00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Johnny Blaz\RuneMate\logs\Prime NMZ 12-09 18-14-20.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 9 statistics and 6 skills for nmz
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] Waiting for user input...
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] (1/3) Running First Query: Game Objects
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (2/3) Running First Query: Items
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Running First Query: Npcs
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Background Setup Done
00:00:14 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to PRAY_MELEE
00:00:34 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:00:34 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x4 and purchasing true
00:00:34 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:00:34 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:34 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x23 and purchasing false
00:00:34 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:01:24 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:01:24 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:01:24 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:24 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Bank booth [2614, 3094, 0]
00:01:24 INFO [Navigation] Walking Path
00:01:24 INFO [Navigation] Building route
00:01:24 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:24 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2608, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:25 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:25 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:25 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2608, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:26 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:26 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2608, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3114, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:26 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:27 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:27 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2610, 3113, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:27 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:27 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:27 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2611, 3112, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:27 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:28 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:28 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2613, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3111, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3110, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:28 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:28 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2615, 3109, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:28 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:29 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:29 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2615, 3108, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:29 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:29 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:29 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2615, 3107, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3106, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:29 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:29 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:29 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2615, 3105, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2615, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:30 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:30 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2614, 3104, 0), Coordinate(2614, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:30 INFO [Navigation] Building RegionPath route to Area(2609, 3091, 0 -> 2613, 3094, 0)
00:01:30 INFO [Navigation] Built IIiiiIiIIiI: [Coordinate(2613, 3103, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3102, 0), Coordinate(2613, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2612, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3101, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3100, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3099, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3098, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3097, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3096, 0), Coordinate(2607, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3095, 0), Coordinate(2608, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3094, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3093, 0), Coordinate(2609, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2610, 3092, 0), Coordinate(2611, 3092, 0)]
00:01:30 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:30 INFO [Interact: Open Bank] Selecting ^(Bank|Use)$
00:01:32 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:33 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:33 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:34 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ava's accumulator$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ava's accumulator$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:34 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:34 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Toxic blowpipe$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ava's accumulator$
00:01:36 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ava's accumulator$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ava's accumulator$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:36 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:36 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ava's accumulator$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:40 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:40 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:40 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Black d'hide chaps$
00:01:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:43 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:43 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:43 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Black d'hide vamb$
00:01:44 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:44 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:44 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:44 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:44 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:44 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Magic shortbow \(i\)$
00:01:46 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:46 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:46 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:46 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:46 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #1: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:46 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:47 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #2: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:47 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #3: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:47 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #4: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:47 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:48 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #5: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:48 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #6: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:48 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #7: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:48 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:48 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #8: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:48 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:49 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:49 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #9: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:49 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Scanning Inventory
00:01:49 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 DEBUG [Banking] Difference of 1 x ^Rune arrow$
00:01:49 WARN [Banking] Failed to withdraw ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$ on attempt #10: Item(name=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, pattern=^Ring of wealth \(3\)$, quantity=1)
00:01:49 INFO [Manage Banking (Unnamed Loadout)] Withdrawing 1 of ^Ring of wealth \(3\)$
00:01:49 INFO [Bot stopped] Thanks for choosing Prime!
00:01:50 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:01:50 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking nmz