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Prime Fishing

Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Bot author is aware and on vacation. Assuming he will get to it when he gets back, which is hopefully soon.
Exactly. Unfortunately I won't be home until next week, hope you all find an alternative or something to fill your needs.
When I'm home again I will have plenty of free time due to semester break, so you'll be seeing one or another fresh bot being released ;)
Apr 6, 2017
why is it not working on minnow for me? it just runs to the corner of the platform and stands
If you would care to read a few messages above you would read that the bot is not working properly and the author is out of town. He said he would be back next week. Until then fish sharks in the fishing guild.
Jan 13, 2016
00:00:00 INFO    Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Jan Harm\RuneMate\logs\08-06  18-25-20 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO    Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN    SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=264
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.18544132458131052
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.9845492504371567
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.17693775438871173
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.5825888870996416
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=53
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=147
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=25
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=93
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=7.697266221263355
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=347.14323822087783
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=392.7994084688438
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=3
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=54.82125194341969
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=72.32329187678197
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=55
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=74
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=70.56017752219603
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=737.6312234825314
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=15
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.7337806654150989
00:00:00 INFO    Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.049830006204417264
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.13187793183483248
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=6
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=8
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=18710.218512933832
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=3533
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=752
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG    Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG    UI loaded in 2 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG    file:/C:/Users/Jan%20Harm/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:00 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:00 DEBUG    [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:01 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:01 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:02 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:03 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:09 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:10 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:11 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:11 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:12 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:13 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:14 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:15 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:15 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:16 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:17 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:18 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:18 DEBUG    Start button pushed
00:00:18 INFO    Starting
00:00:18 DEBUG    successfully invoked start
00:00:19 INFO    Closing bank
00:00:22 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:33 INFO    Idling
00:00:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27144"})
00:00:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27143"})
00:00:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:00:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27142"})
00:00:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27141"})
00:00:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27140"})
00:00:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27139"})
00:00:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27138"})
00:00:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27137"})
00:00:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:00:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27136"})
00:00:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:00 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27135"})
00:01:00 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27134"})
00:01:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27133"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27132"})
00:01:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27131"})
00:01:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27130"})
00:01:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27129"})
00:01:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:19 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27128"})
00:01:19 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:24 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27127"})
00:01:24 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27126"})
00:01:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27125"})
00:01:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27124"})
00:01:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:36 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27123"})
00:01:36 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27122"})
00:01:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27121"})
00:01:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27120"})
00:01:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:53 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27119"})
00:01:53 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27118"})
00:01:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:55 INFO    Walking to bank
00:02:06 INFO    Interacting with bank
00:02:11 INFO    Depositing fish
00:02:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 INFO    Closing bank
00:02:25 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:02:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27117"})
00:02:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:36 INFO    Idling
00:02:42 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27116"})
00:02:42 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27115"})
00:02:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27114"})
00:02:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27113"})
00:02:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:54 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27112"})
00:02:54 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27111"})
00:02:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27110"})
00:03:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27109"})
00:03:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27108"})
00:03:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27107"})
00:03:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:11 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27106"})
00:03:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:16 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:03:21 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27105"})
00:03:21 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27104"})
00:03:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27103"})
00:03:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:29 INFO    Idling
00:03:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27102"})
00:03:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27101"})
00:03:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27100"})
00:03:36 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27099"})
00:03:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27098"})
00:03:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27097"})
00:03:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27096"})
00:03:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27095"})
00:03:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27094"})
00:03:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27093"})
00:03:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:58 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27092"})
00:03:58 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:04:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27091"})
00:04:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:07 INFO    Interacting with bank
00:04:14 INFO    Depositing fish
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:09:06 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:09:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:10 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:12 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:15 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:16 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:17 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:19 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:20 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:21 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:23 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:24 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:25 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:27 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:30 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:31 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:32 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:35 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:41 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:42 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:43 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:46 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:47 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:48 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:49 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:50 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:52 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:53 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:54 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:55 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:56 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:58 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:59 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:00 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:01 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:03 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:04 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:05 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:06 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:08 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:12 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:13 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:15 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:17 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:18 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:19 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:20 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:21 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:22 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:24 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:25 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:27 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:30 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:32 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:34 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:39 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:42 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:45 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:47 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:48 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:50 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:51 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:52 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:54 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:55 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:56 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:58 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:59 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:00 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:02 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:03 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:04 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:05 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in []
00:11:08 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:10 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:13 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:16 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:17 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:18 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:20 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:22 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:23 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:24 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:27 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:29 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:31 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:32 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:35 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:39 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:41 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:43 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:46 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:47 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:49 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:50 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:51 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:53 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:54 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:56 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:57 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:58 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:00 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:01 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:03 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:04 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:06 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:12 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:15 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:16 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:18 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:19 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:21 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:22 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:23 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:25 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:29 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:30 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:31 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:34 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:35 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:39 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:41 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:43 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:45 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:46 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]

Error when bank the fish.
