It would appear that no one else is having this issue, but I can't seem to get this working. I run it and it just sort of sits there doing nothing.
You don't have a target selected. Are you sure you don't have grind mode enabled or something? This requires you to select the monster manually
My bot is randomly getting stuck at "picking up leftover loot" until I force banking. Any idea why?
My testing thus far suggests it has to do with having a springcleaner. I'll update this if I can find more evidence.
You use a ring as escape method? Currently equipment is broken on RS3. I'vve bothered cloud about it, but no response yet
i did that now, not activating soul split...
log gives this
00:59:01 DEBUG inArea = true, busy= false,soulsplit left: 7.1111111111111125, soulsplit right: 70.12970168612192
00:59:02 DEBUG inArea = true, busy= false,soulsplit left: 7.1111111111111125, soulsplit right: 70.12970168612192
aint activating it
if i manually activate soul split, bot disables it after i got 80% as it should.. ive set it to use soulsplit between 10-80% hp.... just doesnt re enable
doesnt generate loot list for aviansies
If you set it to 10-80% it will activate only at less then 10%. LOwer bound is when to activate, upper bound is when to deactivate
First off. Good job on the bot!
Just wondering with corrupted creatures and the sophunem slayer dungeon. Every time it teleports and enters the dungeons and teleports out and repeats in a loop
Traversal is behaving very irregularly lately. As I'm not fully supporting the bot right now I don't have time to look into it. Best thing you can hope is for cloud to improve traversal or wait until I find some time to look into it (probably not gonna happen tho).
Not sure if this has been addressed anywhere in the forums but when switching from protect spells to soul split for some tasks the bot would rather try and log out. Not sure why this is the problem as it works perfectly fine on some tasks. Also when doing a dragon task the bot automatically switches to the anti-dragon shield when I have set it to Dragonfire Ward
Ward not supported. Requirement system was not designed to guess your equipment style and other dragonfire shields were not released back then.
I do use capitalization when the item itself says that. as the ingame name for air battletaff is "Air battlestaff" that's how I have it typed or "Off-hand rune longsword"
It will only alch when inventory is full. If it alchs your runes when you have "rune" as value then nothing is wrong with the bot logic. You must have a typo then. Try to add "Rune " and "rune " (note the spaces) to avoid alching your runes)
Would it be possible to add support/fix for Weapon poison++? Would add alot of dps to some tasks and probably not hard to add

What is broken about it, did it ever work?
NOTE: for prayer issues, prayer works just fine using keybinds on my end. Please post your logs (in a SPOILER format pleaaaase) with the log of interest