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Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

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Dec 10, 2014
Are the sliders a percentage or are they actual number of HP? Also do I have to designate food type and if so where?
They are percentages, and you don't need to designate food type. It will eat any food in the inventory.
Did you secretly fix the banking? It actually worked for me flawlessly just now!! Withdrew the food and closed the bank, teleported back to spot and ran to enemies, perfectly.
Nope, I didn't change anything, although I think we may have restarted the default web path generators.
Jan 28, 2017
They are percentages, and you don't need to designate food type. It will eat any food in the inventory.

Nope, I didn't change anything, although I think we may have restarted the default web path generators.

Something was done, after Runemate updated, the bot started working flawlessly. Why the need to re-write this bot? It works so well as its written now. Just curious
Dec 10, 2014
Something was done, after Runemate updated, the bot started working flawlessly. Why the need to re-write this bot? It works so well as its written now. Just curious
I've rewritten my API, this bot uses one of my old ones. Also, the UI is pretty cramped.

It's mainly just so that it uses things I've learnt since I wrote it, and my new API which has a lot of optimizations the bot could make use of.
Sep 22, 2015
Is there a way to only pic up noted of one item. Example
The monster im fighting drops Iron ore and noted iron ore but i only want it to pick up the noted iron ore so it has more space to get the herbs. anyways of doing that
Feb 2, 2017
Hey SlashnHax,

I was wondering are you able to Implement that you can set it's goal of a desired level? As in train attack till level 50 and continue with strength till 50 and so forth. I would really like this kind of support if you are able to do this ofcourse. anyways over all great work!
Sep 22, 2015
Hey SlashnHax,

I was wondering are you able to Implement that you can set it's goal of a desired level? As in train attack till level 50 and continue with strength till 50 and so forth. I would really like this kind of support if you are able to do this ofcourse. anyways over all great work!
I Second this idea
Feb 10, 2017
Is there a fix to the thing where it just hovers over the npc? It works fine on goblins but for some reason I went to al kharid warriors and it just hovers over the enemy
Feb 11, 2017
Great bot!

However, I have one small problem; on multi-combat areas bot does not attack monsters that are already being attacked. e.g. if someone attacks the lesser demon in Wizard tower before the bot, bot does nothing until demon is killed and it respawns. Could you add an option like: "Attack monsters that are already in combat"?
Dec 30, 2016
Fantastic bot, thank you!

****************************Ironman feature*******************************
My only suggestion is to please make a feature to only loot from kills that you made. As an ironman the bot will get stuck spam clicking someone else's loot forever and it is extremely suspicious.

Keep up the great work man!
Jan 27, 2017
Hey I'm in a place where monsters drop cooked Swordfish and I tried putting in Swordfish to loot but it wont pick it up. Other drops are ok. I tried by typing in Swordfish, swordfish and Sword fish.. none are working.
Jan 26, 2017
It doesn't go to the bank.. Just says... "Walking to.. Blahblah blah". but doesn't fucking walk..
Dec 30, 2016
You would be my hero if you added safe spotting for OSRS. Maybe just make two "area" tabs in the NPC section. One would be for area it makes sure your character is standing in and the other would be for area that it can click on npcs to attack within.

Not a coder but that seems like the simplest way to do it in my head. Thanks for the great bot regardless!
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
It doesn't go to the bank.. Just says... "Walking to.. Blahblah blah". but doesn't fucking walk..

Just so you know your RuneScape account login details are visible in the RuneMate portion of your screenshot. Might want to remove it ;)
Jan 30, 2017
It doesn't go to the bank.. Just says... "Walking to.. Blahblah blah". but doesn't fucking walk..
View attachment 1839

Same for me, i noticed this happened after the system update of osrs. I dont know if this connected together or not, but also one of the woodcutter banking dont work too. And i had a problem before with banking, it doest click directly on bank but on banker, and then it stands like outside the bank and clicks it oveer and over.

And btw, its really one of the best fighters i used, thanks for making it :)
Feb 18, 2017
I'm pretty new to this script and botting all around. I can't figure out how to get the banking to work properly. Its pretty confusing and was wondering if someone could help me set it up to withdraw food and deposite loot after I run out of food. Thanks.
Aug 21, 2015
For some reason, my bot feels the need to use a teletab after about 3 minutes of attacking the monsters that I want it to. I do not have banking enabled and the break handler isn't set to do anything until 40 minutes. Is there any way I can remedy this?

P.S. My area settings in the NPC tab are empty, is it trying to go to a place that I haven't set?
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
For some reason, my bot feels the need to use a teletab after about 3 minutes of attacking the monsters that I want it to. I do not have banking enabled and the break handler isn't set to do anything until 40 minutes. Is there any way I can remedy this?

P.S. My area settings in the NPC tab are empty, is it trying to go to a place that I haven't set?

@SlashnHax I was having this area (with the teletab) the other day too.

I believe what is causing it is that bug with the HP being displayed as low for a split second, which the bot sees and reacts to by teleporting away

When I disabled the "break a tab" on low HP setting, it stopped.
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