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Quality Slayer [Deleted]

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I've been called a god before.
Aug 5, 2014
Yeah the bot wont touch the prayer at all, using iFighter again and it's killing them at Slayer cave instead of Catacombs which is working nicely :)
ISlayer should kill them
In slayer cave as well after last update.

I'll have to look at that prayer with bloodvelds tho
Jul 3, 2017
Qos, potentially my mistake with Slayer, I'd set it to use multicombat areas. If I untick that iSlayer kills them in the cave.
I've been called a god before.
Aug 5, 2014
Qos, potentially my mistake with Slayer, I'd set it to use multicombat areas. If I untick that iSlayer kills them in the cave.
hmm okay
So I'm trying to kill bloodvelds, it's got 10 p pots, a few monkfish. It just won't activate protect from melee + eats the monkfish and teles out lol
My settings are use prayer ticked
Only when a monster is x levels below, not ticked
Prayer flick tick
Amount for adventure 10
Do bloodvelds attack from further distance?
Qos, potentially my mistake with Slayer, I'd set it to use multicombat areas. If I untick that iSlayer kills them in the cave.
I just tested bloodvelds. Melee prayer works here.

You sure you have prayer high enough for melee?
Jul 3, 2017
The bot walked me to Catacombs when I ticked use multicombat areas and most optimal for my level. I've 85+ prayer pal :)
I've been called a god before.
Aug 5, 2014
The bot walked me to Catacombs when I ticked use multicombat areas and most optimal for my level. I've 85+ prayer pal :)
Does it use payer in non multi combat areas
Mar 30, 2015
Quick question. Would it be possible to select attack styles? If bot switches from meele to range for a task, then back to melee, the rapid attack style will be equivalent to strength training, but I don't want to train strength anymore, I want defence training on melee.
I've been called a god before.
Aug 5, 2014
Quick question. Would it be possible to select attack styles? If bot switches from meele to range for a task, then back to melee, the rapid attack style will be equivalent to strength training, but I don't want to train strength anymore, I want defence training on melee.
I can prolly add something.
You need a Donate button Qos!
Added a donation button to my signature since i found out i'll have to pay ~300-400€ for my textbooks....
Jul 3, 2017
For fire giants task in the dungeon in Karamja, it tries to hop worlds continoussly. Not sure why.

Gyazo - e8f49340c17a817b35e2bd07626add22.gif

Had a similar problem to this yester.

@Qosmiof2 I've come back to finish off my tasks of Bloodvelds, using slayer cave, perfect.
One little thing, there is a guy using a cannon when I turn up. Anyway to hop/move to the next room if bot detects a cannon?

Thanks alot, I'll pop a few bucks on that donate button when I top up!
Mar 30, 2015
As well, when walking to the cave, it got stuck here (Gyazo - 66032afcf0d38a64f200386a54429320.png), and would not leave that corner without assistance. Additionally, it kept using glory to teleport to karmaja, then it teleported back to varrock for no reason, after a few attempts it fixed itself. I think it went back to varrock to get new glory amulet cause it ran out of chargers but not ssure?>
Jul 3, 2017
As well, when walking to the cave, it got stuck here (Gyazo - 66032afcf0d38a64f200386a54429320.png), and would not leave that corner without assistance. Additionally, it kept using glory to teleport to karmaja, then it teleported back to varrock for no reason, after a few attempts it fixed itself. I think it went back to varrock to get new glory amulet cause it ran out of chargers but not ssure?>

Also had the same problem but a bit further up, did send it through to Qos yesterday. I'll start adding Gyazo's if I find anything else!
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