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Quantum Abyss Crafter [Deleted]

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More legit than the guy who paid for WinRAR
Nov 23, 2016

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Ruben\RuneMate\logs\05-05 16-05-34 - Rob's Abyss Crafter Pro [SALE].txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN Settings Node: iIiIiiIIIi@2a6348
00:00:00 WARN UIHolder: StackPane[id=UIHolder]
00:00:00 WARN UIHolder children: []
00:00:14 INFO Turning camera towards: Wilderness wall
00:00:14 INFO Walking to: Wilderness wall
00:00:25 INFO Walking towards: Mage of Zamorak
00:00:48 INFO Interacted with: Obstacle: Rock [3022, 4843, 0]
00:00:58 INFO Crafted runes
00:01:03 INFO Teleporting
00:01:08 INFO Successfully interacted with sword
00:01:10 INFO Teleporting
00:01:12 INFO Turning camera towards: Bank
00:01:12 INFO Walking towards: Bank
00:01:16 INFO Filling: Pouches
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at nul.iIiIIIiiIiII.short(hob:199)
at nul.iIiIIIiiIiII.void(hob:174)
at nul.iIIiiIiiIIIi.void(veb:82)
at nul.iIiIIIiiIiII.void(hob:81)
at nul.iIIIIIiiiiIi.void(whb:216)
at nul.IIIIIIiIIIiI.void(dbb:11)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.SpriteItemQueryBuilder.void(qkb:82)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.results(zxa:224)
at robot.IIiiiiiiII.catch(r:83)
at robot.IIiiiiiiII.catch(r:135)
at robot.iiIIiiiiii.execute(r:211)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.tree.TreeBot.onLoop(fya:223)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(tbb:180)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(sab:208)
at nul.iIIiIIiIIIii.run(zlb:28)
00:01:16 INFO Thank you for using Rob's Abyss crafter
Jun 9, 2015

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Ruben\RuneMate\logs\05-05 16-05-34 - Rob's Abyss Crafter Pro [SALE].txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN Settings Node: iIiIiiIIIi@2a6348
00:00:00 WARN UIHolder: StackPane[id=UIHolder]
00:00:00 WARN UIHolder children: []
00:00:14 INFO Turning camera towards: Wilderness wall
00:00:14 INFO Walking to: Wilderness wall
00:00:25 INFO Walking towards: Mage of Zamorak
00:00:48 INFO Interacted with: Obstacle: Rock [3022, 4843, 0]
00:00:58 INFO Crafted runes
00:01:03 INFO Teleporting
00:01:08 INFO Successfully interacted with sword
00:01:10 INFO Teleporting
00:01:12 INFO Turning camera towards: Bank
00:01:12 INFO Walking towards: Bank
00:01:16 INFO Filling: Pouches
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
at nul.iIiIIIiiIiII.short(hob:199)
at nul.iIiIIIiiIiII.void(hob:174)
at nul.iIIiiIiiIIIi.void(veb:82)
at nul.iIiIIIiiIiII.void(hob:81)
at nul.iIIIIIiiiiIi.void(whb:216)
at nul.IIIIIIiIIIiI.void(dbb:11)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.SpriteItemQueryBuilder.void(qkb:82)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.queries.QueryBuilder.results(zxa:224)
at robot.IIiiiiiiII.catch(r:83)
at robot.IIiiiiiiII.catch(r:135)
at robot.iiIIiiiiii.execute(r:211)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.tree.TreeBot.onLoop(fya:223)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(tbb:180)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(sab:208)
at nul.iIIiIIiIIIii.run(zlb:28)
00:01:16 INFO Thank you for using Rob's Abyss crafter
delete the .web files in your RM folder for now. Next client update fixes it.
Nov 24, 2016
The bot doesn't seem to know when I need to withdraw a new massive pouch. My preset is all my pouches, including a used massive pouch. So when the massive pouch runs out, it is an empty space in my preset when used. The bot be stuck at the bank, repeatedly withdrawing preset 1 because my inventory will have that empty space.
Jun 9, 2015
The bot doesn't seem to know when I need to withdraw a new massive pouch. My preset is all my pouches, including a used massive pouch. So when the massive pouch runs out, it is an empty space in my preset when used. The bot be stuck at the bank, repeatedly withdrawing preset 1 because my inventory will have that empty space.
The massive pouch is incredibly hard to code since it's different from any other pouches. It has no varbit, so I cannot determine the state of the pouch. I suggest not using the massive pouch.
Feb 2, 2017
Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Cosmics, Small, Medium, Large, Giant Pouches, Abyssal Parasite, Wildy Sword 1, Default Breaks
Bot run duration: < 2 minutes
Bug description: Bot would not cross the wildy wall. Would only walk up to it and sit there waiting
Steps to reproduce: Start the bot at edgevile with the same settings
This occurred 3 times before I stopped trying. Can I get a refund for the wasted 15 cents?
Jun 9, 2015
Game Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Cosmics, Small, Medium, Large, Giant Pouches, Abyssal Parasite, Wildy Sword 1, Default Breaks
Bot run duration: < 2 minutes
Bug description: Bot would not cross the wildy wall. Would only walk up to it and sit there waiting
Steps to reproduce: Start the bot at edgevile with the same settings
This occurred 3 times before I stopped trying. Can I get a refund for the wasted 15 cents?
Works for me... Mind posting logs?
May 21, 2015
I bought only 1$ to test this bot, here are my results:

