I am experiencing something similar to what
@hammond9 said. I left it on for an extended period of time but when I got back it seems the bot stopped and got stuck trying to store absorption after the 4th hour. Left it on for 9 (my fault) So basically it spent 5 hours trying to store pots lol rip account.

here is the log part:
Points earned: 1165
03:16:15 - Leaving dream
03:16:17 - Re-enabling break-handler
03:16:24 - Talking to Dominic
03:16:27 - Selected: Rumble
03:16:30 - Selected: Customisable - hard
03:16:31 - Continued dialogue
03:16:34 - Selected: Yes
03:16:35 - Continued dialogue
03:16:38 - Walking to barrel - Absorption
03:17:10 - Storing potions
Login handler has been activated!
11 more times^
Lobby handler has been activated!
Npc dismisser has been activated!
Login handler has been activated!
46 more times^
Login handler has been activated!
Lobby handler has been activated!
Npc dismisser has been activated!
Login handler has been activated!
Lobby handler has been activated!
4 more times^
RuneScape appears to have been closed or disconnected.
09:38:16 - Sent user data successfully
09:38:16 - Thanks for using Prime NMZ!
Edit: Aha! It seems I had full absorption potions stored in barrel that it why it got stuck. Lol!