in order for it to make arrow shafts?
Author of MaxiBots
Dec 3, 2013
Hi everytime i start the bot it just logs me out due to having no rescources. I have maple logs that i want to make into arrow shafts. Is there something specific i have to do in order for it to make arrow shafts?
It only supports normal log arrow shafts at this time. I'm rewriting it at the moment and it will support all logs when it's released
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