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Prime Pest Control [Deleted]

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Jan 17, 2017
what do I do about the money I lost?
ask kindly for a refund. A quick helpful tip, if the bot doesn't work a first time, chances are, it wont work a second. A quick forum search after an update will provide you with the answers you need.
Jul 12, 2017
right clicks on red brawlers then it looks like its going to attack but keeps toggling walk here, and defending isn't as good as it purports to seamlessly attack whatever spawns in the vicinity of the void knight
hey, could you support ancients for bursting here for pures as well
Oct 25, 2017
How is this currently running? Some of the recent posts and reviews have me slightly concerned, so I was hoping to get some info on its current state.
Jan 16, 2017
It's a bit slow clicking on the map so it looks a bit flawed. and attacking monsters are to quick if you delayed the attack a bit slower it would look a lot more realistic, also using prayer as soon as it attacks a monster would be so much more helpful as it does not activate it straight away. otherwise it does attack the right monster to protect the middle guy, it would be worth putting it on for a while when they iron out the process of attacking and moving other than those things i wrote it is a good bot. I don't recommend running for over an hour because of those things i mentioned it would flag you.
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Jan 22, 2018
When boarding plank, it goes on boat and back. About every 1-2 sec. Is it necessary or i should get refund for not working bot ?
Edit: Heck. Same time when bot did that crap, game started and need to wait again. Still going on and off from boat :/
Edit 2: Fuck your bot. After reading reviews, you should refund all users.
For anyone who wants to whine about something...If i see premium bot, which should work (all paid bots should work flawless) then me as a paying customer should get my product, not get robbed. It can be client problem, cause Omni version of pest control did same shit, then Runemate dev-s should take responsibility and make things right. Why i should pay for shitty written scripts or shitty client ? Make your fingers work and earn that money from customers.
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Oct 26, 2016
When boarding plank, it goes on boat and back. About every 1-2 sec. Is it necessary or i should get refund for not working bot ?
Edit: Heck. Same time when bot did that crap, game started and need to wait again. Still going on and off from boat :/
Edit 2: Fuck your bot. After reading reviews, you should refund all users.
For anyone who wants to whine about something...If i see premium bot, which should work (all paid bots should work flawless) then me as a paying customer should get my product, not get robbed. It can be client problem, cause Omni version of pest control did same shit, then Runemate dev-s should take responsibility and make things right. Why i should pay for shitty written scripts or shitty client ? Make your fingers work and earn that money from customers.

Why don't you just try the free version first before deciding to spend money on a broken bot? Read the recent reviews, read the thread, use your head.
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Jan 6, 2016
Why don't you just try the free version first before deciding to spend money on a broken bot? Read the recent reviews, read the thread, use your head.

use your head is stupid, There's an reason people don't want to use the "lite" version because of the time limit,.

If someone offers an script, service, whatever it may be.
He/she has to update the script in order to be even paid for that script, he offers it let it work.. If it's broken "Change it completely to free if he's too lazy to actually fix the issues".
Don't come here and defend an script writer because he has high reps or powers..
Even keeping asking money for something that is working 50% or 80% isn't even worth asking money for.
Same as prime fishing, he makes his script FREE because he didn't had any time to actually fix the addressed issues, now bounce.
Oct 26, 2016
use your head is stupid, There's an reason people don't want to use the "lite" version because of the time limit,.

If someone offers an script, service, whatever it may be.
He/she has to update the script in order to be even paid for that script, he offers it let it work.. If it's broken "Change it completely to free if he's too lazy to actually fix the issues".
Don't come here and defend an script writer because he has high reps or powers..
Even keeping asking money for something that is working 50% or 80% isn't even worth asking money for.
Same as prime fishing, he makes his script FREE because he didn't had any time to actually fix the addressed issues, now bounce.

Alright, let me clear some things up for you.

Like with everything else in the world, you don't automatically assume something works without reading reviews first.
Prior to spending money on anything, use the available trial periods given to you for free. Not only to see if the bot performs like you want it to, but also to see if it even works on your system in the first place and to fine tune settings/make sure it runs flawlessly. Next logical step would then be to check the forum thread to see if any users have reported or encountered any issues as of late.

Not only do you apply this logic because some of the bots in the botstore are broken because of the authors lack of updates, but also due to the fact that Runescape is a game, and like with every game it recieves updates that may or may not break scripts/RuneMate for a while. This is why trials, reviews and forum threads are at your disposal to avoid these issues in the first place.

But sure, I can see why you would think this way because apparently "using your head is stupid" to you.

I don't care about Party and his "powers", and I sure as hell don't give a shit about you either, but it's just annoying to see people moan about things that could be easily avoided. I'm not arguing against the fact that a lot of paid scripts are broken and it definitely is annoying, but knowing this it just makes even more sense to apply above logic to every bot you decide to try. Not only that, but it certainly doesn't help the case to say "fuck you" to the author instead of attaching logs and provide actual useful information.
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Jan 6, 2016
Alright, let me clear some things up for you.

