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Prime Agility [Deleted]

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Apr 3, 2017
i see one problem more: seers village, it does 1 obstacle, but then it clicks too fast on other obstalce and its stuck for like 5 seconds because he detects himself not moving so after 5 secs he clicks again. give it a bit of delay when it clicks on other obstalce so it doesnt get stuck, so it runs the course flawlessly no stuck.
hey man i pmed you gif about marks of grace issue, it happens randomly and not 247. i havent got the delay issue on gif yet but check rpivate message
Dec 31, 2015
Guru updated Prime Agility with a new update entry:

Prime Agility v1.3.1 Released!

Prime Agility updated to v1.3.1.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Prime Agility v1.3.1 has been released, visit: Prime Agility for more information.

This includes many fixes and efficiency updates, not to mention that now the teleportation on seers final course is not sped up.

Additionally please note: More antiban and player sense has been added for any courses with multiple selection of obstacles to choose from next (E.G Falador third from last obstacle) it will choose one based off your account settings.

Sep 28, 2016
its not a big deal cuz its the first course, but it got stuck and just kept right clicking the obstacle like the 3rd time around gnome agility course, right before the tunnel, the last obstacle.
Dec 31, 2015
its not a big deal cuz its the first course, but it got stuck and just kept right clicking the obstacle like the 3rd time around gnome agility course, right before the tunnel, the last obstacle.
So after the net but when trying to select a tunnel it got stuck? Will investigate :)
its not a big deal cuz its the first course, but it got stuck and just kept right clicking the obstacle like the 3rd time around gnome agility course, right before the tunnel, the last obstacle.
Was this with the latest release or was this before?
Apr 8, 2017
Hey the bot appears to get stuck on the al kharid course at the 'Cable' obsticle. The bot doesnt seem to make any attempt to click the 'Cable'

Edit: it seems to get stuck on when attempts the 'Walking to cable' action, if you manually click the cable it completes the course and begins it again fine and again gets stuck during the 'Walking to cable' action
Dec 31, 2015
Hey the bot appears to get stuck on the al kharid course at the 'Cable' obsticle. The bot doesnt seem to make any attempt to click the 'Cable'
Is that the Swing-across obstacle? Thanks I had a massive overhaul of code recently, so some of the obstacles could be broken. I'll investigate.
Dec 31, 2015
Thanks for the fast turn-around!
Just tested the varrock rooftops and the bot appears to get stuck again on the third obstacle which this time is the bridge made of wood that is on top of the ruined area. It doesn't click to start climbing the climbing wall part of the course.
Perfect, as mentioned before I did a large overhaul so some of this data is off. I'll quickly go fix that now.
Dec 31, 2015
Guru updated Prime Agility with a new update entry:

Prime Agility v1.3.3 Released!

Prime Agility updated to v1.3.3.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thanks for the fast turn-around!
Just tested the varrock rooftops and the bot appears to get stuck again on the third obstacle which this time is the bridge made of wood that is on top of the ruined area. It doesn't click to start climbing the climbing wall part of the course.
Hi, this is now fixed :)
Update coming later tonight - Should have fixed staff of air detection and massively increased xp/hr on camelot course (I'm getting around 51k agility xp per hour with the camelot hard diary)
Sep 28, 2016
can you make it so itll run without food? i have full health and during the varrock course it stopped and said something like "ran out of food, stopped the bott" or no food to continue idk. something like that.
Dec 22, 2015
Bot won't pick up the mark of grace if it spawns on al kharids first obstacle, next to the ropeswing, not sure if it happens anywhere else will let you know
Dec 31, 2015
Bot won't pick up the mark of grace if it spawns on al kharids first obstacle, next to the ropeswing, not sure if it happens anywhere else will let you know
Does it ignore it and continue the course or does it get stuck?
Jun 23, 2015
Does it ignore it and continue the course or does it get stuck?


Gets stuck here, I have to manually hoover over the obstacle with my mouse for the bot to click, happens nearly every single lap.
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