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Cuppa Corrupted Gauntlet

Mar 13, 2018
CuppaJava updated Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] with a new update entry:

Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] v0.3.6 Released!

Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] updated to v0.3.6.
Cuppa Gauntlet & CorruptGauntlet v0.3.5 & v0.3.6
- fixed an issue where the bot could get stuck swapping scout/current rooms
- fixed an issue with "Steeping through route to our null"
- fixed an issue causing some walking back and forth in the start room
- fixed a bug where the bot would briefly walk out of the room after teleporting
- reworking how the bot decides a room is illuminated
- improved the items required list to be more clear
- minor logging changes

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Mar 13, 2018
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Jan 5, 2019

Would it be possible to set it that it not absolutely mandatory for it to get 2 T3 weapons? If it is still not geared with 1 min left I would like it to try with 1 T3 and 1 T2 as it can successfully kill Corrupted Hunllef for me with this but instead it keeps running around and then runs out of time without cooking any or enough food.

I really want to give this 5***** but I have not had it complete more than 5 CG successfully without my intervention purely due to preparation. I've spent like $15 on this bot already (no regrets) but it is just not functioning as it should be for me. I've followed every instruction.. ALL plugs disabled.. 130ish ping.. 50 fps.. my computer is overkill for runescape etc etc.

Any help would be great, I will continue using regardless. It literally does not fail on regular gauntlet EVER.
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Apr 17, 2023
No worries man, I appreciate the follow up message <3

@n54335 hmm, it's really hard to say. Those stats should be fine & without plugins it should be good. It sounds like it's just processing slow (though I recognize it shouldn't be on a new macbook), can you try searching the logs for "Took longer than 1 tick to calculate tile"? If you see that a few times, it's probably the cause. Which would be that it's just calculating tiles too slow. I do want to optimize it more if possible, but on my (alright-specs) PC it takes 50-400ms, a tick being 600ms.

I do know Runemate generally *had* some issues running on M1 Macs, so that might be a cause for issue here, but I don't know if they were improved or if much can be done if that's the issue.

My only other advice I can think of is try with everything else off, and try with Runemate (or Runelite, or both?) in the foreground as I think Mac's app nap can do weird resource reduction to things in the background?

Bot works CRAZY well with direct input. The only reason I'm a little reluctant to use it is because it's new, and seems like it might be extremely detectable. I don't bot all the time, but I'll get a gauntlet runs on a script every now and then, just because want the bowfa but can't stand gauntlet.

It works very well, worth every penny.

I will check the logs, except I'm not sure how. I appreciate your response!

Now that you mention it, I have had issues with the Vorkath bot, and I had issues with the zulrah one as well...

Would it be possible to set it that it not absolutely mandatory for it to get 2 T3 weapons? If it is still not geared with 1 min left I would like it to try with 1 T3 and 1 T2 as it can successfully kill Corrupted Hunllef for me with this but instead it keeps running around and then runs out of time without cooking any or enough food.

I really want to give this 5***** but I have not had it complete more than 5 CG successfully without my intervention purely due to preparation. I've spent like $15 on this bot already (no regrets) but it is just not functioning as it should be for me. I've followed every instruction.. ALL plugs disabled.. 130ish ping.. 50 fps.. my computer is overkill for runescape etc etc.

Any help would be great, I will continue using regardless. It literally does not fail on regular gauntlet EVER.
I had the same issue. Stats are fine. Good internet and smooth laptop.

I had to turn on direct input, and worked like a charm.
Jan 5, 2019
Issue for me is that it is not the Corrupted Hunllef causing to fail, it can complete that fine either way. The problem is before I get to the fight.
Mar 13, 2018
Would it be possible to set it that it not absolutely mandatory for it to get 2 T3 weapons? If it is still not geared with 1 min left I would like it to try with 1 T3 and 1 T2 as it can successfully kill Corrupted Hunllef for me with this but instead it keeps running around and then runs out of time without cooking any or enough food.
Yeah this is a good idea, or at least to make an option/toggle. A lot of accounts have a solid chance to kill hunllef with even just one T3 weapon tbh. Will add to my list.

