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Quantum Woodcutting Lite [Deleted]

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12 year old normie
Jan 8, 2015
doesn't work properly, stop moving throughout

Can you elaborate?

i have been baned :(

I'm sorry to hear that.

didn't do anything. Just stood there.

Did you press the start button after you put in your settings?

Would be nice to add 'Use current position' when power chopping so the character can stay in one position and not run around Hardwood Grove taking others trees and getting reported for botting. Just a suggestion! Thanks

Yes, definitely a nice-to-have. I will look into this.
Nov 15, 2018
Botted for about 10 hours on oaks at the grand exchange, worked great. Took a 6 hour break and botted for maybe 3 hours powercutting willows at Draynor and got perm banned. Could they have detected this somehow? It was a Macro Major ban, so was I reported?
Nov 6, 2018
Botted 80-99 pretty much 12 hours a day. Didn't really like the profit side of the bot, but the powerchopper is A****, Best on the site. Thank you!
Dec 3, 2018
When cutting oaks and Lumbridge when the inventory is full the bot goes to bank, empties, then doesn't move again
Jul 26, 2015
cutting yews on edgeville the bot always misclicks the first time on the yew tree closest to the bank! also on the grand exchange half the time it cant find the bank so its just standing there idle
Oct 26, 2018
Hi, There's a bit of a pathing issue.
Mode: OSRS
Place: Woodcutting guild
Logs: Magic
Problem: When the bot would finish an inventory of magic logs it would click behind the building where the bank chest is located in. Then in corrects itself but the issue is that it keeps doing it most of the time. Would be nice if the pathing was fixed.
Dec 25, 2018
Port Sarim willows issue. It'll get permanently stuck next to the deposit box on the dock. Have to check in every couple of minutes to get it back on track.
Oct 28, 2018
Derk submitted a new resource:

Quantum Woodcutting Lite - Woodcutting made easy!

Read more about this resource...
I love your bot, I have to state a bug that ive been noticing happening frequently, and could lead to bans for people using this. I am running yew cutters in Edgeville, and the bot FREQUENTLY clicks outside the area, and causes the bot to run all the way around to the outside. This occurs frequently, and will be dead give away that a bot is there. Hope this helps, let me know if I can be more clear etc. Love your bot!
Dec 3, 2018
Bot is solid and works great!
Found its first ever glitch; if the auto-log out feature happens and logs back in the bot cannot go up or down the ladder for cutting redwoods. Discovered this after testing out a few things to see if i was doing something wrong.
Now this could be easily fixed if i knew how to change the timer on the bot logging out and back in.
Other than this little issue; 5 stars!
Been running this off and on between doing some quests for 4+ days. SUPER SOLID!
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
i used this bot for a day and came back online the next day and found all my shit in the bank is missing would avoid using this at all cost

Sorry to hear that you were hacked, but I can assure you it wasn't due to RuneMate or Bot Authors.

I am posting below the same information I do every time this topic comes up to help clarify the situation:

  • Are you sure you haven't used an easy to guess username/password combination?
  • Or that you're using a combination that has been leaked from an external database breach?
  • Or you downloaded a gold generator or similar program?
  • Clicked on any suspicious URLs from Twitch streams etc?

There is NO way RuneMate would hack you for your gold/items. We would not risk our entire reputation over the small amount of gold/items any user would have.

Furthermore, from the moment you enter your username/password combination in to the client, the information is immediately encrypted and impossible for anyone to read and use.

Bot Authors do not have access to your username or password. The only person who does is YOU.

There have been many accusations of this over the years and almost every single time without fail the user has later determined the fault occurred elsewhere.

Individual bots do not have access to credentials of any sort. In addition, every line of every version of every bot is reviewed by a proprietary scanner for malicious code and manually by a Staff member.

Regarding your computer, I suggest running a scan using Windows Defender and Malware Bytes and taking any recommended actions.

To summarise and make it extremely clear, RuneMate did not hack you and steal your items.
Nov 24, 2018
Sorry to hear that you were hacked, but I can assure you it wasn't due to RuneMate or Bot Authors.

I am posting below the same information I do every time this topic comes up to help clarify the situation:

  • Are you sure you haven't used an easy to guess username/password combination?
  • Or that you're using a combination that has been leaked from an external database breach?
  • Or you downloaded a gold generator or similar program?
  • Clicked on any suspicious URLs from Twitch streams etc?

There is NO way RuneMate would hack you for your gold/items. We would not risk our entire reputation over the small amount of gold/items any user would have.

Furthermore, from the moment you enter your username/password combination in to the client, the information is immediately encrypted and impossible for anyone to read and use.

Bot Authors do not have access to your username or password. The only person who does is YOU.

There have been many accusations of this over the years and almost every single time without fail the user has later determined the fault occurred elsewhere.

Individual bots do not have access to credentials of any sort. In addition, every line of every version of every bot is reviewed by a proprietary scanner for malicious code and manually by a Staff member.

Regarding your computer, I suggest running a scan using Windows Defender and Malware Bytes and taking any recommended actions.

To summarise and make it extremely clear, RuneMate did not hack you and steal your items.
i havnt given anyone my password to anyone nor did i download any gold generator. i dont watch stream so i didnt click on anything suspicious and i have both norton n window defender running at the same time.
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