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  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiWoodcutter.
    aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry: MaxiWoodcutter v2.23.49 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiWoodcutter updated to v2.23.49. Fixed an issue with predefined profiles not loading certain tree types
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiWoodcutter.
    aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry: MaxiWoodcutter v2.23.48 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiWoodcutter updated to v2.23.48. Fixed an issue with predefined profiles not loading certain tree types
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiCraneRepair.
    aidden updated MaxiCraneRepair with a new update entry: MaxiCraneRepair v1.2.4 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiCraneRepair updated to v1.2.4. Adjusted interaction distance to prevent interacting with the bank and other objects or npcs from...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHerblore.
    aidden updated MaxiHerblore with a new update entry: MaxiHerblore v2.6.1 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiHerblore updated to v2.6.1. Adjusted interaction distance to prevent interacting with the bank and other objects or npcs from too...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiCreatureCreation.
    aidden updated MaxiCreatureCreation with a new update entry: MaxiCreatureCreation v1.2.14 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiCreatureCreation updated to v1.2.14. Adjusted interaction distance to prevent interacting with the bank and other objects or npcs...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHomes.
    aidden updated MaxiHomes with a new update entry: MaxiHomes v2.6.2 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    aidden updated the resource MaxiHomes with MaxiHomes v2.6.2 Released!.
    MaxiHomes updated to v2.6.2. Adjusted interaction distance to prevent interacting with the bank and other objects or npcs from too far...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiHerblore 1 Tick.
    aidden updated MaxiTickHerblore with a new update entry: MaxiHerblore 1 Tick v1.2.11 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...
  • aidden
    MaxiHerblore 1 Tick updated to v1.2.11. Adjusted interaction distance to prevent interacting with the bank and other objects or npcs...
  • aidden
    aidden replied to the thread MaxiWoodcutter.
    aidden updated MaxiWoodcutter with a new update entry: MaxiWoodcutter v2.23.47 Released! Read the rest of this update entry...