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Regal Agility Lite [Deleted]

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Oct 28, 2016
Honestly i do not know what caused the slowdown... I made the delay the same as it used to be, and if i try to make it faster it will end up clicking the obstacle it just did while doing the obstacle... So i compromised. The wilderness course has special delays as certain obstacles are a pain and you do not have a constant animation, instead you stop and start which would have broken the current way. I do not know a better way to delay. Sorry :(
No worries, it worked really well in Canifis but here its like a three to four second delay per each obstacle so i thought there was something i could do to fix it
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Jan 31, 2016
No worries, it worked really well in Canifis but here its like a three to four second delay per each obstacle so i thought there was something i could do to fix it
Yeah fally has been slow on a few obstacles... I can't really do anything about it that i know without risking the bot looking more botlike.
Feb 7, 2017
Hello, Just a quick question and its probably me. Why is the only course i have available to run is ape atoll? Also it might be an issue with setting up the break manager but i didn't think you had to set that up to run it. I get to the start of ape atoll and then it immediately logs me out. What am i doing wrong? thanks.
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Jan 31, 2016
Hello, Just a quick question and its probably me. Why is the only course i have available to run is ape atoll? Also it might be an issue with setting up the break manager but i didn't think you had to set that up to run it. I get to the start of ape atoll and then it immediately logs me out. What am i doing wrong? thanks.
Rs3 only supports that for this bot. What's the players health?
Oct 28, 2016
Hey man, im not sure if you are aware of this, but for some reason the bot stops and logs off around the hour mark when im at canifis kinda weird
Aug 23, 2015
If inventory is full and there is a mark of grace on the ground, it will keep trying to pick it up until it despawns. Chat message is "You don't have enough inventory space to hold that item."
easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
If inventory is full and there is a mark of grace on the ground, it will keep trying to pick it up until it despawns. Chat message is "You don't have enough inventory space to hold that item."
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Jan 31, 2016
If inventory is full and there is a mark of grace on the ground, it will keep trying to pick it up until it despawns. Chat message is "You don't have enough inventory space to hold that item."
Why have your inventory full xD???
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