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Alpha Fighter [Deleted]

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Dec 10, 2014
Legend, thanks SlashnHax. Do you accept donations?
Yeah I do, if people pm me wanting to donate I usually just give them my paypal email :p

Anyone else using the bot for Rorarius and having problems with getting the bot to Attack more quickly? Usually it takes about 1 minute for the bot to attack again. Anyone else having this problem? Anyone have a fix for this if this happened to them?
That's strange, it definitely should not take a minute to attack again. I did notice however that if you're being targetted with autoretaliate on, but the npc cant hit you, it tends to wait until the npc stops targetting you. That should be fixed in the next update.

For certain NPCs (dragons for example), it's hard to use the bot with looting + auto retatliate on because it'll run to pickup loot while being attacked and dragged back to the attacking NPC before it can grab the loot sometimes. If I turn auto retaliate off however, the bot hovers over a dragon but doesn't actually click it for a long time.
I plan to add a "wait for loot" option, however another option is to turn off combat looting.

Also, anyone knows what causes the script to stop and give the message, "Bot termination error: Sessions does not exist or has expired. Please restart"?
Never heard of it before, sounds like your internet may be playing up or something, causing the session to terminate?

Small request, can you add regenerate support (RS3) on that list too? I can't imagine it's very hard to implement ^.^
It'd involve identifying interfaces, plus coding logic for when to activate it. It's planned for the future though, but atm I'm just implementing stuff that I already have the data for.
Jun 9, 2015
It'd involve identifying interfaces, plus coding logic for when to activate it. It's planned for the future though, but atm I'm just implementing stuff that I already have the data for.
Alright, if I can be of any help, let me know!
May 12, 2016
Not sure if its just me but it seems like now its just sitting at "Starting Alpha Fighter (Beta)" I stopped and restarted the instance, closed and restarted the client, erased the profile and set the npc name and action again but no matter what I cant get it to actually start running as of just today
Jun 9, 2015
Not sure if its just me but it seems like now its just sitting at "Starting Alpha Fighter (Beta)" I stopped and restarted the instance, closed and restarted the client, erased the profile and set the npc name and action again but no matter what I cant get it to actually start running as of just today
I'm having the same issue. This is on RS3 btw :)
Since the update, the bot does not work anymore
Jun 16, 2016
Not sure if its just me but it seems like now its just sitting at "Starting Alpha Fighter (Beta)" I stopped and restarted the instance, closed and restarted the client, erased the profile and set the npc name and action again but no matter what I cant get it to actually start running as of just today
Having the same problem here (OSRS), think the update did something. Hope Slash has time to fix it today.
Jun 10, 2016
Saw your post about prayer/restore potions I think, definitely would be a sick update.
It doesn't seem to attack NPCs, so after the NPC aggro ends it just afks.
Dec 10, 2014
It's not attacking npcs, but it still loots fine. I assume that this is something to do with the changes I made to make the bot attack when autoretaliate is on but the npc can't attack the player.

I'm looking into it now.
Found the issue, fixed for next update.

I added an appearances field to my NpcProfile class, but I had it instantiated as an empty array {}, instead of null. whoopsy.
May 28, 2016
It's not attacking npcs, but it still loots fine. I assume that this is something to do with the changes I made to make the bot attack when autoretaliate is on but the npc can't attack the player.

I'm looking into it now.
Found the issue, fixed for next update.

I added an appearances field to my NpcProfile class, but I had it instantiated as an empty array {}, instead of null. whoopsy.

Hey! When will banking be fixed? It just says walking to bank and does nothing.
Jun 18, 2016
Bot works perfectly! Thank you so much! The only thing I could think of is an option for potions but people have definitely already suggested that. Running flawlessly though!
Dec 10, 2014
That could be because the current OSRS web is pretty lacking, and a path can't be built to the bank hmm. I could make it fall back to bresenham, which takes a straight line path, but there are cases where that can result in the bot continuously clicking a place it can't get to, which is just asking for a ban.
It attacks now but very slowly.
Mind explaining a bit more in depth?
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