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Prime NMZ FREE [Deleted]

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Feb 7, 2017
Seems to be broken atm, just says looking for map. I'll put the logs below.

00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 5000ms
00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 9 statistics and 6 skills for nmz-free
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] (1/3) Running First Query: Game Objects
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] Waiting for user input...
00:00:01 INFO [Performance] Performance monitoring DISABLED for this session.
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (2/3) Running First Query: Items
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Running First Query: Npcs
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Background Setup Done
00:00:32 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to ABSORPTION
00:00:49 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x9 and purchasing false
00:00:49 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x6 and purchasing false
00:00:49 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:49 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:49 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:00:49 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:01:05 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:01:05 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:02:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz-free
00:02:15 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to ABSORPTION
00:02:19 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x9 and purchasing false
00:02:19 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x6 and purchasing false
00:02:19 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:02:19 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:02:19 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:02:19 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:02:31 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:02:31 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:03:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz-free
00:03:24 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking nmz-free
Aug 24, 2019
well, i've used this in the past and it alwys worked like a charm but not last night, i logged in today with full pots in inv, avas, and nothing else, lost my pipe, fury and other irrelevant items but that makes a cost of 10M loss, i wonder how i lost my items because i wasn't skulled or anything
Jun 14, 2019
Hey man not sure wat happened but I started the bot and it crashed when I reopend it it recharged me again

  1. You sent $0.10 to RuneMate
  2. [Running] Prime NMZ - $0.10 x 1 hour
  3. A moment ago
  4. You sent $0.10 to RuneMate
    [Running] Prime NMZ - $0.10 x 1 hour

    A moment ago
Feb 15, 2019
Stuck at building logic tree doesnt do anything

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\lucvg\RuneMate\logs\Prime NMZ 3-09 12-55-50.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 9 statistics and 6 skills for nmz
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:00 INFO [Setup] Waiting for user input...
00:00:00 INFO [Preparing] (1/3) Running First Query: Game Objects
00:00:00 INFO [Performance] Performance monitoring DISABLED for this session.
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (2/3) Running First Query: Items
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Running First Query: Npcs
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Background Setup Done
00:00:48 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to ABSORPTION
00:02:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:02:35 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x21 and purchasing true
00:02:35 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x5 and purchasing true
00:02:35 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:02:35 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:02:35 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:02:35 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:03:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_critical_absorption_threshold with value 189.61639854264718
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_critical_prayer_threshold with value 5.050737857948331
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_staggered_absorption_drink with value true
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_staggered_absorption_upper with value 353.7608350521371
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_unsafe_prayer_difference with value 38.42721205691502
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_staggered_absorption_modifier with value 0.7419677385765826
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_rapid_heal_frequency with value 26.3301824330073
00:03:33 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_prefer_left_side with value true
00:03:33 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:03:33 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:04:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:05:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:06:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:06:08 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to ABSORPTION
00:06:12 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x21 and purchasing true
00:06:12 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x4 and purchasing true
00:06:12 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:06:12 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:06:12 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:06:12 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:06:26 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:06:26 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:07:00 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
Aug 27, 2020

A couple of suggestions:

Eating Absorption to max. I don't see why not to do this. Rather than hovering around 330, just drink up at the beginning.

Don't randomly click 10 different absorption pots. I don't know anyone who does that. Just spam click one Absorb pot at a time.

Besides that, its been working nicely so far!

Thank you.
Almost L33t
Aug 22, 2020

First off, I want to say amazing work. I love this Bot. I am sure this sounds lame and many people say this, but I do intend to switch to being a paid user very soon.

So my issue is this, I cant say the exact date I downloaded the bot, because that would be a lie... I don't remember. But I know for a fact it's been more than a week. I tried it once a few days ago thinking the week should have reset, it did not work. So I assumed my memory of how long its been is flawed (Which is def something that happens) but at this point... There is no way it has not been 7 days. I still get the message saying I have used up all my time for this period. I know i know... Quit being lame and pay for it, like i said i will soon. But in the meantime any idea on how i could fix this?

Any help would be amazing! Thanks for your time and consideration.

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