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Prime Zulrah [Deleted]

Not open for further replies.
Jun 4, 2016
Good update!

Few things: fails to use sanguinesti staff (keeps checking charges) -> very bannable!
If the bot tries to withdraw f.e. scales, runes, sharks.. and can't find them MOST of the time it will close. But still cost me 14cents 2 times :).

Thanks for the update.
Jan 25, 2020
Doesn't work at all, states traversing path but just sits opening and closing quest log?
Jan 31, 2021
This bot works great with trident/blowpipe commbination or Tbow only but keeps checking my sang staff voor charges, can you fix this please?

And could you please add the new Bow of Ferd to the weapon list for Zulrah? Thank you!!
Oct 30, 2014
This bot works great with trident/blowpipe commbination or Tbow only but keeps checking my sang staff voor charges, can you fix this please?

And could you please add the new Bow of Ferd to the weapon list for Zulrah? Thank you!!
I can add the bow, but it won't support recharging it, similar to crystal bow.

I'm pushing an update that fixes the use of fairy rings for transportation. I've also fixed Sanguinesti staff.
Oct 18, 2019
it just dosent leave ferox when i start the bot it gears and dosent tele to ardy, also any chance u can add normal anti's i am an iron and a long way from venom
Runemate Credits Guru
Jun 29, 2021
I used to use Zulrah when first starting Runemate, then switched to other ventures... setting an account on Zulrah today and again it's working flawlessly, absolute pleasure to sit back with a cold one and watch the bot do it's magic.

Prime Zulrah - O.G Botter is back! :)

Much love to Defeat3d for this script.

God bless

P.s if anyone would like to see what set up I am using on Zulrah script, it would be my pleasure to share with those who struggle when wondering what gear to use... Just send me a PM and I will get back to ASAP with a few screenshots of what I'm using.
Sep 17, 2021

bought some credit
ran it for 2 hours to stop when it hit 2 hours mark
but still took for 3 hours...


should be looked into tbh.
as you can see.

02:00:03 INFO [Bot stopped] Thanks for choosing Prime!
02:00:03 INFO Stopping after the specified amount of time: 02:00:00

3 seconds too late, which makes it take for a whole hour.
Last edited:
Mar 15, 2019
ran for 5 hours yesterday but for 3 hours it did nothing and just left me dead at falador. can i have refund for those 3 hours, have logs.
Sep 20, 2021
This is the worst bot I've ever seen, it's a total waste of money, has died 10x in a row using high tier equipment and inventory against zulrah, avoid this bot at all costs.
May 8, 2017
Working well for me, so long as I keep my switches simple enough (4 or less).

The only consistent problem I notice: every time the second form is red/melee, it takes too long to click out of the way and takes a hit. Still gets through the run fine, given you have high HP. But worth noting, that's happening.
RuneMate Staff
Oct 2, 2015
Died on first fight of the trip, and the bot immediately stopped itself upon respawning in Lumbridge - it didn't attempt to reclaim items.

Error message on RuneMate client was "Failed to build path 10 times in a row.

It could be that it is related to the client issues happening currently.

