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  • Hey Aidden, could you PM me I've got a question about a private bot... thank you
    Hey dude!:) your bot is great, except from when i Am trying to cut ivy, it just say «waiting for a tree to respawn, can you please fix it or help me?:)
    Hey man, I saw down below you may be redoing some of your bots, so I just wanted to check if you are. I tried your Firemaking one and it's not working, so just thought I would check if your fixing it or just completely redoing it or not doing anymore. I love your other ones though, much appreciated.
    I am also trying to bot firemaking. @Aidden you seem to have alot of people that used it. might be worth it to update it because as of now it doesnt work.
    wet rag
    wet rag
    Why not just use bot suite to do W100 Shanty pass
    What exactly are the graphic and bot settings do i need to have in place for MaxiCooker PRO to work?
    Bot questions go on the discussion thread for that bot. Any should be fine, test with the lite version first to be safe.
    Hello Aidden! I recently donated to you and was wondering how to use the premium bot features?
    Thanks, Ashtanos.
    You have to add the premium version from the bot store and make sure you have money in your RuneMate wallet.
    Thanks! I figured it out already, but enjoy the donation! :D
    Good to hear, thanks :)
    I paid 3$ to upgrade about 74 hours ago. Botted maybe 36h and it says I've botted over the 100 hours some how?
    yea 1 bot ran. no i didnt but i only ran one bot and it even says under my usage ive only used 36 hours.
    Please make a thread for this your comments on here are seen by few people because its a profile page.
    Clearly there's another account running on your network then. This is already mentioned in the FAQs. The system IS NOT broken.
    So my acc got banned woodcuttig im assuming there's nothing you guys can do? thanks.
    Nothing we can do? What would you expect us to do, text Mod Weath and ask for an unban?
    You guys are salty, damn. Simple "No sorry" would have done but I guess everyone who uses this is a kid so w/e peace.
    Lol... you come in asking the dumbest question and then try to say we're all kids. Right, makes sense. To be honest this is the sort of question i'd expect to come from a 10 year old, but we're the kids here so what would i know.
    bro your woodcutting bot is extremely amazing i love it ! but i got banned 2 times is there anyway i can avoid getting banned?!
    If you notice it behaving weirdly at all please let me know. You can try different bots but you also need to make sure you're following the 'safe botting guidelines' which help but the only way to truly avoid getting banned is to not bot.
    Hey, i know i havent even come close to 200 hours and its saying I'm over 200 hours. Ive had rune mate for maybe 4 days. its impossible to be at 200 hours in 4 days...
    Hi at around 55minutes of maxifletcher the bot gets stuck when making bows and i assume it would also get stuck stringing i can recreate the problem over and over again every 55 minutes about can you check it out? Thanks!
    You really need to be more specific. Getting stuck is far too vague. You need to post a proper bug report on the discussion thread for that bot. Use the template in the overview.
    MaxiWoodcutter tree interaction is back to being fast! No more 3 second delay...
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    wet rag
    wet rag
    Just released a silent update across all of my bots that hopefully fixed an exception occurring when gaining xp or levels!
    i just pay 2 dollars to upgrade my account to be able to bott more. but it keep saying instance failed because your limit of 200 hours of bottting have reach
    pleae help.
    very sincereist apologize for my anger towerds u i hope u except my apologize and unbin me
    Hey man, when will you update your bots? :) <3
    He's thinking about a rewrite for a lot of them at the moment
    @Quinnn thanks for the update :) there are some still working :) but alot are broken/semi-broken :) and/or are not human like :( like, i was using MaxiCrafter earlier this week :p was using jewelry making in Alkharid, and the box kept opening the interface while making diamond bracelets. :'( i had to sell 25k diamonds with a loss :'( but its all good, if i know he will be working on them again :D
    Aidden has bots? ;)
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