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  • MaxiWoodcutter now has Seren spirit support and will now drop logs if there are no trees left to chop when in drop mode!
    hey bud could i suggest an update for the maxiwoodcutter? if yes..
    can i suggest that instead of a level to 99 while wcing could you add a level to the custom level we set or maybe both? just so we know the estimated time? also if not then nevermind this message lol great script lol can bot for 9 hours straight while at work and come back home and its all good lol
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    That's certainly planned for the future. Not sure when i'll get around to doing it though. I just need to think of the best way to present it in the UI
    little king
    little king
    @Aidden no worries and thanks heeps for that buddy appreciate it heeps mate
    Is there anyway we can get a break handler or a way to set an end time on maxi orb? that would be a life saver. thanks!
    It's coming soon!
    Is there a way I can use the MaxiWoodcutter bot for my 3 planted Teak trees on Fossil Island?
    I don't know how this planted tree business works but If you go to the advanced tab you can add custom tree locations
    Sounds great, I spent 20 minutes last night trying to figure out the advanced tab out. Do you have a guide or video on how to use it?
    MaxiOrbs is functional again thanks to the recent RuneMate web update! I'm working on a backup web for when the main one isn't working!
    is this something that other authors will be able to use or are you just using it as a backup for maxiorbs?
    This is just a backup specifically for MaxiOrbs. It will only be able to go from ge and lumbridge to edgeville and edgeville to the obelisk.
    Hey Aidden, im using the Maxiwoodcutter and its working great. Only problem is that it banks the woodcutting urns that i want to use. Was wondering if you could update it so the urns dont get automatically banked. thanks!
    Bug reports belong on the bot discussion thread. It shouldn't be banking them, i'll take a look when i get a chance. Make sure you selected the urn type in the activity list
    hey i was trying to use the MaxiFletcher pro and when i started the bot it keeps repeatedly dragging the logs out to the middle of the screen, over and over again. It also used up $0.20 in like 2 minutes of me trying to set up the bot. I gave up on it. can you give some insight on what is going on??
    Runemate charges you at the start of every session and every consecutive hour. Restarting the bot means you started a new session. As for the dragging, I believe I have a fix for it that I released on two other bots, forgetting that my Fletcher can use the action bar. The easiest work around is to put the logs on the action bar yourself. Or turn on legacy combat
    I'll update it shortly and hopefully that fixes your issue
    Hey I am unable to use my 300 hours... bought them a week ago but am getting an error stating i have reached my limit, please help
    Hey can you add the fletching bolt tips as soon as possible? i searched every craft/flecthing bot here and no one has it :( and i really need it..Thank you and sorry to bother you again.
    I think i sent you a PM, not sure if i did.. i started a conversation somewhere and sent you a screenshot of the issue :p
    Thanks. No need to pm, post on profile and on the thread lol. Best to just keep it all in the thread.
    I'll look into it in an hour or so. If you provide me with the info requested in your pm I should be good to go
    I can show you 3 documentaries that will make you believe the earth is flat. If you're interested, hit me up and I'll give you the links. Don't be a sheep and believe what you hear from social media/mainstream media. All platforms have a liberal bias and censor truth posts. Do some researching and you'll soon find out we have all been lied to.
    Hey, The Maxiwoodcutter bot keeps crashing. It keeps telling me its unable to find location to bank when its right beside the bank. This is in menaphos VIP
    If you on me your account details I'll be able to take a look. I don't have an account with access so I will need to borrow one.
    MaxiWoodcutter 2.9.0 is LIVE! Featuring Light form and Crystallise support to really pack a punch on Double XP Weekend! ENOY!!!
    wet rag
    wet rag
    pack a punch is cod zombies reeee
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