I really want to give this 5***** but I have not had it complete more than 5 CG successfully without my intervention purely due to preparation. I've spent like $15 on this bot already (no regrets) but it is just not functioning as it should be for me. I've followed every instruction.. ALL plugs disabled.. 130ish ping.. 50 fps.. my computer is overkill for runescape etc etc.
I'm pretty surprised it hasn't gotten any kills for you... What are you stats like? Is it just seemingly doing prep very slow? Like everything, or specific actions, or is there just long delays etc?

Plugins disabled sounds good and fps sounds fine, but that ping is really high and probably going to make the hunllef fight difficult even when the bot makes it there tbh. Though I'm not certain if the ping is the issue, it could be slowing down every click a bit.

Other guesses are things like antivirus that (apparently, for some botters) can slow down runemate somehow.

Bot works CRAZY well with direct input. The only reason I'm a little reluctant to use it is because it's new, and seems like it might be extremely detectable.
Any bot can get you banned and I can't make any promises etc, but we've actually had no conclusive bans on this bot since its release a few weeks ago. Only one person reported he got banned after using the bot, but he also said he had been botting 7+ hours per day on other bots for the past few weeks so it could have been delayed from that. Of course more bans will come eventually, but yeah.
Feb 5, 2023
Bot is very clunky - my high combat toon has ~50% success rate and it always seems to get boss to sub 50hp. It makes very simple mistakes on boss fight and wastes resources. Performs very well the first phase then falls on its face for no obvious reason. After 5 hours of testing, I've completed 12 times and died 11. For the cost of this bot, I would expect it to perform better as my character far exceeds the requirements to perform well in CG.
Apr 17, 2023
Any bot can get you banned and I can't make any promises etc, but we've actually had no conclusive bans on this bot since its release a few weeks ago. Only one person reported he got banned after using the bot, but he also said he had been botting 7+ hours per day on other bots for the past few weeks so it could have been delayed from that. Of course more bans will come eventually, but yeah.

That's amazing. And absolutely, it's anything goes and we accept the risk. I trust you the most out of anyone else on this site, because you do some very good work. a few runs a day will add up over time, and I'm so glad to have a dedicated writer like yourself to share it with us. Thank you. It's been working beautifully since direct input even on Mac M1's.
Mar 13, 2018
Bot is very clunky - my high combat toon has ~50% success rate and it always seems to get boss to sub 50hp. It makes very simple mistakes on boss fight and wastes resources. Performs very well the first phase then falls on its face for no obvious reason. After 5 hours of testing, I've completed 12 times and died 11. For the cost of this bot, I would expect it to perform better as my character far exceeds the requirements to perform well in CG.
I did reply to your review, but I'll paste my response here as well.

Hey, I'm sorry the bot isn't working properly for you.

I just want to mention off the bat that sub 50% success rate on a high combat account is not expected or normal. Just for reference, the bot tracks KD, and the average Corrupt KD (all botters) for v0.3.7 is 81%, and the single highest current run is 138:8 KD (91%). Personally I usually get ~22:2 KD when running overnight on my combat levels 80s-90s account.

I only mention that because that is the reason for the price. I wouldn't have it at that price if everyone was getting sub-50% success rates; The average is 81% currently.

Though I know the above doesn't actually help; So all that aside, all I can do here is offer some general debugging advice:
- The main thing causing issues for botters is plugins. If you are on Runelite, please try disabling ALL plugins, as a lot of them break bot behavior. You can make a separate profile with all plugins off, so you can play on your regular profile when not botting.
- Make sure your FPS/ping are reasonable. (At least 30+ FPS and 50ms- ping)
- Make sure CPU usage/ram aren't spiking too much
- It could be the mouse speed. I recommend leaving DirectInput & Hopping Mouse on, and crank RM mouse speed to 3x (in settings)
- Ensure the account stats are actually reasonable (stats in the 80s-90s should be decent, ideally with Rigour/Augury, though botters on pures/zerks are getting some kills)

Of course it's possible these issues you're facing are just things I need to improve, and I will keep working on the bot. I will take your feedback into consideration. But I'm just trying to help bump your success rate to 80-90% here as other botters are experiencing.

