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Prime Fishing

Aug 10, 2015
Hello @Savior wanted to report a bug that cost me 16 cents!

Currently I am in OSRS at barbarian village fly fishing trout and salmon in a F2P world. Upon reaching a full load it goes to the minigames window and crashes. Below are my logs: (1st log is while fishing, second log is with a full load already)

00:00:00 INFO    Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\username\RuneMate\logs\08-11  09-59-22 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO    Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN    SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=188
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.2221975676108105
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.962923408125745
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.6511480116688818
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.6113697807128332
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=47
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=152
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=23
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=18
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=33
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=5.967451889616019
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=186.8553243079706
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=632.7961363815259
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=2
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=36.808999930293965
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=78.92247231265918
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=44
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=26
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=77.0208640739359
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=755.8789710383232
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.5138497315795343
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 INFO    Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.06492337053009126
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.16867698165489636
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=13568.020763741006
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=2901
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=617
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG    Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG    [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG    UI loaded in 3 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG    file:/C:/Users/username/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:04 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Start button pushed
00:00:06 INFO    Starting
00:00:06 DEBUG    successfully invoked start
00:00:08 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2473"})
00:00:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:00:13 INFO    Idling
00:00:15 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2472"})
00:00:15 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:00:18 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2471"})
00:00:18 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw salmon"})
00:00:20 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2470"})
00:00:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw salmon"})
00:00:32 INFO    Idling
00:00:49 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2469"})
00:00:49 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:00:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2468"})
00:00:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2467"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:01:04 INFO    Walking to bank
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at nul.IIiIiiiIIiiIi.for(bpb:44)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:200)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:24)
    at nul.IiIIIiiIIIiiI.for(zlb:185)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:206)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiIIi.for(qya:204)
    at nul.IIIiiiiIIIiiI.for(ipb:161)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.getAll(jwb)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:219)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:118)
    at nul.IiiIiiiIiIiII.for(xob:54)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.build(nib:181)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.buildTo(nib:218)
    at robot.iIIIiiiiiI.long(ec:154)
    at robot.IiIIiIiIiI.null(rb:221)
    at robot.IIIiIIiIiI.execute(l:157)
    at robot.IIiIIiiiii.onLoop(sc:191)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(sgb:151)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txa:16050)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiiIi.run(dcc:5)

00:00:00 INFO    Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\username\RuneMate\\logs\08-11  10-04-11 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO    Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN    SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=188
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.2221975676108105
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.962923408125745
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.6511480116688818
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.6113697807128332
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=47
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=152
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=23
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=18
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=33
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=5.967451889616019
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=186.8553243079706
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=632.7961363815259
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=2
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=36.808999930293965
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=78.92247231265918
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=44
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=26
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=77.0208640739359
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=755.8789710383232
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.5138497315795343
00:00:00 INFO    Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.06492337053009126
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.16867698165489636
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=13568.020763741006
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=2901
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=617
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG    [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG    Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG    UI loaded in 3 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG    file:/C:/Users/username/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:03 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Start button pushed
00:00:08 INFO    Starting
00:00:08 DEBUG    successfully invoked start
00:00:09 INFO    Walking to bank
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at nul.IIiIiiiIIiiIi.for(bpb:44)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:200)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:24)
    at nul.IiIIIiiIIIiiI.for(zlb:185)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:206)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiIIi.for(qya:204)
    at nul.IIIiiiiIIIiiI.for(ipb:161)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.getAll(jwb)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:219)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:118)
    at nul.IiiIiiiIiIiII.for(xob:54)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.build(nib:181)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.buildTo(nib:218)
    at robot.iIIIiiiiiI.long(ec:154)
    at robot.IiIIiIiIiI.null(rb:221)
    at robot.IIIiIIiIiI.execute(l:157)
    at robot.IIiIIiiiii.onLoop(sc:191)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(sgb:151)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txa:16050)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiiIi.run(dcc:5)
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Hello @Savior wanted to report a bug that cost me 16 cents!

Currently I am in OSRS at barbarian village fly fishing trout and salmon in a F2P world. Upon reaching a full load it goes to the minigames window and crashes. Below are my logs: (1st log is while fishing, second log is with a full load already)

00:00:00 INFO    Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\username\RuneMate\logs\08-11  09-59-22 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO    Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN    SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=188
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.2221975676108105
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.962923408125745
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.6511480116688818
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.6113697807128332
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=47
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=152
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=23
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=18
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=33
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=5.967451889616019
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=186.8553243079706
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=632.7961363815259
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=2
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=36.808999930293965
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=78.92247231265918
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=44
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=26
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=77.0208640739359
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=755.8789710383232
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.5138497315795343
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 INFO    Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.06492337053009126
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.16867698165489636
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=13568.020763741006
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=2901
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=617
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG    Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG    [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG    UI loaded in 3 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG    file:/C:/Users/username/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:04 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Start button pushed
00:00:06 INFO    Starting
00:00:06 DEBUG    successfully invoked start
00:00:08 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2473"})
00:00:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:00:13 INFO    Idling
00:00:15 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2472"})
00:00:15 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:00:18 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2471"})
00:00:18 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw salmon"})
00:00:20 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2470"})
00:00:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw salmon"})
00:00:32 INFO    Idling
00:00:49 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2469"})
00:00:49 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:00:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2468"})
00:00:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x2467"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw trout"})
00:01:04 INFO    Walking to bank
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at nul.IIiIiiiIIiiIi.for(bpb:44)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:200)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:24)
    at nul.IiIIIiiIIIiiI.for(zlb:185)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:206)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiIIi.for(qya:204)
    at nul.IIIiiiiIIIiiI.for(ipb:161)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.getAll(jwb)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:219)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:118)
    at nul.IiiIiiiIiIiII.for(xob:54)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.build(nib:181)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.buildTo(nib:218)
    at robot.iIIIiiiiiI.long(ec:154)
    at robot.IiIIiIiIiI.null(rb:221)
    at robot.IIIiIIiIiI.execute(l:157)
    at robot.IIiIIiiiii.onLoop(sc:191)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(sgb:151)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txa:16050)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiiIi.run(dcc:5)