00:02:52 INFO    Ranged - West - 5/5
00:02:52 INFO    [Positioning] Moving to Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0)
00:02:52 DEBUG    Attempting to hover Coordinate.Minimap(11304, 3365, 0) since the target of InteractablePoint(611, 114) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:02:53 DEBUG    Attempted to hover Coordinate.Minimap(11304, 3365, 0) since InteractablePoint(611, 114) was less than 4 pixels away (success: true)
00:02:53 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:02:53 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27471.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668649515)
00:02:53 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:02:53 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:02:53 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 27] on the first attempt.
00:02:53 INFO    [Positioning] Moving to Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0)
00:02:54 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:02:54 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Toxic blowpipe, quantity: 1, index: 3,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:54 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ancient chaps, quantity: 1, index: 0,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:55 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ava's accumulator, quantity: 1, index: 2,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:55 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ancient d'hide body, quantity: 1, index: 1,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:55 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 1/10
00:02:57 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 2/10
00:02:58 DEBUG    Attempting to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since the target of InteractablePoint(255, 258) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:02:59 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27467.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668655534)
00:02:59 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 3/10
00:02:59 DEBUG    Attempted to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since InteractablePoint(255, 258) was less than 4 pixels away (success: false)
00:02:59 DEBUG    We're not hovering Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) according to Interactable#isHovered() but our position does equal the desired target.
00:02:59 DEBUG    Attempting to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since the target of InteractablePoint(262, 221) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:02:59 DEBUG    Attempted to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since InteractablePoint(262, 221) was less than 4 pixels away (success: false)
00:02:59 DEBUG    We're not hovering Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) according to Interactable#isHovered() but our position does equal the desired target.
00:02:59 DEBUG    Hovered Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) on the first attempt.
00:02:59 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:02:59 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Prayer potion(4), quantity: 1, index: 6,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Drink$
00:03:00 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Prayer potion(4), quantity: 1, index: 6,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:01 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 4/10
00:03:01 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:01 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11300, 3363, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:02 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 1
00:03:02 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27466.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668659097)
00:03:02 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:02 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 5/10
00:03:02 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 12,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:02 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5828.360000000003, isEstimate=true, time=1633668659139)
00:03:02 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3566.289999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668659139)
00:03:03 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 12,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:04 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:04 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5828.080000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668660360)
00:03:04 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3565.619999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668660360)
00:03:04 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11300, 3363, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:04 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 6/10
00:03:05 INFO    [Prayers] Disabling prayers
00:03:05 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:06 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:06 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 2
00:03:06 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 7/10
00:03:07 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5827.800000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668663400)
00:03:07 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3564.949999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668663401)
00:03:08 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 8/10
00:03:08 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5827.520000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668664639)
00:03:08 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3564.279999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668664639)
00:03:09 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5827.240000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668665739)
00:03:09 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3563.6099999999988, isEstimate=true, time=1633668665739)
00:03:10 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 9/10
00:03:10 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.960000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668666960)
00:03:10 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3562.9399999999987, isEstimate=true, time=1633668666960)
00:03:11 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 10/10
00:03:11 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.680000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668668162)
00:03:11 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3562.2699999999986, isEstimate=true, time=1633668668162)
00:03:13 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.400000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668669340)
00:03:13 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3561.5999999999985, isEstimate=true, time=1633668669340)
00:03:13 DEBUG    Serpentine helm: ChargeCache(charges=5124.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668669883)
00:03:14 INFO    -Phase completed-
00:03:14 INFO    Magic - Middle - 10/10
00:03:14 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.120000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668670561)
00:03:14 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3560.9299999999985, isEstimate=true, time=1633668670561)
00:03:14 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:14 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:14 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 28] on the first attempt.
00:03:14 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:14 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 13,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:14 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:15 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 13,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:16 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:16 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 13,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:17 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ahrim's robeskirt 100, quantity: 1, index: 0,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:17 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Malediction ward, quantity: 1, index: 5,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:17 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ahrim's robetop 100, quantity: 1, index: 1,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:17 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27465.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668674114)
00:03:17 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 1/10
00:03:18 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Trident of the swamp, quantity: 1, index: 3,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:18 DEBUG    Attempting to hover SpriteItem(name:Imbued saradomin cape, quantity: 1, index: 2,  origin: INVENTORY) since the target of InteractablePoint(668, 215) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:03:18 DEBUG    Attempted to hover SpriteItem(name:Imbued saradomin cape, quantity: 1, index: 2,  origin: INVENTORY) since InteractablePoint(668, 215) was less than 4 pixels away (success: true)
00:03:19 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:19 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:19 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 18] on the first attempt.
00:03:19 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:19 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 2/10
00:03:20 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11310, 3361, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:20 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27464.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668677114)
00:03:20 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 1
00:03:20 DEBUG    Trident of the swamp: ChargeCache(charges=1619.0, isEstimate=false, time=1633668677117)
00:03:20 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:21 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27460.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668677717)
00:03:21 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 3/10
00:03:21 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:21 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:21 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 14,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:21 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:22 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 14,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:22 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:22 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:23 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 18] on the first attempt.
00:03:23 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 4/10
00:03:23 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:23 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11310, 3361, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:23 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27459.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668680114)
00:03:24 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:25 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:25 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27455.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668681334)
00:03:25 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 2
00:03:25 DEBUG    Trident of the swamp: ChargeCache(charges=1618.0, isEstimate=false, time=1633668681338)
00:03:25 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 5/10
00:03:25 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:25 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:25 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:25 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:26 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:27 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:27 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 18] on the first attempt.
00:03:27 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:27 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:27 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:28 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:29 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:29 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:29 INFO    [Banking] Difference of ^Occult necklace$ x1
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Looking up local player
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Walking Path
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest start: CoordinateVertex(position=Coordinate(3222, 3218, 0))
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest destination: BankVertex(position=Coordinate(3130, 3632, 0))
00:03:29 WARN    [Traversal] Failed to build path from its_sarah_xo(level: 122, position: 3222, 3219, 0) to Coordinate(3130, 3631, 0)
00:03:29 INFO    [Banking] Difference of ^Occult necklace$ x1
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Looking up local player
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Walking Path
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest start: CoordinateVertex(position=Coordinate(3222, 3218, 0))
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest destination: BankVertex(position=Coordinate(3130, 3632, 0))
00:03:29 WARN    [Traversal] Failed to build path from its_sarah_xo(level: 122, position: 3222, 3219, 0) to Coordinate(3130, 3631, 0)
00:03:29 INFO    [Banking] Difference of ^Occult necklace$ x1
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Looking up local player
Oct 30, 2014
Died on first fight of the trip, and the bot immediately stopped itself upon respawning in Lumbridge - it didn't attempt to reclaim items.

