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Prime NMZ FREE [Deleted]

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Nov 4, 2018
Hey - when did you experience this bug? I released a hotfix this morning which should have patched that issue.
Literally this morning I was facing this issue and I left my bot on over night and it should've taking one break for 6 hours and it took 5 breaks instead. Also sometimes it will have a full inventory of the setup and not drink the prayer pots and just die.
Nov 4, 2018
just hit 90 strength with this bot, ive had it going litterally 19 hours in the last 24 and still no ban, wonder how much longer it can go, keep you guys posted
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Party updated Prime NMZ with a new update entry:

Prime NMZ v4.0.1 Released!

Prime NMZ updated to v4.0.1.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Literally this morning I was facing this issue and I left my bot on over night and it should've taking one break for 6 hours and it took 5 breaks instead. Also sometimes it will have a full inventory of the setup and not drink the prayer pots and just die.

Would you be able to try again? I've released a series of shadow-updates and one larger update in the past couple of days which should have resolved most of the initial issues.

You can see the other tracked issues here: Issues · Prime Bots / Prime NMZ · GitLab
Oct 19, 2018
Wonderful update man everything i was thinking to say that's missing or not working has been added or fix amazing.
Apr 24, 2017
When I'm setting up the bot, the only option for dream is 'normal'.
This wouldn't be too big of a problem, except that the next button doesn't work, so its currently unusable.
(for me)
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Nov 7, 2018
it isnt working at all for me. once i press play it will say that its going to get the potions but nothing happens , the character just stands still or gets stuck on talking to dominic.
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Nov 4, 2018
it isnt working at all for me. once i press play it will say that its going to get the potions but nothing happens , the character just stands still or gets stuck on talking to dominic.

Ive noticed it wont rebuy potions from the chest, but it does restock from the barrels providing you have money in the coffer and enough potions in barrel
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Pushing a fix shortly for the errors being thrown on level-up.

it isnt working at all for me. once i press play it will say that its going to get the potions but nothing happens , the character just stands still or gets stuck on talking to dominic.

Ive noticed it wont rebuy potions from the chest, but it does restock from the barrels providing you have money in the coffer and enough potions in barrel

It should definitely be purchasing more potions and this is working for me locally. Would you be able to provide logs?
Nov 7, 2018
Pushing a fix shortly for the errors being thrown on level-up.

It should definitely be purchasing more potions and this is working for me locally. Would you be able to provide logs?
00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\family\RuneMate\logs\Prime NMZ 11-07 18-31-09.log
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 5000ms
00:00:00 INFO [WebServices] Now tracking 9 statistics and 6 skills for nmz
00:00:01 INFO [Setup] Running start-up configuration
00:00:01 INFO [Setup] Completed start-up configuration
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] Waiting for user input...
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (1/3) Running First Query: Game Objects
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (2/3) Running First Query: Items
00:00:01 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Running First Query: Npcs
00:00:02 INFO [Preparing] (3/3) Background Setup Done
00:00:02 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
00:00:15 DEBUG Interface Closer - Play Button has been activated!
00:01:04 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 5000ms
00:01:04 DEBUG Login Handler has been activated!
00:01:12 DEBUG Interface Closer - Play Button has been activated!
00:02:01 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:04:02 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:04:53 INFO [Settings] Strategy set to ABSORPTION
00:06:02 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:06:20 INFO [Settings] Potion Absorption set to quantity x3 and purchasing true
00:06:20 INFO [Settings] Potion Overload set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:06:20 INFO [Settings] Potion Super magic set to quantity x0 and purchasing true
00:06:20 INFO [Settings] Potion Super ranging set to quantity x1 and purchasing true
00:06:20 INFO [Settings] Potion Prayer set to quantity x3 and purchasing false
00:06:20 INFO [Settings] Potion Super restore set to quantity x0 and purchasing false
00:06:26 DEBUG Npc Dismisser has been activated!
00:08:02 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_critical_absorption_threshold with value 133.64509314892115
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_critical_prayer_threshold with value 8.206660446356823
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_staggered_absorption_drink with value true
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_staggered_absorption_upper with value 421.09949291372703
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_unsafe_prayer_difference with value 32.67803384070255
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_staggered_absorption_modifier with value 0.6043904488129506
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_rapid_heal_frequency with value 39.63251298237031
00:08:19 DEBUG [PrimeSense] Initialized PlayerSense key prime_nmz_prefer_left_side with value true
00:08:20 INFO [Setup] Starting bot...
00:08:20 INFO [Preparing] Building Logic Tree
00:08:21 INFO [Unnamed Leaf] Withdrawing Absorption potions
00:08:32 DEBUG [Refresh] Refreshed with Absorption potion [2600, 3117, 0]
00:09:14 INFO [WebServices] Update successful for nmz
00:09:14 WARN [LootTracker] Disabling for 5000ms
00:09:17 INFO [WebServices] No longer tracking nmz
00:09:17 DEBUG Parallel collect task were cancelled
Pushing a fix shortly for the errors being thrown on level-up.

It should definitely be purchasing more potions and this is working for me locally. Would you be able to provide logs?
everything its doing is very slow and delayed. it will click to view potion options and just gets stuck. the only thing it can seem to do right now is walk to the enclosure


Sep 25, 2018
Found when ranging with blowpipe you place scales into it and start bot it goes to bank to put more into it "over 60% charged" and it will stop if it can't put more in it.

So in other words i put a couple in bank it will take those out put them in the 60%+ charged blow pipe go do a dream and then come out and try again to get more if no more it will stop when the blowpipe is charged enough to do a few more dreams.
Dec 30, 2015
I forgot to take a screenshot, but I just wanted to thank you for this script. Works like a charm and I just did 12hours proggy :33
Client Developer
Oct 12, 2015
Found when ranging with blowpipe you place scales into it and start bot it goes to bank to put more into it "over 60% charged" and it will stop if it can't put more in it.

So in other words i put a couple in bank it will take those out put them in the 60%+ charged blow pipe go do a dream and then come out and try again to get more if no more it will stop when the blowpipe is charged enough to do a few more dreams.

Interesting error. I'll have a look.
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