00:51:10 INFO    Filling: Pouches
00:51:13 INFO    Filled: Pouches
00:51:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:56:22 INFO    Turning camera towards: Bank
02:20:19 INFO    Thank you for using Rob's Abyss crafter
02:50:02 INFO    Teleported to: Edgeville
02:50:06 INFO    Turning camera towards: Bank
08:20:44 INFO    Thank you for using Rob's Abyss crafter

Wasted around 7hours = 0.35 cents.

NewGame Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Nature, Small, Medium, Large, Giant Pouches, Abyssal Titan, Wildy Sword 1, Default Breaks
Bot run duration:
Bug description: LOGS
Steps to reproduce: Random
Jun 9, 2015
I bought only 1$ to test this bot, here are my results:

00:51:10 INFO    Filling: Pouches
00:51:13 INFO    Filled: Pouches
00:51:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:56:22 INFO    Turning camera towards: Bank
02:20:19 INFO    Thank you for using Rob's Abyss crafter
02:50:02 INFO    Teleported to: Edgeville
02:50:06 INFO    Turning camera towards: Bank
08:20:44 INFO    Thank you for using Rob's Abyss crafter

Wasted around 7hours = 0.35 cents.

NewGame Mode: RS3
Bot settings: Nature, Small, Medium, Large, Giant Pouches, Abyssal Titan, Wildy Sword 1, Default Breaks
Bot run duration:
Bug description: LOGS
Steps to reproduce: Random
This isn't very helpful dude. Where did it get stuck? Which interface are you using? Logs please.
Apr 7, 2017
Back to running the bot after awhile of working on other skills. Pretty happy with the changes that were made since I last used it :) Getting around 2.6M per hour with small-giant pouches, lurker, and 91+ rc. Can't remember what I was getting before, but I'm pretty sure this is an improvement
Nov 24, 2016
The massive pouch is incredibly hard to code since it's different from any other pouches. It has no varbit, so I cannot determine the state of the pouch. I suggest not using the massive pouch.

I can probably work around this issue with having my preset include both a used massive pouch and a new one. I just hope I don't get PK'd, which has happened maybe 4 times out of the 100+ hours i've used this bot.
Jun 9, 2015
Logs are of no help because your logging preferences are incorrect. Go to Edit > Preferences > Logger and set it to debug. If it happens again, send me the logs.
May 21, 2015
Thats why I didnt gave you full loggs before. I've read that this bot is " Goldfarmer-grade stability".
I would send you more logs next time but bot drained all credits from that 1$ until now. If I would get refund I might change my opinion about this bot but for now I can't tell it is " Goldfarmer-grade stability". Made with this bot around 35m for 1$. Bot was almost "perfect" and very fast if not those wasted hours(7 of 20).
Jun 9, 2015
Thats why I didnt gave you full loggs before. I've read that this bot is " Goldfarmer-grade stability".
I would send you more logs next time but bot drained all credits from that 1$ until now. If I would get refund I might change my opinion about this bot but for now I can't tell it is " Goldfarmer-grade stability". Made with this bot around 35m for 1$. Bot was almost "perfect" and very fast if not those wasted hours(7 of 20).
I can't explain why the bot is getting stuck because I haven't had any problems with it myself. I can also see people are running it for more than 10 hours without issues. Since I can't reproduce the issues, I need logs.
May 21, 2015
I can't explain why the bot is getting stuck because I haven't had any problems with it myself. I can also see people are running it for more than 10 hours without issues. Since I can't reproduce the issues, I need logs.
So it is my fault that bot fucked up and I didnt gave you the logs? For sure I have to run in Debug mode always? I also had very good 10h session with yours bot.
You have to understand that I didnt know to run bot in Debug mode.
Jun 9, 2015
So it is my fault that bot fucked up and I didnt gave you the logs? For sure I have to run in Debug mode always? I also had very good 10h session with yours bot.
I have never stated that this is your fault. The only thing I'm saying is that I find it very unlikely that the bot is getting stuck at those spots you described because it's running smoothly for other people (including me). Now that doesn't mean the bot cannot get stuck anywhere.

Every user's bot preference is now set to Debug, so with the proper log file, I can identify your issue and fix it promptly.
May 21, 2015
Very nice guy, he is taking business seriously, gave me a refund for lost hours. Have to say that RM staff should be proud to have bot authors like him.
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