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
00:00:00 INFO    Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at C:\Users\Jan Harm\RuneMate\logs\08-06  18-25-20 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO    Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN    SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=264
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.18544132458131052
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.9845492504371567
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.17693775438871173
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.5825888870996416
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=53
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=147
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=5
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=25
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=13
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=93
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=7.697266221263355
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=347.14323822087783
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=392.7994084688438
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=3
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=54.82125194341969
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=72.32329187678197
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=55
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=74
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=70.56017752219603
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=737.6312234825314
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=15
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.7337806654150989
00:00:00 INFO    Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.049830006204417264
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.13187793183483248
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=6
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=8
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=18710.218512933832
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=3533
00:00:00 DEBUG    [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=752
00:00:00 DEBUG    Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG    Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG    UI loaded in 2 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG    file:/C:/Users/Jan%20Harm/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:00 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:00 DEBUG    [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:01 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:01 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:02 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:03 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:09 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:10 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:11 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:11 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:12 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:13 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:14 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:15 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:15 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:16 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:17 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:18 DEBUG    Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:18 DEBUG    Start button pushed
00:00:18 INFO    Starting
00:00:18 DEBUG    successfully invoked start
00:00:19 INFO    Closing bank
00:00:22 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:33 INFO    Idling
00:00:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27144"})
00:00:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27143"})
00:00:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:00:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27142"})
00:00:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27141"})
00:00:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27140"})
00:00:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27139"})
00:00:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27138"})
00:00:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:00:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27137"})
00:00:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:00:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27136"})
00:00:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:00 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27135"})
00:01:00 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27134"})
00:01:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27133"})
00:01:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27132"})
00:01:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27131"})
00:01:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27130"})
00:01:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27129"})
00:01:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:19 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27128"})
00:01:19 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:24 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27127"})
00:01:24 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27126"})
00:01:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27125"})
00:01:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27124"})
00:01:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:36 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27123"})
00:01:36 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27122"})
00:01:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:01:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27121"})
00:01:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27120"})
00:01:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:53 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27119"})
00:01:53 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:01:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27118"})
00:01:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:01:55 INFO    Walking to bank
00:02:06 INFO    Interacting with bank
00:02:11 INFO    Depositing fish
00:02:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:14 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:23 INFO    Closing bank
00:02:25 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:02:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27117"})
00:02:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:36 INFO    Idling
00:02:42 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27116"})
00:02:42 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27115"})
00:02:47 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27114"})
00:02:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:02:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27113"})
00:02:52 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:02:54 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27112"})
00:02:54 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:02:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27111"})
00:02:57 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27110"})
00:03:02 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27109"})
00:03:04 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27108"})
00:03:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27107"})
00:03:09 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:11 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27106"})
00:03:12 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:16 INFO    Interacting with fishing spot
00:03:21 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27105"})
00:03:21 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27104"})
00:03:23 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27103"})
00:03:26 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:29 INFO    Idling
00:03:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27102"})
00:03:31 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27101"})
00:03:33 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:35 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27100"})
00:03:36 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27099"})
00:03:38 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27098"})
00:03:40 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27097"})
00:03:43 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:03:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27096"})
00:03:45 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:03:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27095"})
00:03:48 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27094"})
00:03:50 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27093"})
00:03:55 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw desert sole"})
00:03:58 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27092"})
00:03:58 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw beltfish"})
00:04:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Fishing bait x27091"})
00:04:07 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:07 INFO    Interacting with bank
00:04:14 INFO    Depositing fish
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:04:17 DEBUG    [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw catfish"})
00:09:06 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel, Walk here]
00:09:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:10 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:12 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:15 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:16 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:17 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:19 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:20 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:21 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:23 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:24 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:25 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:27 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:30 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:31 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:32 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:35 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:41 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:42 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:43 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:46 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:47 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:48 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:49 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:50 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:52 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:53 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:54 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:55 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:56 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:58 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:09:59 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:00 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:01 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:03 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:04 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:05 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:06 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:08 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:12 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:13 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:15 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:17 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:18 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:19 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:20 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:21 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:22 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:24 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:25 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:27 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:30 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:32 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:34 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:39 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:42 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:45 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:47 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:48 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:50 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:51 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:52 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:54 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:55 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:56 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:58 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:10:59 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:00 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:02 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:03 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:04 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:05 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in []
00:11:08 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:10 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:13 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:16 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:17 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:18 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:20 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:22 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:23 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:24 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:27 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:29 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:31 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:32 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:35 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:36 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:39 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:41 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:43 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:46 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:47 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:49 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:50 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:51 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:53 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:54 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:56 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:57 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:11:58 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:00 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:01 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:03 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:04 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:06 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:07 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:09 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:11 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:12 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:14 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:15 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:16 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:18 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:19 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:21 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:22 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:23 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:25 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:26 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:28 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:29 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:30 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:31 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:33 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:34 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:35 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:37 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:38 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:39 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:40 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:41 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:43 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:44 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:45 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]
00:12:46 WARN    [Bank] Action not found in [Cancel]

Error when bank the fish.