Error message on RuneMate client was "Failed to build path 10 times in a row.

It could be that it is related to the client issues happening currently.

00:02:52 INFO    Ranged - West - 5/5
00:02:52 INFO    [Positioning] Moving to Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0)
00:02:52 DEBUG    Attempting to hover Coordinate.Minimap(11304, 3365, 0) since the target of InteractablePoint(611, 114) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:02:53 DEBUG    Attempted to hover Coordinate.Minimap(11304, 3365, 0) since InteractablePoint(611, 114) was less than 4 pixels away (success: true)
00:02:53 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:02:53 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27471.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668649515)
00:02:53 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:02:53 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:02:53 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 27] on the first attempt.
00:02:53 INFO    [Positioning] Moving to Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0)
00:02:54 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:02:54 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Toxic blowpipe, quantity: 1, index: 3,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:54 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ancient chaps, quantity: 1, index: 0,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:55 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ava's accumulator, quantity: 1, index: 2,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:55 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ancient d'hide body, quantity: 1, index: 1,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:02:55 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 1/10
00:02:57 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 2/10
00:02:58 DEBUG    Attempting to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since the target of InteractablePoint(255, 258) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:02:59 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27467.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668655534)
00:02:59 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 3/10
00:02:59 DEBUG    Attempted to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since InteractablePoint(255, 258) was less than 4 pixels away (success: false)
00:02:59 DEBUG    We're not hovering Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) according to Interactable#isHovered() but our position does equal the desired target.
00:02:59 DEBUG    Attempting to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since the target of InteractablePoint(262, 221) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:02:59 DEBUG    Attempted to hover Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) since InteractablePoint(262, 221) was less than 4 pixels away (success: false)
00:02:59 DEBUG    We're not hovering Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) according to Interactable#isHovered() but our position does equal the desired target.
00:02:59 DEBUG    Hovered Coordinate(11304, 3366, 0) on the first attempt.
00:02:59 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:02:59 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Prayer potion(4), quantity: 1, index: 6,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Drink$
00:03:00 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Prayer potion(4), quantity: 1, index: 6,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:01 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 4/10
00:03:01 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:01 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11300, 3363, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:02 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 1
00:03:02 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27466.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668659097)
00:03:02 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:02 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 5/10
00:03:02 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 12,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:02 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5828.360000000003, isEstimate=true, time=1633668659139)
00:03:02 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3566.289999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668659139)
00:03:03 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 12,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:04 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:04 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5828.080000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668660360)
00:03:04 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3565.619999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668660360)
00:03:04 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11300, 3363, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:04 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 6/10
00:03:05 INFO    [Prayers] Disabling prayers
00:03:05 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:06 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:06 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 2
00:03:06 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 7/10
00:03:07 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5827.800000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668663400)
00:03:07 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3564.949999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668663401)
00:03:08 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 8/10
00:03:08 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5827.520000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668664639)
00:03:08 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3564.279999999999, isEstimate=true, time=1633668664639)
00:03:09 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5827.240000000004, isEstimate=true, time=1633668665739)
00:03:09 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3563.6099999999988, isEstimate=true, time=1633668665739)
00:03:10 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 9/10
00:03:10 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.960000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668666960)
00:03:10 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3562.9399999999987, isEstimate=true, time=1633668666960)
00:03:11 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 10/10
00:03:11 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.680000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668668162)
00:03:11 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3562.2699999999986, isEstimate=true, time=1633668668162)
00:03:13 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.400000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668669340)
