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Prime Hunter [Deleted]

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easily triggered ✌
Dec 31, 2015
Doesn't work with falconry, just talks to Mathias

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Meme Conjurer\RuneMate\logs\20180329102913_Prime Hunter.txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 TRACE [PlayerSense] Parsed 125 PlayerSense elements from the existing profile.
00:00:00 WARN SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=244
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.05181173945591953
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.7745729933420356
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.5522099739996456
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.6185340562474936
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=50
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=128
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=29
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=19
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=56
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=5.154555322970918
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=259.9285063023392
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=367.60100773485016
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=2
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=34.2442863347988
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=66.43860510727684
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=55
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=23
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=84.23685564460295
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=336.7897636489994
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.3458238005979135
00:00:00 DEBUG Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 INFO Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG UI loaded in 8 milliseconds
00:00:00 TRACE [InputManager] Keyboard input BLOCKED
00:00:00 TRACE [InputManager] Keyboard input BLOCKED
00:00:00 DEBUG file:/C:/Users/Meme%20Conjurer/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeHunter/primera.css
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Start button pushed
00:00:07 INFO Starting
00:00:08 DEBUG successfully invoked start
00:00:08 INFO Talking to Matthias
00:00:13 INFO Going through dialog
00:00:19 INFO Talking to Matthias
00:00:20 INFO Going through dialog
00:00:35 INFO Resuming after break
00:00:36 INFO Talking to Matthias
00:00:39 INFO Going through dialog
00:00:50 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-500}, item={"N/A (995) x726724"})
00:00:54 INFO Talking to Matthias
00:00:55 INFO Going through dialog
00:01:02 INFO Talking to Matthias
00:01:03 INFO Going through dialog
00:01:06 DEBUG Parallel collect task were cancelled
Oct 30, 2014
I've pushed an update that hopefully fixes some of the issues you're having with falconry. It's nothing big, because I prefer not to touch this old code. I've also reduced the price to $0.03 until the Prime Anniversary Update is out.
Nov 3, 2013
Hey man, can you add an option to terminate the bot after a certain amount of time, or at reaching a certain level? Thanks!
Mar 3, 2018
last 2 days I keep coming back to the bot and it only had 1 trap left or zero. Any recent updates that would make this happen?
Oct 25, 2017
Haven't been able to try this yet, but I see that it supports all locations besides the wildy, does that include the private location gained after Western hard diaries?
Mar 31, 2018
i did train hunter from 70 to 98 and i have been banned today . i did train it with chinchompas . can someone help me please , what can i do now?
i can't login because my account is involved for serious rule breaking .
Oct 25, 2017
Was this the only bot you used?
What did your botting sessions look like?
Where you present for the botting?
Oct 30, 2014
Its fine now, I got it going, its just going slowly. I have to pick up the traps myself before they and the prey vanish lol, but it is what it is. Thanks for reaching out.
That's strange, I'm sorry it's not working out for you.
Apr 4, 2018
That's strange, I'm sorry it's not working out for you.

I was using box traps while by the southern wall of Port Phantasmys, where the hill starts flowing into the flat, swampy area. It would lay down traps about 8 seconds apart, and either let them sit till they vanished or never picked up the chompas. I'm having better luck hunting regular chinchompas, but I still find myself having to "help" the bot. Or was that how its designed? Of you need screenshots or some type of recording, let me know.
Oct 30, 2014
I was using box traps while by the southern wall of Port Phantasmys, where the hill starts flowing into the flat, swampy area. It would lay down traps about 8 seconds apart, and either let them sit till they vanished or never picked up the chompas. I'm having better luck hunting regular chinchompas, but I still find myself having to "help" the bot. Or was that how its designed? Of you need screenshots or some type of recording, let me know.
I haven't heard of anyone else having these issues. It should definitely run just fine on it's own.
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone notice how it clicks the next step too early? (Goes to next trap while still in animation of previous operation)
This is causing me a few seconds of down time pretty regularly and I feel it looks pretty fishy while using 5 traps and 3-4 of the
traps are down at a time. I feel like a 5ms delay more or so on attempting the next move might fix this, but I'm no programmer :p (OSRS in private red chin spot)
Last edited:
Oct 30, 2014
Anyone notice how it clicks the next step too early? (Goes to next trap while still in animation of previous operation)
This is causing me a few seconds of down time pretty regularly and I feel it looks pretty fishy while using 5 traps and 3-4 of the
traps are down at a time. I feel like a 5ms delay more or so on attempting the next move might fix this, but I'm no programmer :p (OSRS in private red chin spot)
Does it take the next step while it's walking a tile to the west (after the previous action), or while it's really still working on the previous action? The latter should be impossible, the first option means your computer is running a little slow.
Jan 22, 2017
Honestly, the most stable and reliable script i've used in a long time, literally got me 60-99 hunter in a few days getting approximately 200k/hr at skillchompas.
Oct 25, 2017
It happens while say laying down a trap and then it clicks the next trap to pick it up while the initial trap is being set. This causes it to pause for a couple seconds before retrying the pick up the next trap action. I could definitely see it being latency as the location I've been using this doesn't have the best internet, but I don't think it's my computer. (I could be wrong though if you really think that's the problem)
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