I'm trying to get the bot working as solidly as I can for everyone, but everyone's experience will be different unfortunately. Will keep working on it.
Feb 5, 2023

I have a separate profile with 0 plug ins except loot tracker. I'm playing on a $3k PC and my frames are capped without plug ins and I play on sub 50ms worlds. I have increased RuneMate mouse sens to max and have played with all the settings suggested. The real problem with this bot is that it wastes at least 45 seconds of fight time just running from nothing. Even when theres no tornados or death tiles nearby it just runs around the room not casting except every 4-5 seconds. However, sometimes it'll sit underneath the boss rarely moving the entire fight and takes huge damage. If you could iron out the movement/combat mechanics on Hunleff this would be rock solid. Also, changing the script the line of sight the previous room mobs when engaging demi gods it would help with prep death counts.

Once again, I've always been impressed with your bots and primarily only use yours but this one needs some work. I don't know how people are getting an average of 81% KC but I'm now 19-26. I figured I would be able to get more than 19 kills within 10 paid hours of gameplay. I will say, the bot detection will be really low with the K/D ratio I'm getting LOL
Mar 13, 2018
CuppaJava updated Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet [BETA SALE] with a new update entry:

Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet v1.0.0 Released!

Cuppa CorruptedGauntlet updated to v1.0.0.
- if we're being attacked by a strong monster while fighting a demi boss, it'll safespot the strong monster on the demi boss
- bot will now eat & equip the correct weapon in the prep room before walking into the fight
- tweaked hunllef tile weightings to avoid tornados even more, better handle 1 tile paths, and avoid stepping onto tiles just spawned
- fixed an issue where it'd (momentarily) try to walk somewhere unwalkable when dropping items
- fixed an issue where drops could be ignored if they were just outside the current room
- fixed a bug calculating how much paddlefish to drop when collecting 4+ grym leafs
- prints more useful logging info

Read the rest of this update entry...
@OneTrick I'm really not certain what/why you're experiencing this honestly. With what you described (plugin/specs wise, the bot really should be working properly)

The real problem with this bot is that it wastes at least 45 seconds of fight time just running from nothing. Even when theres no tornados or death tiles nearby it just runs around the room not casting except every 4-5 seconds.
The bot aims to move towards specific safe spots between attacks only (more info: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/The_Gauntlet/Strategies#Time-saving_methods, near `The highlighted tiles cannot turn orange`). But it should only be moving when it's between attack ticks, so this shouldn't be wasting time, especially not 45 seconds...

However, sometimes it'll sit underneath the boss rarely moving the entire fight and takes huge damage.
This also sounds very odd. I do know that the bot can get briefly confused when teleported in, but should only last a couple seconds tops (usually much less) and shouldn't be in the middle of the fight...

My only other guess would be maybe its an antivirus or some other software throttling runemate? One botter was having lag issues and he had all plugins off/good specs/etc, and only when he turned off his antivirus the lag went away entirely. But I'm kinda low on ideas.
Feb 5, 2023
Cuppa, I'm as confused as you. I dont have any anti virus or firewall installed other than built in windows security. If you pm me your email address I'll send you the logs I have.
Mar 13, 2018
Cuppa, I'm as confused as you. I dont have any anti virus or firewall installed other than built in windows security. If you pm me your email address I'll send you the logs I have.
You can send me logs in a DM, or pastebin them & send me the link. I can definitely take a look, but I'm honestly not too certain I'll find anything else.

But yeah I can look.
Mar 13, 2018
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Apr 17, 2023
Not sure what changed, but past two nights it's been running in with raw food... dying every run. Both logs I have said it died with over 900 health with 12 and 18 raw food in inventory... last week had 0 issues with it.

Was running beautifully just a couple nights ago.