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Prime Hunter [Deleted]

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Apr 2, 2018
isnt workinhg at red chins feldop hills, tried 3 times wasted money on my account, Not sure whats up, tried different settings. been working fine for falconry all day which is odd for this to happen
Oct 30, 2014
isnt workinhg at red chins feldop hills, tried 3 times wasted money on my account, Not sure whats up, tried different settings. been working fine for falconry all day which is odd for this to happen
Could you be more specific about your settings, and your position when starting the bot?
Oct 25, 2017
So are there any optimal setting for this? It's still acting up a bit for me as I'm barely pushing 80k an hour at red chins and at lvl 83.
I've checked my pc and I'm not going over 35% cpu usage and still have 8 gb/16 memory available even while heavily multitasking.
Nov 8, 2017
It happens while say laying down a trap and then it clicks the next trap to pick it up while the initial trap is being set. This causes it to pause for a couple seconds before retrying the pick up the next trap action. I could definitely see it being latency as the location I've been using this doesn't have the best internet, but I don't think it's my computer. (I could be wrong though if you really think that's the problem)

This bot is amazing but the only problem I'm noticing is this. I'm using this at crimsons chins atm and I've seen it hit upwards of 500k xp/hr but due to the slight pausing that can bring it down to low-mid 300k xp/hr. Still a great bot though!
Apr 16, 2018
It doesn't work very well at swamp lizards in canifis, I think it's because it tries to perform an action while it is in the middle of performing an action, causing the initial action to not occur. When my trap fails, it then doesn't go to collect the rope and net, making it so I can't hunt.

I've brought 10 sets and in a course of 50 minutes, they were all lost. Also, it spam clicks to set a trap when I don't have the rope and net, which spams the ingame message saying I don't have a net/rope
Apr 2, 2018
Could you be more specific about your settings, and your position when starting the bot?

I tried again the next day and the problem fixed, not really sure what was up as I used the exact same settings.

I think you should incorporate the ability to place your own traps where you want them and then be able to start the script and have it replace them from the same sqares you set up, cause as the moment it just randomly decides where to set them (I use the south west feldip hills spot as it seems to have less people there, perhaps the other spots work better, if someone could confirm?)

At the moment it randomly decides where to place the box traps @ red chins, which is anonying because for efficient xp p/h you have to place them in a cross around the spawn point, is there a way we can work on this path finding or alter it, i've tried pausing and placing htem myself and unpausing but it doesn't work, and i've tried stopping and starting again, it takes about 5-10 reloads before it gets a spot colse enough to the spawn.
Oct 30, 2014
I tried again the next day and the problem fixed, not really sure what was up as I used the exact same settings.

I think you should incorporate the ability to place your own traps where you want them and then be able to start the script and have it replace them from the same sqares you set up, cause as the moment it just randomly decides where to set them (I use the south west feldip hills spot as it seems to have less people there, perhaps the other spots work better, if someone could confirm?)

At the moment it randomly decides where to place the box traps @ red chins, which is anonying because for efficient xp p/h you have to place them in a cross around the spawn point, is there a way we can work on this path finding or alter it, i've tried pausing and placing htem myself and unpausing but it doesn't work, and i've tried stopping and starting again, it takes about 5-10 reloads before it gets a spot colse enough to the spawn.
You can already select a set of formations, or create your own.
Apr 2, 2018
You can already select a set of formations, or create your own.
The formations are fine, the problem is that I can't figure out how to get it to place the traps where i want it on the game. For example, i may select the pattern i want but when I click play/start bot - it moves randomly near/around the red chin and starts the pattern from whatever square it clicks. Is there a way to choose where it sets up?

Edit: Just want to clarify, the bot has been great for me so far, this has been the only problem/downside. I hope there is a way to do so, or that there will be in the future. :)
Oct 30, 2014
The formations are fine, the problem is that I can't figure out how to get it to place the traps where i want it on the game. For example, i may select the pattern i want but when I click play/start bot - it moves randomly near/around the red chin and starts the pattern from whatever square it clicks. Is there a way to choose where it sets up?

Edit: Just want to clarify, the bot has been great for me so far, this has been the only problem/downside. I hope there is a way to do so, or that there will be in the future. :)
Just start the bot positioned on the position you want the center of your formation to be. So for example, if you choose the cross formation, the trap in the center would be positioned where you are currently standing.
Apr 2, 2018
Just start the bot positioned on the position you want the center of your formation to be. So for example, if you choose the cross formation, the trap in the center would be positioned where you are currently standing.
I have tried that, everytime I click start bot it clicks to a location which isn't even in the formation
Apr 1, 2018
Hey Guys. I've been using this script since lv63 catching Red Chins at the little special red chin hunting area. Im currently 83 hunter however the whole time I've only average 50k-ish exp/hr with this method. I've seen posts where people claim to get over 100k/hr but im only getting half of that. Im all the way zoomed out and on the mainspot for hunting chins. What I've noticed is that the bot just moves super slow . There seems to be like 2-3 seconds between each action and its drastically hurting my experience rates. I will attach my logs


  • 20180423215339_Prime Hunter.txt
    79.5 KB · Views: 2
Apr 22, 2018
I mean, the script is doing what it's supposed to, maybe a bit slow but that just feels like a good anti-ban measurement.
However it keeps DROPPING VALUABLE ITEMS. It dropped a knife while doing desert salamanders, which means I can't refill the waterskins, so I need to go back to al-kharid to bank, it's a waste of time.
When I did the swamp lizards in canifis, I had a dramen staff equipped, guess what the bot did? Equipped a swamp salamander which means the dramen staff went into the inventory.
Then it produced the log message "00:00:40 INFO Getting rid of some items" which includes the dramen staff, same message popped up when it dropped the knife.

Luckily I stare at the bot whenever I'm botting, but I kept it running when I went to the toilet to take a shit which resulted in the knife being despawned when I got back. Why can't it just like... you know, drop the salamanders?

Oh ye, it's NOT dropping my teleport to house tablets for some reason.
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Oct 25, 2017
Been having interesting experiences with this lately. Last night I was getting 110k exp/hr, earlier today was 89k exp/hr and just a moment ago was getting 65k exp/hr. Nothing changed between each use. Everything was closed and reopened before each use. This is at red chins in osrs.
May 22, 2017
Bot ran for about an hour properly at Canifis salamanders and then it seems to have started not picking up nets/ropes and ran for another 3 hours getting an extremely low xp/hr as it only had one trap total it was using as it somehow lost 5 of them.

Log file is too large to upload so you can find it here: 20180430141404_Prime Hunter.txt
Apr 12, 2018
I was using this for falconry on my pure with 1 prayer and while i was away it buried bones and ruined my pure and got it 10 prayer. Im not posting this to be rude, just perhaps take a look into the bone burying software/coding/etc.

Mar 26, 2015
at canifis it spam click the other young trees in the middle of an action and sometimes just runs back and forth. You should try making it finish a task instead of it spam clicking other actions in the middle of an interaction.
May 9, 2018
System update has just occurred and the bot will try and place more than the selected amount of Box Traps and will get stuck.
Apr 17, 2018
Having issue with salamanders as mentioned by a few other people. Starts off good then around the 45-55min mark i start losing traps. If you want to see log let me know.
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Mar 26, 2015
In desert salamnders when the trap fails at the exact same time as once catches a salamander the bot breaks, and just sits there losing the net and rope and doesnt perform any actions unless you reset the traps yourself.
falconry is broken. Tries to walk back to the instructor all the time and sits there and goes through a dialogue loop.
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