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  • Just wondering if you are working on an update on your maximiner for the new rework. p.s love your bots and keep up the great work
    My time is quite limited at the moment so i haven't really had time to focus on anything more than my woodcutter. My miner needs a complete rework and a whole lot more added to it as it is so this will probably be a while away.
    sounds good and thank you for the reply
    Maxiwoodcutter usage has dropped considerably, Is it working okay? If there are any issues let me know so i can fix them as soon as possible
    MaxiWoodcutter V2.6.5 is out! Special logs are now destroyed while dropping and it no longer spam clicks while chopping ivy!
    the bank is accurate in edge minus those issues i told you about in previous message the bank in catherby is not accurate most of the time it just sits there moving around my bank items by accident before getting it correct
    Please post on the bots discussion thread.
    my account got reported because the cooker for the falador next to party room cant open the door when done cooking, account sat idling there for nearly four hours.
    What was the status? Send me the log file please. Also, bug reports belong on the bots discussion thread.
    MaxiWoodcutter 2.6.0 is out! New features and fixes, including a fix for not being able to close the bank on RS3
    MaxiWoodcutter 2.4.0 is out now! New features include picking up nests, urns and axe upgrading!
    After this new runemate update, the maxifisher is not picking up right, it just stands still and does not start fishing, I can not post the notepad here. Has it happened to anyone else?
    Do you have an ETA for incorporating burning logs into your scripts? Eager to get WC, FL, and FM done in one fell swoop.
    Currently working on rewriting the dropping. I haven't planned it. Just trying to make the existing features better first.
    Hey there - thanks for the reply. I appreciate your hard work :)
    You were on other bot sites ages ago right? I think I recognize your avatar.
    Oh ok. I did the RuneDream logo and I was a mod for the graphics section.
    Anyway good to see old script writers still active. I'll be sure to use your scripts in the future.
    Oh nice, what was your name back then?
    AverageRS. I think I changed it a couple times on RD though.
    Maxifisher not working :( it would walk me to barb village but wouldnt begin to fish
    Please post on the discussion thread using the bug report template found on the bot overview page.
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