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  • Hi Aidden, do you take requests for/sell custom bots? I'd be interested in getting one made by you.
    Ill send you a pm when i get home
    I have several weeks using the maxiorbs very good but sometimes I have consumed the RM and it pauses me I try again and I consume the RM until I close everything and I open again and it works well for me .. but that the lost RM is done they return them because of this error or one as a user loses them because if so I think it would be very bad
    problem solved, i had the interface full screen mode, but it did not work fixed screen with classic side panels interface so im not sure what the problem was
    Hi Aidden, I'm having trouble with Maxiorbs bot. It has ran flawlessly for 8 hours and now im trying on a different account with lower hp (27hp) and it runs fine until i get to the alter then it seems to not be able to find the charge orb spell. I've tried different client sizes, brightness ect. any help?
    I need some credit added to my account
    How can i go about this? I can't see anywhere to pm you.
    I need about .32
    How could I use the premium version? I want more information
    I would like to know how I can take more time to use the maxiorbs
    You're using the trial version. Use the premium version and there's no time limit
    Thanks for all the good work aidden, by far the best bots on runemate! Are you planning on making one for mining? none of the bots currently existing are working any good. Cheers
    Bank rework broke MaxiFletcher, can you fix it?
    If it's failing to withdraw or anything like that it would be a Runemate issue as it probably broke the interface queries we use to detect it.
    Yea it won't withdraw any items from bank, but it works normal when I withdraw items manually
    What do you mean it works when you withdraw manually? Manually as in by hand? Of course that works... If you mean you're using presets then that's an important detail to mention... And if that's the case, it's probably broken in the RuneMate client as they likely changed the interfaces
    Aidden, hi, in regards to my 1 star review of MaxiFisher:
    1, I cannot update the review now that you have replied to it. The website gives me an error "review cannot be updated once the author has responded".
    2, sorry to report it's still not functioning properly. in draynor atm set to anchovies and it's running me to the fishing spot but it never clicks the water to fish.
    I hope you continue supporting your script
    Hmm okay, i'll take a look when i get a chance, thanks for letting me know.
    Aidden, you are by far the best Bot Author on Runemate. Have you ever though about making a dungeoneering bot?
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    Reactions: Aidden
    Aidden, you are by far the best Bot Author on Runemate. Have you ever though about making a dungeoneering bot?
    @RobinPC & @Defeat3d , i just posted this toward Aidden cuz i always use his bots, and they are pretty much always flawless, and if any problem would arise, it would be fixed really fast. I am not doubting the knownledge about you 2, so you could also make one ;)
    Years ago i thought about it but never got around to it, and i don't have plans for one at the moment. Glad you like my work :)
    Hey! is this possible to buy your airorb script? I already spend to much money on your script, and will use it anyways, so if this is possible, please
    Hey! is this possible to boy your airorb script? I spend to much money on ur script, and will use it anyways, so if this is possible, please
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