00:03:13 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3561.5999999999985, isEstimate=true, time=1633668669340)
00:03:13 DEBUG    Serpentine helm: ChargeCache(charges=5124.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668669883)
00:03:14 INFO    -Phase completed-
00:03:14 INFO    Magic - Middle - 10/10
00:03:14 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe darts: ChargeCache(charges=5826.120000000005, isEstimate=true, time=1633668670561)
00:03:14 DEBUG    Toxic blowpipe scales: ChargeCache(charges=3560.9299999999985, isEstimate=true, time=1633668670561)
00:03:14 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:14 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:14 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 28] on the first attempt.
00:03:14 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:14 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 13,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:14 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:15 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 13,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:16 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:16 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 13,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:17 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ahrim's robeskirt 100, quantity: 1, index: 0,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:17 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Malediction ward, quantity: 1, index: 5,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:17 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Ahrim's robetop 100, quantity: 1, index: 1,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:17 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27465.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668674114)
00:03:17 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 1/10
00:03:18 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Trident of the swamp, quantity: 1, index: 3,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:18 DEBUG    Attempting to hover SpriteItem(name:Imbued saradomin cape, quantity: 1, index: 2,  origin: INVENTORY) since the target of InteractablePoint(668, 215) is less then 4 pixels away.
00:03:18 DEBUG    Attempted to hover SpriteItem(name:Imbued saradomin cape, quantity: 1, index: 2,  origin: INVENTORY) since InteractablePoint(668, 215) was less than 4 pixels away (success: true)
00:03:19 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:19 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:19 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 18] on the first attempt.
00:03:19 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:19 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 2/10
00:03:20 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11310, 3361, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:20 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27464.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668677114)
00:03:20 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 1
00:03:20 DEBUG    Trident of the swamp: ChargeCache(charges=1619.0, isEstimate=false, time=1633668677117)
00:03:20 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:21 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27460.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668677717)
00:03:21 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 3/10
00:03:21 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:21 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:21 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 14,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:21 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:22 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 14,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:22 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:22 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:23 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 18] on the first attempt.
00:03:23 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 4/10
00:03:23 INFO    [Combat] Attacking Zulrah
00:03:23 DEBUG    Hovered Zulrah(level: 725, position: 11310, 3361, 0) on the first attempt.
00:03:23 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27459.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668680114)
00:03:24 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:25 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 17] on the first attempt.
00:03:25 DEBUG    IiiIIIiIiIIi: ChargeCache(charges=27455.0, isEstimate=true, time=1633668681334)
00:03:25 INFO    Player is attacking, attacks done: 2
00:03:25 DEBUG    Trident of the swamp: ChargeCache(charges=1618.0, isEstimate=false, time=1633668681338)
00:03:25 INFO    Zulrah is attacking, attacks done: 5/10
00:03:25 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:25 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:25 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:25 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:26 INFO    [Prayers] Enabling prayers
00:03:27 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 61] on the first attempt.
00:03:27 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [541, 18] on the first attempt.
00:03:27 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:27 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:27 DEBUG    Hovered InterfaceComponent [548, 59] on the first attempt.
00:03:28 DEBUG    Hovered SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) on the first attempt.
00:03:29 INFO    [Interaction] Finding Entity
00:03:29 INFO    [Interaction] Interacting with SpriteItem(name:Shark, quantity: 1, index: 15,  origin: INVENTORY) using action ^Eat$
00:03:29 INFO    [Banking] Difference of ^Occult necklace$ x1
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Looking up local player
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Walking Path
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest start: CoordinateVertex(position=Coordinate(3222, 3218, 0))
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest destination: BankVertex(position=Coordinate(3130, 3632, 0))
00:03:29 WARN    [Traversal] Failed to build path from its_sarah_xo(level: 122, position: 3222, 3219, 0) to Coordinate(3130, 3631, 0)
00:03:29 INFO    [Banking] Difference of ^Occult necklace$ x1
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Looking up local player
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Walking Path
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest start: CoordinateVertex(position=Coordinate(3222, 3218, 0))
00:03:29 DEBUG    [Web] Nearest destination: BankVertex(position=Coordinate(3130, 3632, 0))
00:03:29 WARN    [Traversal] Failed to build path from its_sarah_xo(level: 122, position: 3222, 3219, 0) to Coordinate(3130, 3631, 0)
00:03:29 INFO    [Banking] Difference of ^Occult necklace$ x1
00:03:29 INFO    [Traversal] Looking up local player
seems like deathlistener is broken
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