Like with everything else in the world, you don't automatically assume something works without reading reviews first.
Prior to spending money on anything, use the available trial periods given to you for free. Not only to see if the bot performs like you want it to, but also to see if it even works on your system in the first place and to fine tune settings/make sure it runs flawlessly. Next logical step would then be to check the forum thread to see if any users have reported or encountered any issues as of late.

Not only do you apply this logic because some of the bots in the botstore are broken because of the authors lack of updates, but also due to the fact that Runescape is a game, and like with every game it recieves updates that may or may not break scripts/RuneMate for a while. This is why trials, reviews and forum threads are at your disposal to avoid these issues in the first place.

But sure, I can see why you would think this way because apparently "using your head is stupid" to you.

I don't care about Party and his "powers", and I sure as hell don't give a shit about you either, but it's just annoying to see people moan about things that could be easily avoided. I'm not arguing against the fact that a lot of paid scripts are broken and it definitely is annoying, but knowing this it just makes even more sense to apply above logic to every bot you decide to try. Not only that, but it certainly doesn't help the case to say "fuck you" to the author instead of attaching logs and provide actual useful information.

I meant by "using your head is stupid" in a sentence of why would someone have to investigate an script which someone offers in their store, if you check reviews of an PlayStation 4 of how excellent it is working you can say awesome, i will buy it.
But that doesn't mean the PlayStation is working, it could have fault hardware, the controller could be broken, the power cord could be broken.
But when you address the issue and they investigate if it's their fault or your own fault you get replaced with a new one which will work.
So don't come here and say that reviews say everything, sometimes that particular script isn't working for that person because he messed up setting up the bot.
So in actual fact, if someone like Rune-mate offers an script which is apparently not working, then remove it from the bot store or at least make it an "free" script.
Prime did the same with his fishing script, he makes it free because he couldn't re-write the script because he is busy in real life.
It's not that hard to understand.....

I don't care about Party and his "powers", and I sure as hell don't give a shit about you either,

You don't need to get hostile, just because i am addressing something.

+ i want to say that not everyone is like you and me who checks if the bot is actually working, some people are rushed in their decisions, that doesn't mean if someone offers an service that they should not do their job.
Further more i am not trying to bash you, i am simply trying to state that Rune-mate has to work for their income, same as you me and everyone else must.
Oct 26, 2016
I meant by "using your head is stupid" in a sentence of why would someone have to investigate an script which someone offers in their store, if you check reviews of an PlayStation 4 of how excellent it is working you can say awesome, i will buy it.
But that doesn't mean the PlayStation is working, it could have fault hardware, the controller could be broken, the power cord could be broken.
But when you address the issue and they investigate if it's their fault or your own fault you get replaced with a new one which will work.
So don't come here and say that reviews say everything, sometimes that particular script isn't working for that person because he messed up setting up the bot.
So in actual fact, if someone like Rune-mate offers an script which is apparently not working, then remove it from the bot store or at least make it an "free" script.
Prime did the same with his fishing script, he makes it free because he couldn't re-write the script because he is busy in real life.
It's not that hard to understand.....

I don't care about Party and his "powers", and I sure as hell don't give a shit about you either,

You don't need to get hostile, just because i am addressing something.

+ i want to say that not everyone is like you and me who checks if the bot is actually working, some people are rushed in their decisions, that doesn't mean if someone offers an service that they should not do their job.
Further more i am not trying to bash you, i am simply trying to state that Rune-mate has to work for their income, same as you me and everyone else must.

It doesn't matter, if you have been using this platform for a while you know nothing will really change. At least not anytime soon.
Ofcourse you have to read reviews or better yet use the free trial period available to you to make sure everyting works, same reason why you check Trustpilot before you order something off a website you don't know. The issues you mentioned are issues that can be solved on the user end if they spent a little time reading reviews and using the trial to make sure everything works. Sure, it's annoying to have to go through all of that to start a simple bot, but like you said the botstore is pretty much a hit or miss at this point in time.

Your comparison doesn't really work here, because on RuneMate you all have access to the same PlayStation. Which means the reviews or forum complaints will also affect you, this is why you have to check this first prior to starting your bot. Every user is given the exact same script, obviously.

And I also agree that every paid script that is broken and haven't been fixed for a while should be made free or removed entirely, but this discussion have been up so many times and nothing is done about it, so don't expect anything to be done about it and use your head when using bots on this platform, thats the best way to avoid wasting any money.

Not sure why you think I'm being hostile, you're the one telling me to bounce just because you disagree with my opinion. Me saying I don't care about you is just me being brutally honest, because I don't. And I'm sure you don't give a shit about me either. Also because you apparently think I'm defending Party because of is position. I don't give a shit.

But honestly, I don't want to derail this thread further. If you got problems with the bot, report issues on the forums and attach logs. No point in telling the author to fuck off just because his bot doesn't work (yeah, I know that wasn't you).
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