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  • update fletching script pls sir : D stay healthy !
    Mind telling me what the problem actually is? lol.
    The runescape update probably broke the client. Or you just need to restart runemate and runescape.
    top dog services
    top dog services
    Just scrolls down to the very bottom of the tab and the action is being listed as "withdrawing knife..." : o I've restarted both clients.
    Yeah turns out it's a RuneMate client issue caused by the RS update, not a bot issue. So all bots that need to withdraw items from the bank are affected. Nothing i can do, unfortunately. Hopefully cloud will be able to fix it in the next day or 2.
    Excellent job and timely fix on maxifletcher, once again this bot runs flawlessly once the new version is released i will update my review to 5 stars! thanks again for your timely response! great to see authors still active :)
    Hi Aidden. I hope you are well. I am new to these bots for osrs and I have been using your bot for herblore for free and I would like to pay 12 hours to use it. My question is, do I have to pay those 12 hours every time I use it? I wait your answer thank you
    Hi, you purchase premium credits and just run the premium version of the bot. Then you will be automatically charged at the start of the session and each consecutive hour.
    MaxiOrbs is more efficient than ever. Are you looking for easy gp and have 66 magic? Look no further!
    hi i used it and my walking doesnt walk please help ?? i see a file with a weird extension is this the issue ??
    Get back in your box, fool
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    Reactions: Swych
    Failed to build path to box (path was null).
    Hello Aidden, love your woodcutting bot! Requesting support for Crystal Axe. Bot currently withdraws Dragon Axe (or Best Axe) even though Crystal Axe is equipped. Thank you!
    It will be added in the next update, thanks for the suggestion :)
    Crystal axe support has ben added :)
    hey aiden love your woodcutting bot but here request. i Would love to see a AFK timer so your character doesn't start dropping right away when your inventory is full. My favorite fish bot (litefisher by blisterz) has this. You can set an interval for random seconds afk. Otherwise could you adjust the minimum break time to 1 minit (minimum is 4 now) this would still create longer afk breaks
    I did see your review about this, thanks for the reminder. I will need to think about how best to implement this in a way that would work across all bots
    How do I get tester status? I want to start developing my own bots. I'm unsure if the 3 hour limit is reset every time you start runemate. If so then it shouldn't be an issue
    Tester is no longer given out, that was for the early testing phase of RuneMate Spectre. You're after Bot Author. I believe the limit is per bot session so that shouldn't be an issue, just restart the bot.
    Bugs introduced to MaxiFletcher, MaxiCooker and MaxiHerblore by yesterdays update have now been resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Hi would you be able to script something for sulliscep trees? If so, hop in pm please.
    Maxifletcher updated - A range of fixes and new additions including tipped dragon bolts, grapples and more
    ust downloaded for windows and it keeps coming up with failed to bind to the game because of io exception? try re installing and no luck... any suggestions??
    Run as admin.
    Check your firewall settings.
    Delete Jagex cache and restart pc.
    Cache directories are at the following (for windows);
    hey mate i just downloaded for windows and it keeps coming up with failed to bind to the game because of io exception? try re installing and no luck... any suggestions??
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