- Thread Author
- #841
Just a head's up, the bot seems to throw a null pointer exception at some point approximately an hour into the script. Each time it seems to happen, it's after it's finished filling pouches and starting to move towards the wild, but then throws the exception before jumping over the wall. It has happened to me consistently at least three times now.
Other than this recent issue, which I'm confident you'll fix in no time: this bot has worked amazingly. My sincere gratitude.
i got a null pointer in the altar , but it was only a time and after some hours not one.
Yeah sorry, good idea.
00:13:16 DEBUG Interacted with Rock [3019, 4822, 0] with action Mine
00:13:36 INFO Teleporting
00:13:44 DEBUG Unwanted interface handler activated!
00:13:44 DEBUG Closed unwanted interface
00:13:52 INFO Filled Small pouch
00:13:54 INFO Filled Medium pouch
00:13:55 INFO Filled Large pouch
00:13:56 INFO Filled Giant pouch
00:13:58 INFO Filling BoB
00:14:02 INFO Filled BoB
00:14:02 DEBUG Looking for essence
00:14:05 INFO Loaded essence
00:14:06 INFO Turning camera
00:14:07 INFO Turning camera
00:14:07 INFO Walking
00:14:08 INFO Turning camera
00:14:09 INFO Turning camera
00:14:09 INFO Walking
00:14:10 INFO Turning camera
at robot.iiIiiiiIiI.class(n:171)
at robot.iiIiiiiIiI.execute(n:48)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.tree.TreeBot.onLoop(ycc:168)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(yvb:66)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(jwb:22817)
at nul.IIIiiIiiIiIii.run(wjc:26)
00:14:16 INFO Thank you for choosing Quantum!
It was RS3, with abyssal titan and wild sword 1, all available pouches and nature runes as my rune choice. I'm not using recommended setup but something close to it with at least 100+ hours in the last 3 weeks on this bot.
Here's the other one:
01:03:21 INFO Filled Large pouch
01:03:23 INFO Filled Small pouch
01:03:24 INFO Filled Medium pouch
01:03:25 INFO Filled Giant pouch
01:03:27 INFO Turning camera
01:03:28 INFO Turning camera
01:03:29 INFO Turning camera
01:03:29 INFO Walking
01:03:30 INFO Turning camera
01:03:30 INFO Walking
at robot.iiIiiiiIiI.class(n:171)
at robot.iiIiiiiIiI.execute(n:48)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.tree.TreeBot.onLoop(ycc:168)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(yvb:66)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(jwb:22817)
at nul.IIIiiIiiIiIii.run(wjc:26)
01:03:31 INFO Thank you for choosing Quantum!
Thank you all for reporting the errors, I was rewriting the bot and I missed some NullPointerExceptions which didn't pop-up when I was testing. Next version should fix these errors. Shoot me a PM with your sessions if you want a refund.