@Party you know anything about that?
Aug 5, 2017
Hello, today at about 4.5hrs i got this error
4:37:59 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:00 INFO Closing bank
04:38:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:00 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Raw shark"})
04:38:01 INFO Walking to Coordinate(2599, 3419, 0)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 20
at java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode0(Base64.java:714)
at java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode(Base64.java:526)
at nul.iiIIiiiIIiiIi.else(gnb:21990)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.build(apb:113)
at com.runemate.game.api.hybrid.location.navigation.web.WebPathBuilder.buildTo(apb:218)
at robot.iIIIiiiiiI.long(ec:154)
at robot.IiiiIIiiIi.null(oh:91)
at robot.IIIiiiiiii.execute(f:123)
at robot.IIiIIiiiii.onLoop(sc:191)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.LoopingBot.run(sfb:23)
at com.runemate.game.api.script.framework.AbstractBot.start(ebb:9193)
at nul.IiIIIiiIiIiiI.run(uyb:142)

I'm also having an issue where the breakhandler isn't working and it doesn't log out when on a break it just continues to fish. (timer works fine)
Java Warlord
Nov 17, 2014
Hello, today at about 4.5hrs i got this error

I'm also having an issue where the breakhandler isn't working and it doesn't log out when on a break it just continues to fish. (timer works fine)
As far as I can tell that error is a client error, the break handler will be rewritten soon as we know that it is actually not that great at this stage.
Jul 6, 2017
The bot doesnt click the priffdinas fishing spot (large) when it automatically stops fishing after some time
Jan 31, 2017
When barb fishing, after a fishing spot disappears, the bot starts running to the coordinate in the log over and over. The last coordinate is beyond the fence, so he can't reach it. Game mode is osrs.

00:00:00 INFO Logger Initialised - this log file can be found at /Users/Aaron/RuneMate/logs/08-09 23-10-01 - Prime Fishing.txt
00:00:00 INFO Logging level can be adjusted in the Preferences tab.
00:00:00 WARN SettingsRegistry has not been loaded properly
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fatigue_factor" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_prediction_delay" value=158
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_camera_while_stepping" value=0.15297294720394483
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_common_modifier" value=0.9874435209749611
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_breaking" value=0.25996182171310106
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_actionbar_spam_chance" value=0.40945573840698213
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_min_2" value=35
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_spacing_max_2" value=161
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_min_2" value=3
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_break_duration_max_2" value=25
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_antipattern_spacing" value=14
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_idling_average" value=37
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_area_roaming_precision" value=4.121492673246609
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_mouse_moving_timeout_average" value=300.7518834647212
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_shift_drop_release_delay" value=213.05165206330017
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_drop_order" value=0
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_mouse_click_delay_average" value=36.65066240456497
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fast_key_press_delay_average" value=79.68894965711435
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_enter_amount_number" value=44
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_run_energy" value=31
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_minimum_entity_visibility" value=83.19041790656036
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_delay" value=616.3397790038794
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_sync_chance" value=16
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_async_action_key_first" value=0.551284583704698
00:00:00 INFO Waiting for start...
00:00:00 DEBUG Startup onStart executing
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_f1d1_afk_chance" value=0.05049501458430161
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_inaccurate_inventory_count_chance" value=0.14983895078799156
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_bank_distance" value=9
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_fish_distance" value=7
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_afk_threshold" value=17616.54040127359
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_post_afk_delay" value=2506
00:00:00 DEBUG [PlayerSense] key="p_pre_action_delay" value=752
00:00:00 DEBUG Startup completed!