00:00:00 INFO    Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\username\RuneMate\\logs\08-11  10-04-11 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO    Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN    SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=188
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.2221975676108105
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.962923408125745
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.6511480116688818
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.6113697807128332
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=47
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=152
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=23
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=18
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=33
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=5.967451889616019
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=186.8553243079706
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=632.7961363815259
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=2
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=36.808999930293965
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=78.92247231265918
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=44
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=26
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=77.0208640739359
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=755.8789710383232
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.5138497315795343
00:00:00 INFO    Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.06492337053009126
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.16867698165489636
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=13568.020763741006
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=2901
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=617
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG    [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG    Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG    UI loaded in 3 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG    file:/C:/Users/username/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:03 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Start button pushed
00:00:08 INFO    Starting
00:00:08 DEBUG    successfully invoked start
00:00:09 INFO    Walking to bank
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
    at nul.IIiIiiiIIiiIi.for(bpb:44)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:200)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:24)
    at nul.IiIIIiiIIIiiI.for(zlb:185)
    at nul.iiIiiiiIiiIII.for(utb:206)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiIIi.for(qya:204)
    at nul.IIIiiiiIIIiiI.for(ipb:161)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.getAll(jwb)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:219)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.local.Quests.get(jwb:118)
    at nul.IiiIiiiIiIiII.for(xob:54)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.build(nib:181)
    at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.buildTo(nib:218)
    at robot.iIIIiiiiiI.long(ec:154)
    at robot.IiIIiIiIiI.null(rb:221)
    at robot.IIIiIIiIiI.execute(l:157)
    at robot.IIiIIiiiii.onLoop(sc:191)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(sgb:151)
    at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(txa:16050)
    at nul.iIiiiiiIiiiIi.run(dcc:5)
Both client errors, resulting from the web pathbuilder being sorta under maintainance atm
Aug 10, 2015
Both client errors, resulting from the web pathbuilder being sorta under maintainance atm

Guess I will hold off on trying to run to the bank then. Any idea when the web pathbuilder will be resolves and is there any chance on a refund at all?
Aug 5, 2017
Got a 2 day ban with this bot this morning after running for only a few hours. Was at fishing guild doing sharks incase that helps you fix the issues...
Last edited:
Aug 6, 2017
Bot runs at living rock caverns, and when it banks it deposits but cant close out of the bank. Are there any bots with this client that work? lol
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Yo man just noticed a little hiccup, when starting the bot for minnow, if not at the minnow platform the bot will try and fish in the (i think big net) fishing spot. After manually putting the bot on the platform and away he went fishing.
Oh yes thanks for reminding me. I will ask Cloud to add the row boat to the web, after that it will be very straight forward making the bot move to the platform on its own.
Apr 6, 2017
Oh yes thanks for reminding me. I will ask Cloud to add the row boat to the web, after that it will be very straight forward making the bot move to the platform on its own.
Awesome man! really love the bot, i don't know how many hundreds of hours I've put on this bot but i know it is a lot!!! Thanks.
Jan 28, 2017
Hey is there something up with the minnow fishing? I just had to start and stop the bot twice for it to do nothing, the screen said it was interacting with the fishing spot but my character was standing there doing nothing. I let it do that for about a minute before I turned it off. I dont have the logs for it, and I dont wanna run it again for it to just stand there again. The funny thing is that the Prime Trial version worked just fine for me earlier today. Any ideas? Thanks.

Edit: Sorry, here are the logs:
00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Windows10\RuneMate\logs\08-16 21-38-21 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=333
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.12287109464792637
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=1.1128967078282255
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.2881760827046714
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.7419083526640355
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=37
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=136
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=6
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=24
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=25
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=60
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=5.524381092456629
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=296.7246030908163
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=239.2775791689207
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=3
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=46.82050428317633
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=59.419363587313086
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=44
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=35
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=83.03702560653801
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=434.90798436980083
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=16
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.5007654642155479
00:00:00 INFO Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.011563353738169078
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.07563749649908635
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=10
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=19116.296167234395
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=3391
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=639
00:00:00 DEBUG Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG UI loaded in 1 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG file:/C:/Users/Windows10/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:00 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:01 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85488"})
00:00:01 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:01 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:02 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85501"})
00:00:02 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:03 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:03 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85514"})
00:00:03 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85527"})
00:00:04 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85540"})
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85553"})
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85566"})
00:00:08 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:09 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:09 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={13}, item={"Minnow x85579"})
00:00:09 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:10 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:10 DEBUG Start button pushed
00:00:10 INFO Starting
00:00:10 DEBUG successfully invoked start
00:00:11 INFO Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:49 DEBUG Start button pushed
00:00:49 INFO Starting
00:00:49 DEBUG successfully invoked start
00:00:51 INFO Interacting with fishing spot
Nov 3, 2013
Thought about that too. Unfortunately minigame bots that just leech aren't allowed so I would actually have to learn about the mechanics and wite a proper bot for once LUL
afaik you just have to apply tar on all the holes and you're good. havent looked into it much though

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