00:00:00 DEBUG Bot interface property called!
00:00:00 DEBUG UI loaded in 5 milliseconds
00:00:00 DEBUG file:/Users/Aaron/RuneMate/bots/storage/PrimeFishing/primera.css
00:00:00 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:00 DEBUG [WebServices] New session created!
00:00:00 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:01 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:02 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:02 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:03 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:03 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:04 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:05 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:06 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:07 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:08 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:09 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:10 DEBUG Executing: Empty Leaf.
00:00:10 DEBUG Start button pushed
00:00:10 INFO Starting
00:00:10 DEBUG successfully invoked start
00:00:11 INFO Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:13 INFO Fixing camera
00:00:14 INFO Idling
00:00:17 INFO Interacting with fishing spot
00:00:25 INFO Idling
00:00:27 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4218"})
00:00:27 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:00:34 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4217"})
00:00:34 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:00:37 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4216"})
00:00:37 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:00:39 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4215"})
00:00:39 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:00:43 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4214"})
00:00:43 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:00:49 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4213"})
00:00:49 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:00:58 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4212"})
00:00:58 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:01 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4211"})
00:01:01 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:01 INFO Dropping fish
00:01:01 INFO Dropping: Leaping trout
00:01:03 INFO Dropping: Leaping trout
00:01:03 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:03 INFO Using knife on fish
00:01:04 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:04 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:05 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:05 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Roe"})
00:01:06 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:06 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:06 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:07 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:07 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:08 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:09 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:09 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:09 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:10 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:11 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:11 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:11 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Roe"})
00:01:12 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:13 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:14 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:14 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:14 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:15 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:15 INFO Deselecting item
00:01:16 INFO Using knife on fish
00:01:17 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:17 INFO Deselecting item
00:01:17 INFO Using knife on fish
00:01:18 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:19 INFO Deselecting item
00:01:21 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Roe"})
00:01:23 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Roe"})
00:01:23 INFO Interacting with fishing spot
00:01:26 INFO Idling
00:01:27 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4210"})
00:01:27 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:36 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4209"})
00:01:36 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:42 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4208"})
00:01:42 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:48 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4207"})
00:01:48 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:01:54 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4206"})
00:01:54 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:03 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4205"})
00:02:03 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:09 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4204"})
00:02:09 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:12 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4203"})
00:02:12 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:15 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4202"})
00:02:15 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:27 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4201"})
00:02:27 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:30 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4200"})
00:02:30 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:33 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4199"})
00:02:33 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:55 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4198"})
00:02:55 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:02:58 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4197"})
00:02:58 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:03:04 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4196"})
00:03:04 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:03:13 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={-1}, item={"Feather x4195"})
00:03:13 DEBUG [ItemEvent] ItemEvent(quantity={1}, item={"Leaping trout"})
00:03:25 INFO Interacting with fishing spot
00:03:29 INFO Walking to Coordinate(2504, 3497, 0)
00:03:33 INFO Walking to Coordinate(2506, 3494, 0)
00:03:54 INFO Walking to Coordinate(2500, 3509, 0)
Aug 5, 2017
Not sure if it is a bot issue or a client issue, but today I was logged out around 6hr 45m from runescape and when the bot tried to log back in it had a pop up "please download the NXT client for enhanced graphics......blahblah....(click here to close)" and it failed to close the dialog and therefore could not log back in. Is there anyway past this? Thanks and I love this fishing bot best one i've used after the nuke :)
Apr 6, 2017
Not sure if it is a bot issue or a client issue, but today I was logged out around 6hr 45m from runescape and when the bot tried to log back in it had a pop up "please download the NXT client for enhanced graphics......blahblah....(click here to close)" and it failed to close the dialog and therefore could not log back in. Is there anyway past this? Thanks and I love this fishing bot best
As far as I can tell that error is a client error, the break handler will be rewritten soon as we know that it is actually not that great at this stage.
Is there a eta for an update for minnows??
Aug 5, 2017
Also having an issue at fishing guild where the bot often goes to the far deck to catch 1-5 sharks then will return to the deck near the bank and repeat. The logs don't seem to be any different then normal and the xp/gp gains don't seem much effected. My only worry is the botlikeness to that movement that I may be reported by legitimate players.